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  1. Yana and Osiris

    Cat can't chew kibble and hard snacks without a reason

    We have been to our vet this morning, but want to gather more information regarding teeth roots issues. The temperature, gums, tonsils are in the norm and doc has a suspicion it's his tooth root is aching. But she was also sure Osi is absolutely healthy. We got meloxicam (a painkiller) and is...
  2. OlgaMaria

    Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome (FOPS)

    Hello fellow sphynx lovers! Unfortunately, Olga has been in pain lately. She keeps chattering (shaking her jaw) and had reduced her food intake which is extremely unlike her. We took her to the vet and she thinks she might be having FOPs or feline orofacial pain syndrome which is a neurological...
  3. JojoCatMama

    Kinked/Compressed Tail

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all an update of Merlin and Tansy. Both kittens have been doing great, except that on Sunday we noticed Merlin had a sizable lump on his tail. Feeling it, it was hard and I guessed some sort of fracture or maybe a hard abscess. Hubby took him to the vet...
  4. Wrinklestiltskin

    Kitty Cat Arthritis

    Miss Kitty is a healthy, fairly active (for her age) 14 year old sphynx. We have had our share of health situations through the years, but all have been managed over time and she is doing very well. She recently had radioiodine treatment (I-131) for hyperthyroid and is now cured. However...