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2 yo potty trained cat poos&pees elsewhere but litter box


Mar 11, 2010
hi friends! yeah, its us again! We moved a week ago. I was so glad when we got her that she is 2 years old and litter box trained and so when we got her we still was at my husband's parents house. I got her sweet litter box the one with little door and closed from the top so she'd have privacy, seamed she loved it because she went there right away and have been using it since. We stayed at the house for a week and moved to the apt. And now I see poops on the carpet every other day and pee too. At first I thought it's our doggy Jack. You know because of stress of moving, new place, new grass ect. But then I saw Zoe peeing on the piece of plastic i left on the floor cuz I was painting walls. She pooped there. I took her there and made her smell it and said no-no -no then I peted her and put in her litter box and said she is a good girl wen she goes there. I clean it every other day. Every time i clean I see obvious signs she uses it daily. So I thought to myself that one time was just an accident maybe. Then yesterday I saw another poo n pee on the pee-pee pad, thought it was JAck because I know he knows if he needs to go when we are gone he can do his business on the pad...well I didnt know who did it so i just cleaned it up. Was hoping that was few times thing..but today came home, saw another poo, pee on the pad, in another room poo. Cleaned it. And then while I was doing smt in one room I saw Zoe going into another, I sneaked on her and saw she was doing that thing like digging, trying to cover what ever she just did and I saw her pee on the carpet. :Angry: I just dont know what the hell is wrong with her or Jack. Is it the stress of moving or they just paying back that we leaving them for a while alone. I dont know what to think or do! I know that they both (Jack is 1yo, Zoe is 2 yo) house broken and we do everything to make them feel comfortable...:Cry:
What could it be with Zoe?


Jan 16, 2010
I would have her checked for a URI. Have you changed litters or the cat box? Also maybe try taking the lid off of the litter box, my Snuffie's box has the lid and door on it but she won't use it if I have it on. I had to take it off and she's been fine ever since. Goodluck,,I hope you find an answer soon!


Mar 11, 2010
I would have her checked for a URI. Have you changed litters or the cat box? Also maybe try taking the lid off of the litter box, my Snuffie's box has the lid and door on it but she won't use it if I have it on. I had to take it off and she's been fine ever since. Goodluck,,I hope you find an answer soon!

i breafly read about it..where she could of get it so fast. do you think breeder didnt tell me she has it if it is what it is?! i thought she liked the litter box...i'll try to take it off. thank you!


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Mar 30, 2009
If she carries on doing it, have her checked for an infection (I would imagine these can come on very quickly, so she could have got one since you've moved.)

Do you know what type of litter and litter box she was using before. Try her with the same brands that the breeder used.

She's moved to a strange place and may not be totally sure where her litterbox is. I would be tempted to keep her in one area (a bathroom or a bedroom) for a few days so that she is near to her litterbox and can get used to where it is.

Have you been cleaning the area where she's going to the bathroom with an enzyme cleaner. It will really help hide the scent and stop her going in or near the same spots again.

Good luck.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
Since she was using the ox before you moved my guess is going to be that who ever lived in the place you just moved to had a cat that went potty on the floor, if not cleaned properly Zoe can still smell this and thinks that it is ok for her to go there. I would do a good clean on the entire floor and then as hard as it will be put Zoe in one room with her litter box until she starts going in it.
Marinka when you tell a story it makes me chuckle :BigSmile: I just keep thinking of the car ride you had with the windows up :Wink:


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
May 13, 2010
The peeing on plastic can be a sign of a urinary infection. Sometimes peeing on a cool feeling surface can soothe external irritation as she squats.

If you are using the same box and litter that Zoe was using before you moved I would keep her in one room with teh box for a day or two. Maybe the new place with all the new smells are too much to take in all at once.

I also recommend the ezymatic cleaner where Zoe and Jack have peed/pooed. They could very well be smelling where other animals have gone before. I'm not sure how expensive would be to do all the floors.

Good luck.


Mar 11, 2010
havingalook - thank you! i took the top part of litter box last night to see if that will help. and all day she has been going in the litter box. when i asked breeder about kitty litter she said the one i got it perfectly fine, its Fresh Step. I will def keep an eye on her and see if she continues doing that will def have to go to the vet. Fingers crossed she is not sick :(

ilovemysphynx - yeah, i know that prob 3 or 4 years ago there was a cat in this apt (its my husband's father building so i know who lived here before)..thats crazy if it is what it is...4 years and smeel could be still noticeable to a cat!! hahah the car drive was def one of a kind lol

MissMySphynxBoys - oh gosh...i hope she is not having that. i will keep in eye on her litter behavior, and she 100% knows where the box is and like i said i took the lid off so hopefully she will feel more comfortable going in there now. fingers crossed my girl is not sick. I'll keep you guys updated.

Thank you for your advice! xxx


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
Sounds like you got great advice already, so am just saying I feel your frustration. They have so many rules,don't they?