My Sphinx Shaggy got pretty sick last week. He started going off his food, which was unusual as he eats like a ravenous wolf. It got to the point where he was completely off his food, was vomiting and constipated. He was also particularly cranky. This started Tuesday, and I took him to the vet...
Hello everyone! I moved to Los Angeles from Florida this January after a long battle with cancer in 2020. I’ve always wanted a Sphynx kitten, and especially after being bald from chemo, I can relate to them lol! I’m ready to give a sweet little hairless baby a loving home! Any tips, tricks, or...
Hello Sphynx Lair,
This is my first time posting on this forum and would appreciate any advice you may have!
Here is my situation - I had two sphynx cats - Archibald and Aura (both almost 6 years old). My baby girl Aura got ill quite suddenly (she ended up having what the vet's thought was...
Its been a while since I posted. Last night I had to do the most painful and hardest thing ever. As a cat mom and sufferer if depression and chronic illness my precious Donskoy Gizmo was a joy and huge part of my life and my husbands. I adopted him through a rescue site from a owner needing to...
Has anyone heard of Sphynx or any other cats getting cancer from their vaccine site? My 7 year old male Sphynx got a huge tumor on his back, between his shoulders. I've taken him to two vets and both agree that his mass was caused from his vaccination site. He had surgery to have it removed...
im new to so I'm not really sure if this is where I should post this. I'd really appreciate some help and support!
My sphynx is almost 2 years old and he spontaneously developed a pretty big tumor on his front upper right leg...i took him to the vet and its vaccine induced...
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