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5 years old, weird breathing very worried


Jun 1, 2020
Final update on little Penny,

Unfortunately after a month of doing very well on meds, becoming super active and enjoying life he passed away last night due to a saddle thrombus.
I will share my story just to potentially raise any awareness for other owners.

He took all 3 of medications every night, and was very well on it. He was supposed to head back to the vet soon for a kidney check and echo but he did not make it. I came back from university this weekend and its like he waited for me. When I returned his breathing was at a 35, which is okay but not great. I figured since he was heading to the vet again soon it would be okay. Then last night 2/1, he finished eating his food before letting out 3 coughs. They were distinctively those 'heart failure coughs' that sound like deep popping. He had never done this before. I rushed to him and found his legs not working again. After laying him in his bed I hoped maybe it would pass after a few minutes since this had happened before but I quickly realized that was not the case. Our emergency vet was 20 minutes away so we drove as fast as we could. He started screaming in the car and was freaking out I can't imagine the pain. We got him there they gave him oxygen and pain medicine but told us the pain medicine was not helping much. I honestly thought he was going to pass on the way there, I have rarely heard of cats with a saddle thrombus making it there but he did. He was stable just in pain and not oxygen dependent. They said they could've tried stuff to dislodge the clot but it would involve hospitalization and with the nature of HCM I just made the call to let him pass, that way it was peaceful at the vet and not a traumatic death at home. He is such a fighter, surviving that 20 minute journey and another 2+ hours at the vet what a trooper. His breathing became so crunchy and congested it was truly horrible. He was tossing and turning cause of the discomfort so I let them use as much sedative as possible so he could just go in a nice sleep. Penny was only 5 years old and tested negative for genetic HCM. As much as I love this breed I cannot say I will ever own another one, and to definitely be wary because something is up in this breed when it comes to this horrible disease. His vet suspected his condition to be early stage in mild and even with anti clotting medication the chance is unfortunately never 0 for a saddle thrombus.

Please hug all your babies tighter tonight and I want to thank everyone for all the support through Penny's short but great resilient fight with HCM.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know you feel gutted. Keep the best memories closest to your heart.

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Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Pennyluv ((squeeze hugs)) teary eyed here. sweet Penny waited for you. I am so very sorry your baby warrior Penny got his angel wings. To be their voice with wings of dignity and peace is the most heartfelt selfless act of love. I know too well. here for you.

PM me anytime for extra hug, support, an ear to listen. I share in the immeasurable hurt with the loss of my Yodagirl with a clot .It's been a decade and I always try to remember the love, not the loss. Then lost my Yodaman to HCM too. Now on the journey with Tobylove, it's so damn scary and unfair. Penny only knew the best of love and care with your caring heart and love, and that is everything.

"Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am….forever and ever and ever."
-author unknown

Remember the love, soo much love. lighting a candle for Penny . run free with both my Yoda girl and Yodaman . holding you in my thoughts for your devastating loss. I know there are no right words. please know we are here for you. rest easy sweet Penny. You live in hearts forever and ever.
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V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 14, 2014
I am so sorry to read your post about Penny. My heart is breaking for you, you gave him all you could . All too many of us have lost our beloved companions to HCM. My Wison lost his fight at 9 years old in June 2023. You fought hard for him, be kind to yourself and take things a day at a time. Sending you hugs across the miles


Aug 14, 2012
I know how hard you loved him, and how hard you fought for him. Sounds like he fought for you, too, by waiting for you to come home. I'm so sorry.


Jun 1, 2020

I took some pictures of little Penny on an old digicam my dad gave to me. (Old digital cameras from the 2000s are popular again right now) and I thought I would share some of these photos from Penny sunbathing during the cold Texas December :)
He inherited his signature RBF, straight from his mom! She had the exact same face as him. That sunny spot by the door was one of his favorites along with the door in that green carpeted room.
We are probably going to decorate around his urn with some of these, I highly recommend getting any kind of camera out new or retro and taking some cuties with your babies. I had a feeling during December these would be some of the last cute photos I would take of him so I really took a lot and tried to enjoy it. Although looking back I wish I had given him a good bath first.
Thanks for all the love,


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011

I took some pictures of little Penny on an old digicam my dad gave to me. (Old digital cameras from the 2000s are popular again right now) and I thought I would share some of these photos from Penny sunbathing during the cold Texas December :)
He inherited his signature RBF, straight from his mom! She had the exact same face as him. That sunny spot by the door was one of his favorites along with the door in that green carpeted room.
We are probably going to decorate around his urn with some of these, I highly recommend getting any kind of camera out new or retro and taking some cuties with your babies. I had a feeling during December these would be some of the last cute photos I would take of him so I really took a lot and tried to enjoy it. Although looking back I wish I had given him a good bath first.
Thanks for all the love,

I have found photography to be my hobby for a few years now….have been challenged with some on-going eye issues and yet have tried to stay steadfast using my phone for pics over my camera and know no regrets. I love making memories.

So glad you captured your baby every chance you could…the beat goes on.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Pennyluv , awh. very heartfelt and special to have precious Penny photos. I am trying to take as many too with my crew, especially Tobylove with HCM/CHF ,lump on face. I have to dig out my digital as my phone has little memory left and no SD card slot. (reminder when I ever save up for a new phone to check for sd card slot option). I have my good ole standby red sony digital . Our photos and yours of Penny are precious. I don't spa day bath mine for photos, we live in the moment, and snap photos in that moment in time. Tobylove with his med history full bathing too much stress for him.

when you can, please share pics. ** a tip if it shows file too large to attach on your post, is to take a screenshot and share. let us know if you need assistance uploading photos.

Penny was surely blessed with soo much love. Hold the precious of moments closest to heart. here for you.