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heart attack

  1. AThirdCat

    The wonderful life and heartbreaking death of my Frankenstein HCM CHF info and records

    3 years ago is when my cat Frankenstein was diagnosed with HOCM (later progressed to HCM) and I began visiting this site looking for all the information I could. It was so helpful in my times of need these past 3 years that I made myself a promise that I would provide all the information I had...
  2. lynda hollis

    Damnit Nalah!!!

    So today I got home about 7pm to see the UPS man in front of my door. . . which surprised me because of how late it was. However, I was happy to see him because I knew he had the meat grinder I ordered to make food for Nalah. The Tasin TS 108. I asked him if he needed me to sign for the...