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  1. JadeSphynx

    Can I do good here?

    Hey! So I’m a hairless kitty momma of two. they are the absolute joys of my life. I have always been insanely allergic to cats and these little hairless babies allowed me to fulfill my dream of having a cat. My girl is spayed, but my boy is not as I have been letting the breeder continue to...
  2. Gesundheit

    Anxiety, depression, and education

    I used to be super active in several online forums; particularly the Sphynxlair and Librarything. I'm easing back in here, and stumbling like hell trying to settle back on LT. I still automatically type that URL every other day when I forget which site I wanted to go to (the struggle of a...
  3. Mr Wilson Vs Avocado

    Mr Wilson Vs Avocado

    I have made my research and Avocado itself is not toxic, and I am only giving him a little piece once in a while (like one a month), He was so happy with that new food! Priceless! http://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/poison/avocado/