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A Goat, not a Cat


Dec 30, 2009
Hi, We have owned a Sphynx now for 4 years this month. We should have known something was odd about this cat, Cleopatra, because almost 1 year to the day we got her she was having exploratory surgery done, to the tune of almost $3,200, as to why she was having digestive issues. It turns out she had an irritated stomach, or IBS, as the vet could not find any blockages or anything that would cause her to bloat up, etc. Well, since then she has been eating Dick Van Patton's Duck & Green Pea food and things have been tolerable since then. We just have to watch he closely as she will eat just about anything she can get her mouth on. I have never seen a cat like this. I swear she is a goat. She has fresh water and food in her bowl. However, do you think she will drink from her water bowl? Well, she does about 10% of the time. The rest of the time I am chasing her away from the toilet bowls on the off chance we forgot and left the toilet seat up, or she is in the kitchen sink drinking water that is in the dirty dishes in the sink. We have two cats and guess what? Cleo is the only cat who gets up on the counters...every single night. She also will eat her food and 7 out of 10 times she will throw most of it up later on. And, this is good, because it used ot be about 10 out of 10 times until we switched to the Duck & Green Pea food. Anyone else have a cat like this..a goat? One who throws up all the time? We have never had a cat as friendly as Cleo and we love her to death but ....what a "issues" cat she is. Any comments or advice is appreciated as our vet has no idea other than to say Cleo has a sensitive stomach, etc.


May 4, 2009
Hi amkazen, welcome to the forum!!

Our member, Pitrottmommy can speak a lot more on this topic than I can, because she also has a kitty with IBS and has dealt with the same issues and solved them! So, while we wait for her to pipe in... have you considered switching Cleo to a raw food diet? There have been studies that have shown how raw rabbit specifically benefits cats with IBD.

Here's an interesting link to a study conducted by the Winn Feline Foundation. Scroll down about halfway to get to the part about the raw rabbit study if you don't want to read the entire article.

I know pitrottmommy will have a lot more helpful/hopeful information for you, or other things to try if raw is not an option for you.

Best of luck!


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Mar 7, 2009
Hi Amkazen, welcome to the site!!
I can't talk much about the IBS although my female cat Bayleigh does have a sensitive stomach. She is also what I call a "licker". She'll lick anything & everything! She LOVES to chew paper goods such as napkins, paper towels, toilet paper and especially toilet paper and kleenex. All of those things are kept in cupboards now :Woo: She'll also lick the floor a lot and seems to favor carpeting. I have to vaccuum often because I worry she'll choke on something. She licks pens, pencils, hand lotion, etc. My solution for her licking is just to be SUPER careful about what's around the house and to keep a close eye on her. If I had a buck for everytime I yelled, "What are you eating?" I'd be able to pay her vet bills easily LOL


May 28, 2009
Brooke started you out in the right direction. One of my cats, Baldwin, was diagnosed with IBS a little over a year ago. His brother, Buck, whom I adopted this past June showed the same signs (although he was never tested) and responded to the same treatment and dietary change that Baldwin did. We currently have them on raw rabbit. And they are doing awesome.

IBS is much, much more than just a "sensitive stomach". And, believe it or not, it's not uncommon in this breed. Many cats suffer through GI problems, it's whether or not the owners choose to pursue treatments that allow them to live their lives normally, without a huge amount of GI upset due to chronic diarrhea, gas, cramping, etc. It sounds like the Duck & GP is working pretty well for Cleo. It does make me wonder, however, if she does not have the condition known as "Pica", which is essentially where animals eat (or try to eat) anything they can get their teeth on. She may be lacking something in her diet that is lending to these symptoms, as Pica is often secondary to a deficiency in the diet (not that her food shouldn't cover it, but some cats are more specific in their needs than a food can provide). Have you mentioned her behavior to your vet?

Many cats also prefer toilet and sink water to that of water bowls. Have you tried investing in a fountain or leaving the bathtub faucet dripping for her?


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Dec 9, 2009
My sphynx Abby is like a goat....she goes on to the counter all the time! she eats anything....and i mean anything...i have to watch her constantly as well....:Hysterical: but....i love her so much! :BigSmile: Welcome to Sphynxy lair:ThumbsUp: and i'm sorry for your little kitty and the IBS


Dec 30, 2009
Thanks for the reply. I will look into the raw food diet soon. And, also into Pica. The vet is aware of her behavior but can't seem to find anything wrong with her. And, the vet in my family (my sister in a different state) does not know what is wrong with her either unless she can do a complete work-up in her office. Week-long visits do not allow her time to do anything other than a cursory examination as she does not have any of her equipment with her, plus she does not want to work a whole lot....she is on vacation, after all! Plus, her area of expertise is equine not domestic cat. At least I know Cleo's behavior is not unusual in this breed. Do your cats also have coughing/hacking/dry heaves fits? Cleo does. And, yes, if I had a penny for every time I chase Cleo off the counter or ask her what she is eating or trying to eat I would be a rich man. Thanks again, I will keep you posted.


May 28, 2009
At least I know Cleo's behavior is not unusual in this breed.

I think the main thing to note here is that Pica is not common amongst the breed...the breed is simply a very curious one.

My own 8.5# sphynx, Baldwin, was caught dragging a 12# bag of duck wings down our hallway today...and had almost made it under our bed with his spoils.

It stands to be said that this breed needs a monitor with them at all times. :LOL:


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jul 5, 2009
I think the main thing to note here is that Pica is not common amongst the breed...the breed is simply a very curious one.

My own 8.5# sphynx, Baldwin, was caught dragging a 12# bag of duck wings down our hallway today...and had almost made it under our bed with his spoils.

It stands to be said that this breed needs a monitor with them at all times. :LOL:

I just caused quite a stir in my house as I had a good hard laugh a the idea of Baldwin dragging the wings down the hall!!!! I can totally picture my Mr. Blackwell doing this!:LOL::LOL::LOL:

Sam lewis

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 8, 2009
Mo has a lot of problems with what the vet thinks is IBS, he's tried a lot of different foods and meds but he really only responds to a small daily dose of antibiotics and a low allergen food. But still has ups and downs! It's very frustrating and I've also spent a lot of time at the vets trying to find solutions.