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- Apr 13, 2023
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I got my baby boy Beerus over 4 months ago and ever since then he's been having medical issues. First it was an upper respiratory infection, did a culture and found he had bordetella and mycoplasma. He had to be on antibiotics for over a month as the mycoplasma is very difficult to get rid of and kept coming back. The last time he showed more URI symptoms the vet says to use an antibiotic eye drop as it was mainly in the eye area and doesn't wanna give him more oral ones for now due to his young age. Since getting him he's had some bouts of soft stool with blood in it from time to time. The antibiotics probally didn't help and he gets super stressed going to the vet which doesn't help either. A probiotic paste helped for a while but after he's been off of that it's been on and off again. Over a week ago I got him neutered, and ever since then he's had even more issues. Because of the sedation he got super agitated and was running around trying to get cone off and hit his face pretty hard that caused the right side of his pupil to be an uneven size that scared the crap out of me. That part resolved itself with more eye drops. But his bloody diarrhea got worse after neuter, I called the vet and they said it can be from the pain meds and after he was off of it it got better again. Then after a week I noticed one day his energy level being a bit lower than normal and he's been less enthusiastic about eating and eating more slowly and chewing on his left side only. I check his mouth and found a red swollen bump on his upper lip above the canine. Took him to the vet the next day and they said it is a called a "rodent ulcer". It's an autoimmune response and can happen when they are very stressed which he was for the past couple of weeks. But its not usually painful and the vet pointed out to me that one of his back upper teeth is growing and digging into his lower inner lip which is probally why he didnt want to eat on that side. For this issue the vet told me to just keep monitoring as they grow it can get better. Regarding the ulcer, the vet said that he could have a food allergy as cats that get this usually have a food allergy associated with it, and the bloody diarrhea can also be from food allergy as well. He doesn't have any skin issue though and doesn't seem itchy at all. The vet told me to switch him to a novel protein of rabbit and I have been feeding him this food and nothing else for the past 2 days, he seemed to not mind the new food the first day, but today he is refusing to eat it even if I mix it with his old food. He's quite a picky eater and only likes poultry which sucks because that's the no. 1 food allergen for cats. And the past 2 days since he's been on the rabbit food, the bloody diarrhea has gotten worse. I don't know if it's just residually there, or from being stressed again from going to vet, or switching the food too fast (vet told me if he's okay with eating it off the bat then no need to mix it with old food), it just got worse is all I know. I gave him his old food (Fromm brand chicken and duck patte) today and he's eating it like how he's used to, I just don't wanna keep forcing something he doesn't like and get him more stressed or have him just not eat and lower his immune system more. The ulcer thing looks to be the same size and vet told me to just look out for it and if it gets worse then need to give steroid shot to fix it but don't want to do that if absolutely necessary as steroids will also lower immune system.
I am now wondering if it's something else such as a parasite like giardia, or it's just stress induced, or IBS, or all of the above. His little body has been thru so much in these short few month, he hasn't even received his full kitten shots yet as he keeps getting sick with something that interferes with it. It just feels like this cycle that keep happening, he gets stressed and gets sick, but going to the vet makes him the most stressed out of anything as he's never stressed at home, and it just keeps repeating. And I don't even know if his URI is completely gone yet, he got a blood test before the neuter and everything looked fine but his white blood cell is only a little bit high which the vet told me is normal since he just got over an infection. I don't really know what to do anymore I feel like every decision makes things worse, I have brought him to the vet 6 times in the past 4 months 3 of those times are in the past 2 weeks as things kept coming up. I called the vet and told them about the food and how the diarrhea got worse and if I should bring in a poop sample to test for parasites. I just wanna know if anyone else has dealt with this before, it feels like he's got all the medical issues a sphynx cat could get. And now I'm so worried and paranoid that he's gonna get the heart condition too. He was born with his left ear bent down, he has no issues with hearing or anything, it just grew that way. I think its very cute and endearing but I'm worried if that's a sign that he didn't grow well and his organ and other systems are messed up. I tried contacting the breeder, but what worries me more and made me more paranoid is that 2 weeks after I got him, the breeders website has gone down, she stopped posting on IG, and when I tried to call her and email her and text her she doesn't respond. I initially picked her because she was the most responsive of all the breeders to my questions and concerns and seemed really genuine in wanting the best for the kittens. She seemed really knowledgeable and legit at the beginning, but after I took him home, shes been responding less and less and not even doing what the contract agreement said. She was suppose to pay for the vaccines and neuter and I just had to bring him the clinic she works with. But everytime I call the clinic they say she hasn't paid yet and I can't come in because she needs to pay for them first, I got so frustrated that I just told her that I'll bring her to the vet I usually go to because he was over due for shots. Ever since then she has pretty much ghosted me. I dont think its a kitten mill situation, she shown me photos of them and they lived in her house and looked well cared for. So now I'm worried I picked a bad breeder and my baby is gonna be sick forever. I'm sorry for the long rant, I've just been so stressed out over all this, I love him so much and I feel so guilty that he's having so many health issues and I don't know how to fix it or what to do.
Any experience or advice would be so appreciated!!!
I am now wondering if it's something else such as a parasite like giardia, or it's just stress induced, or IBS, or all of the above. His little body has been thru so much in these short few month, he hasn't even received his full kitten shots yet as he keeps getting sick with something that interferes with it. It just feels like this cycle that keep happening, he gets stressed and gets sick, but going to the vet makes him the most stressed out of anything as he's never stressed at home, and it just keeps repeating. And I don't even know if his URI is completely gone yet, he got a blood test before the neuter and everything looked fine but his white blood cell is only a little bit high which the vet told me is normal since he just got over an infection. I don't really know what to do anymore I feel like every decision makes things worse, I have brought him to the vet 6 times in the past 4 months 3 of those times are in the past 2 weeks as things kept coming up. I called the vet and told them about the food and how the diarrhea got worse and if I should bring in a poop sample to test for parasites. I just wanna know if anyone else has dealt with this before, it feels like he's got all the medical issues a sphynx cat could get. And now I'm so worried and paranoid that he's gonna get the heart condition too. He was born with his left ear bent down, he has no issues with hearing or anything, it just grew that way. I think its very cute and endearing but I'm worried if that's a sign that he didn't grow well and his organ and other systems are messed up. I tried contacting the breeder, but what worries me more and made me more paranoid is that 2 weeks after I got him, the breeders website has gone down, she stopped posting on IG, and when I tried to call her and email her and text her she doesn't respond. I initially picked her because she was the most responsive of all the breeders to my questions and concerns and seemed really genuine in wanting the best for the kittens. She seemed really knowledgeable and legit at the beginning, but after I took him home, shes been responding less and less and not even doing what the contract agreement said. She was suppose to pay for the vaccines and neuter and I just had to bring him the clinic she works with. But everytime I call the clinic they say she hasn't paid yet and I can't come in because she needs to pay for them first, I got so frustrated that I just told her that I'll bring her to the vet I usually go to because he was over due for shots. Ever since then she has pretty much ghosted me. I dont think its a kitten mill situation, she shown me photos of them and they lived in her house and looked well cared for. So now I'm worried I picked a bad breeder and my baby is gonna be sick forever. I'm sorry for the long rant, I've just been so stressed out over all this, I love him so much and I feel so guilty that he's having so many health issues and I don't know how to fix it or what to do.
Any experience or advice would be so appreciated!!!