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  1. C

    Having a sphynx as a midnight shift nurse?

    Hi, I'm a nurse that works the midnight shift (7p-7a) x3 days a week. I've read that sphynx cats don't like being alone especially for long periods of time and I can't afford 2 cats. I'm really interested in owning a sphynx cat but I don't want to adopt one at the expense of it's happiness. Does...
  2. Gesundheit

    "Nurses Playing Cards" Kickstarter (6 days left!)

    My mother-in-law is a hospice nurse. My father began his military career as a medic. My grandmother was a CNA until she retired after a knee surgery (then tried to go back, but decided against on a rather rotten technicality dealt to her), so I'd love to see this make its way into the mainstream!