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  1. Anita Eccleston

    His he hiding it ???

    hi everyone , when Bagins as finished eating he paws around his bowl , like he is covering it ( like if he was covering his wee wee or poop ) Do you think in his mind he is hiding what bit he leaves until later ? He was skin and bone when he arrived ! My vet said it was possible he was the...
  2. Anita Eccleston

    New bed for me whoop whoop !!!

    Hello everyone ! Momma bought me a new bed because Mr Bagins kept jumping on the top of my other one ( sometimes I was even in side !! I say with a longggg sigh ) I must say it is a really nice new bed very well padded , and much bigger than the other ! But the other was comfy when just I was...
  3. Anita Eccleston

    Breeders uk side of the pond

    hi there I was wondering do we have any uk breeders on our forum ? Or any uk members who know of good breeders ? I’ve search the sites here and most have to come from Poland , I missed out on one then found another , but they wanted a bank transfer wouldn’t accept payment via Paypal though I did...