Hello everyone, my baby is 6 months old and her colour has changed so much. She was chocolate mink until the end of summer, then she starting to get darker, and I really love it, but it surprised me :giggle:. Is that the same for your babies ? Fist pic is on August and the seconde one today :love:
Would you call these colors? Gray girl has faint tabby stripes on her legs, and loads of freckles. Blond on the nose.
The little pink girl also has veeeery faint tabby stripes on her legs, with gray tipped ears and a blond nose. She's impossible to get good pics of
I tried very hard to look at the color guide and I honestly just feel stuupid for not being able to figure it out, so I’m hoping you all can help me
What coloring would you consider my baby to have?
From research when I was first bringing them home I was thinking lavender? But I’m not really sure.
What color is this little guy? He was born thermal. Up to last week he looked lilac, not sure anymore. There is a hint of red. Mom gray, dad seal mink bicolor.
We are getting our first Sphynx baby at the end of march! Babies were born on November 24th :love: .We are trying to decide which baby is for us, the breeder will send individual photos in a couple days. There is one Red male, and all his siblings are black! His mom is a tortie and she...
What color do you guys think my kitten is? He looks like a gray color and I'm trying to figure out what the actual color is called? Also, would anyone be able to guess what his eye color will end up being? He nose is brown and his toe beans are pink
Hi again! This is my 2nd post... I’m trying to decide between 2 kittens and would love some help identifying what the coloration is!
Here’s a photo of her :)
We had three babies born 12.5 weeks ago. The boy was definitely black when he arrived, one lilac girl and the other girl a warm dark gray color with stripes, almost like a tabby (which I read blue's look like when born). As the boy grew he became lighter in color so now he's the same shade as...
Hello! We are soon to be Sphynx owners. We are so excited and have been waiting months! We are first on the waitlist. From what I gather the parents are healthy but do not have genetic screening and health guarentees for offspring. The kittens will not be papered but will come with vaccines and...
I've typed the first sentence of this thread about a dozen times, not quite sure how to start it, so here goes... I have 2 black Sphynx kittens coming home in a few weeks, and in the photos I've been sent, they just look grey... I'm honestly just ignorant about a lot things Sphynx, one being...
Hello my name is Shannon and my boyfriend and I just recently put a deposit down on a beautiful 4wk old girl. Obviously we can't bring her home for a few weeks but I am curious about her markings and that she is quite fuzzy ( a lot more than I expected) her parents are Canadian sphynx and I got...
Hello! I am a Sphynx mom of 2 but recently my oldest has past away. And we are waiting on the arrival of our new baby,Steve. My question is about her eyes the breeder who has her sent me a picture of her today and I have never seen eye like this before. Is this just a transition stage to green...
I am by no means an expert on anything but I do find genetics very interesting and have done a ton of research on sphynx colors and patterns. I thought it might be helpful to have a thread where people can ask their color questions and we can try to figure out the answers as a group. Hopefully...
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