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lump on kitten

  1. MamaCosma

    Swollen lmyph node maybe???

    Hello! New sphynx momma here! Just got my boy 3 days ago, and I am a worrier, so naturally I am freaking out a little bit. He is 14 weeks old, has a vet appointment booked for his last set of vaccines in a couple weeks, but I have just noticed this (new?) bit of loose skin on one side of his...
  2. Caffi

    Kitten has

    Hellou, I have this ongoing battle with kittens skin. She first didn't have any lumps or bumps but they seem to come more and more often. I was thinking these marks come from rough play with other kitten so I started to clip their nails more often while these appear on the shoulders, neck and...
  3. BluesMummy

    Cyst on my baby's neck ???

    Hi I was wondering if anyone knows what this is on my 12 week old baby's neck ?? He's been home with us for a week now & I noticed it today. It's the size of a pea & I can move it around under his skin. He's not bothered by it at all, he's eating, drinking, playing & going to the toilet fine...