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litter robot

  1. M

    Litter Box Issues

    I’m in need of some litter recommendations. I have two girls one is five months old and the other is a year and a half. I have 3 litter boxes one of which is a litter robot. I’m using worlds best in the litter robot and the other two boxes have pine pellets and the breeze box pellets. My...
  2. A

    litter robot - clay litter?

    hi everyone! I just have a question for anyone who has the litter robot or uses clay litter. So I have a 9 month old sphynx and I was always told that clay litter was bad for cats so I have my baby on pine litter and he seems to really love it and we love it too. But we are strongly considering...
  3. E

    Litter choice to use with litter robot

    Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster. Just got my nekkid baby a month ago and finally picked up a litter robot. In looking at the directions, it says you can use crystal litter or clumping. I’m hoping for feedback about which litter is better. My baby (chyle) sometimes has pretty soft...
  4. Nicolemorgan

    Litter Robot FYI

    Hi Canadian Lairians :) Just thought I would mention that Costco.ca has started carrying the Litter Robot III (Open Air). We purchased one in May (not from Costco) and we LOVE it! So do our sphynxes! So I just thought I would mention it as it would be easy to get online from them, and knowing...