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sphynx problem

  1. AlbertoMp3

    Skin changes

    Hi all my baby Juno is two years old she a month or two ago started having this weird rash on her chest and neck and legs. It’s not raised and or bumpy or dry or flakey, or red or open. she does not over groom spots and she does not seem in any distress and is eating and drinking just the same...
  2. paulmighty69

    skin problem on 3yr old sealpoint sphynx. Need advice

    hello so yesterday the cat was fine. I get home today and find large inflammatory patches on his belly. And just noticed a small spot on 1 of our females back hind quarter. We have a second female who has a litter of 6 who is not affected and neither are any of the kittens i will attack pics so...