Welcome to Sphynxlair! Connect with Sphynx owners & enthusiasts around the world!

new cat

  1. Viennetta, the prettiest princess at the party ✨️

    Viennetta, the prettiest princess at the party ✨️

    Newly adopted Viennetta in her pretty purple dress
  2. Henrysmom

    Hello! Introducing Henry the Nudist

    Hello my name is Ashley and I became a new cat mom in February. This is my first time raising a cat.....first time really being around any cat lol. I'm soooooo loving being Henry's mom. My baby has grown so much in the last 8 months. Why didn't anyone tell me the kitten stage goes by so quick...
  3. Jotunnhime

    Help how to introduce my sphynx to the new cat!

    Hiii, my names Hessah and my sphynx is named Zuko. He turned 1 year old last Saturday on the 13th, I got him when he was 3 months old and ever since then it's been just him and me. My sister who lives in the same house as me recently adopted a cat, they have not seen each other but we swapped...
  4. mochiwhitegirl

    New adult with signs of infection

    I adopted an adult female sphynx just yesterday and she is a lovable doll. However, she's been keeping sneezing, snoring, and having discharges from her eyes and nose. She's showing her third eyelid and I'm not sure is that a sign of infection or she's just asleep. To me, she seems like...
  5. Janusz

    New addition- stressed?

    Hello- I just got another sphynx from a breeder I got my other sphynx from. She is 2.5 years old. We will have her only a week tomorrow. We have another furry cat and a dog. My question is...should I correct her behavior if she lashes out at the other animals. She is odd...one minute she is...
  6. beccerzz11

    Just got a kitty!!

    Hi there!!! I am Becca and I'm brand new -- just put a payment on a kitten today! I'm planning on registering him as emotional support and I am really REALLY excited. I've wanted a sphynx for years. He's coming in January when I have the month off to settle him in. :) I wanted to ask advice...
  7. SarahShambles

    SOS cat introductions

    hey guys! I thought I’d reach out on day 4 I’m so stressed out! Church my 5 yo is just not accepting the new kitty Luna. He is getting so stressed out and I’m struggling to keep them apart in our 1 bed flat easily and it’s stressing me out also! I feel like locking them away and having one in...
  8. SarahShambles

    New baby!

    Hi guys! The time has come for us to get a new baby! Deposit is down and we collect her end of next week!!!! Just after some tips how to get church used to her after 5 years of being an old child is this going to stress him? Also any tips you guys can give me in general buying what to ask/look...
  9. J

    Is my house too cold to adopt a sphynx?

    Hello there! I am new to the forums and hopefully soon to be a new sphynx cat owner. Ny boy friend and I have been researching the breed and even visiting cats for a while now and feel ready to adopt. My only concern is that the house we are renting is rather poorly insulated. Winter has hit...
  10. Sammicarkeys

    Well.. he's home!

    I brought home Leon yesterday. 3 months old. Sweet as can be. He is already litter trained, as I saw him use the litter box with the breeder. I walked him around. I showed him the litter box and put him in there. I showed him where his food and water is. I taught him how to get on the bed...
  11. carly gail

    Bringing a new cat into home with Sphynx

    Hi all! My Baldwin is about 5 months old, and doing very well! He is very social, loving, playful, and happy. In about 10 days, we have a roommate moving in to our house who will be bringing her cat along. Her cat is a little over a year, a male tabby. She says he is very friendly and has a...
  12. Sphynxingit

    New Kitten Introduction Question

    I'm trying to introduce a new 4-month-old girl kitten to a 9-month-old boy kitten. I purchased a 44" high pet gate that broke as soon as I tried to set it up. The good news is that the company I purchased it from gave me a full refund. The bad news is that I am now gateless or barrierless. I...
  13. Izzy

    Hello from Leeds, UK!

    Two days ago my fiance and I picked Elliot up as an early birthday present for her. The previous owner didn't have time to give him the fuss he needed and wasn't providing a normal diet (tuna in brine, ham and cows milk 3 times a day!). He weighs 1.5kg, is tiny and is 11 months old, but he's...
  14. Maddie Anderson

    kitty breeder did me dirty

    My entire into the sphynx world was a bumpy start. I spent more than two months in contact with a breeder who seem selfless. She saw I was a college student looking an emotional support cat. All I have is anxiety but anyone who has gone to college knows stress here is unavoidable. She cut me a...
  15. A

    Maz is scared of our new cat...

    So, my hubs and I have had Maz for about 4 months, and she has settled in really well, and is super snuggly and sweet/ridiculous. She seemed to be getting lonely with no other kitties around, so we rescued a male cat and picked him up on Sunday. Maz is 1 1/2 old, and VERY petite, and our new...
  16. Skins95

    Brand New Here, And So is This Little Man!

    So My name is Gabby and I am brand spanking new to the Sphynx world. Recently I've began my college journey, and am well into the second semester :) My family and I (mainly myself) have decided to get a little companion for me. It's been years since we've had a cat around the house, and a sphynx...
  17. IcarusTowers

    The Flight of Icarus (comes home 2nd Feb!)

    Howdie.... My name's Shiggi and I'm due to get my little boy - Icarus on Monday 2nd February here in London, UK. The breeder has been ridiculously amazing! She's been keeping me up to date with his well being and vaccines and vet visits as well as loads of gorgeous pictures of him with his...
  18. JadelikesSphynx

    New cat questions! Help please.

    Hi. I have just got a new Sphynx who is a little over 1. His previous household had 4 other cats. While I have only a Boston Terrier, who is hyper but is behaving absolutely amazing towards the cat. Sure he jumps in his face some times but other than that, he is very well behaved. Anyway, I have...
  19. ilovedex87

    Getting ready for a move.. help

    We are getting ready to move back into my Dad's house temporarily in order to save money to buy our own house, as opposed to renting. We've had our one year old sphynx Dexter for almost a year now, and this whole time he has had our apt all to himself. Well when we move back to my Dad's he has a...
  20. oslosphynx

    Our new baby!

    Hi everybody, greetings from Oslo - Norway! I'm new here. Brand new lairian and brand new baby Sphynx owner. At least I will be in little over 3 weeks. Can't wait!! My boyfriend and I are still searching for names, but we don't seem to agree on it just yet. o_OIt's a girl. :love: To be honest...
  21. Cat Thompson

    Help! Bringing a new sphynx into my small one sphynx household~

    Hi everyone! My name is Cat and I currently have one two year old sphynx Cat Luminara (loving, lots of energy, slight only child/diva but not bad) and I am considering bringing a 9 month old male sphynx on. I have read many articles online about how to introduce them, but I feel sphynx cats are...
  22. Annie

    Runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing?

    Hi, I am a brand new Sphynx owner and I am honestly a nervous wreck. I am so in love with my new baby boy, and I want to make sure he is as happy and healthy as he can be. I've only had him for 2 days now, and tomorrow is his vet appointment. When I picked him up Sunday evening the breeder said...
  23. J

    Am I Suitable For A Sphynx in the Future?

    Hello you lucky and lovely people of Sphynxlair! I am in need of your judgement to see if I am suitable to own a Sphynx cat in the future when I get my own place. So this is going to be short so I don't happen to bore people. * I am 21 years old, I've always lived with furry cats my entire life...