Hello All!
My 1 year old sphynx kitten was recently diagnosed with CoronaVirus. I am waiting on more test results to pick up the paper work. I am looking for a specialist that can help my kitty. Sadly I looked up the breeder that I purchased my sphynx from and I found two reviews from the time...
indigo sphynx
please help
specialist veterinarians
specialist vets
vetchoicehelpsuggestionkittenhealthchoicevet in fort lauderdale
vet in miami
vet in south florida
Hi Sphynx family!
As I get ready for my arrival, I am getting more and more things together. This will be my first kitten that is just mine and not a family pet. Now that ive moved out and am ready for the responsibility!
One thing still on my list is choosing a vet. I have a few choices but...
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