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  1. T

    Bruce and Nala need a good home right away*** Wyaconda, MO

    My babies are my world but I’ve fallen on hard times and I want them to be well taken care of. Bruce is 9 and Nala is 4 and they are both fixed. They may need shot as it’s been 2 or 3 years since they’ve had any but they are both extremely healthy and very well behaved. We have had no issues...
  2. Dallassummer

    Overweight Sphynx

    Well.. Simba is almost 15 pounds! Nala is about 7. They both have the midriff sag. I don't want Simba to get any bigger. I can't take away their food and portion it right now because I live with my mom and she has her own cats. She wouldn't go for it. Right there they free feed on Wellness Core...