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  1. Monica

    Kenzo the Cowboy: Photo

    Texas born & raised, and it shows! This was not staged, we were getting my daughter ready for bed, turned around and there’s he was! He climbed up on his own AND WAS ROCKING! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Puppy-Monkey-Baby for sure! :kiss: Share any unexpected silliness your nakeds do!!
  2. GMPLAX23

    anyone else?

    There have been a few times where I couldn't find Tut in the house. *CUE ANXIETY* and panic sets in and I'm running around the house screaming Tut...TUT! and of course no meow to signal where he is. Then I rack my brain how could he be gone? I check his favorite spots, pat down the blankets on...