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Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 3, 2013
Hello all! I know I've been absent for awhile, busy busy finishing school.

Everything had been pretty good except for this one problem I cant seem to shake. I've had Simba now for five years, Nala for four years. All, in all, they get along reasonably well. They chase each other, cuddle, lick each other, share food etc.
I'd say for the past six months or so there has been this weird behavior going on between them two I can't get them to stop. It usually starts with Nala minding her own business; she likes to sleep in various corners. Simba will randomly lunge on top of her and bite her neck, hard. Nala then proceeds to run away, hissing and yelling at him. He chases her, swatting. She hisses and yells more. It usually ends with Dan or I yelling at Simba to stop, or Nala gets away. Lately, he's been doing this about three times a day. I'm starting to worry about Nala, not that Simba would injure her badly, but that her personality will be tainted.
Simba normally is a laid back cat, he loves attention, cuddles and playing fetch. He loves to be center of attention and always by a human. He has never ever shown aggression before, and still only does in this manner only. Simba came from a "backyard breeder" situation, where, it was many many sphynxs and one large bowl of food. They all crawled on top of each other to eat and I have feelings Simba didn't always make it because he was the runt and very small. He was about two and a half months old.
Nala is a more independent type. She likes to sleep in her own areas and come out for love on her terms.She still loves to cuddle at night. She loves to lick and give kisses. Nala came from a good upbringing and breeder, I got her when she was six months old.
I've observed this behavior in smaller mannerisms over the past year or two as well. Examples:
-If Nala is laying in a spot Simba wants to lay, he will literally go and just sit on her, she will hiss and move. (Simba is 13lbs, Nala is 6.5lbs)
-If Simba wants Nala's food, he will just go over her and eat it.
-Simba can be lovingly grooming Nala, and she will randomly hiss, smack him and leave. Sometimes she will be loving it for ten minutes then randomly reacts that way.
-When I give Nala and Simba a treat, Nala runs away with hers so Simba won't steal it.
Nala most of the time is submissive and just yells and hisses at Simba. Sometimes though, she gets him back and I find her chasing him down the house and lunging and biting him. I also yell at her.
No cat has ever been injured, usually just a tooth mark and maybe a bruise twice. Never torn skin or anything. At first it seemed like pecking order type play, but this has been going on for so long I am getting sick of it. It's become daily. 90% of the time it is Simba who starts it.

Things I've tried already:
-Yelling at them to stop when I see it (usually works if I yell about three times)
-Taking the one who is doing the chasing and picking them up mid-chase and spraying them with the air can.
-Biting them back lightly right after I witness them bite the other.
-Putting shirts on them both; shirts seem to turn my kitties into chill, sleeping machines. It's like they don't want to move anymore and just give up and sleep. I'm not sure if this is a calming affect or if they don't like shirts. They do run when they see one in my hands.
- I do shirt them both when we are not home to prevent this behavior. I've NEVER had it happen when they are shirted. They won't run, the shirt is too "in the way" I guess.

My problem is, a shirt is a temporary band-aid to my issue. I take their shirts off when I get home, because who wants to be a shirt all day? It also perplexes me because after one of these episodes, they can be licking each other and grooming one another peacefully an hour later.
My latest idea is adding another cat, a kitten. To even the playing field. I fostered a kitten a few weeks ago. Simba and the kitten played well and it distracted Simba from Nala. But when the kitten found its permanent home the behaviors started again. I do not know if I should get a male or female kitten. A male to kind of peck over Simba and play with him to be his equal. OR a female to be Nala's companion and level out the playing field. Nala is far less social then Simba. I've been leaning toward a male for this reason. The kitten we fostered was a male.

I'm really at a loss. Re-homing is out of the question. These two are my babies, and I am determined to fix this. Sorry for the long post, but I really wanted to put out all the information. Here's a photo to put the faces to the names,


  • SimbaNala.jpg
    72.7 KB · Views: 54
  • Simba14.jpg
    178.7 KB · Views: 57
  • Nala14.jpg
    143.9 KB · Views: 49


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
Have you tried Feliway diffusers? Gosh they are gorgeous and I am happy you are reaching out and rehoming is not an option....kudos to you. It sounds like they have a natural pecking order/hierarchy thing going on. The diffusers might help with this. Do they have lots of vertical space to get up in cat trees and shelves etc? @Dallassummer



Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 3, 2013
I've tried those diffusers and I feel like they changed nothing personally. The kitties have a cat tree, the couches, my tall bed, the spare room is practically all theirs. Lots of windows and stuff. There is no like track on the walls of anything though. Sometimes I do wonder if Simba is bored.

Hairless Blessing

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2010
Have they both been fixed? They have calming collars that
work for 30 days. They are cheap. I wouldn't advise leaving
a shirt on them while they are home alone. It's very dangerous.
They can hang themselves. I understand your reason for it
But I wouldn't. Do you play with them together?
Trying to tire them out. Th da bird is a big hit her
But, you could get something else. I would feed them
and either watch that he's not getting her food.
Or put him in a room to eat his.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 23, 2012
Leo does the *EXACT* same thing to Molly daily. She is on the heat vent (there are multiple on the same floor), he walks over and jumps on her to get the spot. He jumps on her first, then if she doesn't move he will bite her neck. If he is still hungry, he will walk over to her bowl and just push her out of it. The random attacking he does to her (chasing her, jumping on her) means that he wants to play and she doesn't. Don't get me wrong, 95% of the time they are best buddies. Just if she is hissing, it is always him who is the source of it.

We found that when he goes after her, picking up the laser pointer and waving it around a bit is enough to distract him. He just has boundless energy and she is more content to curl up or cuddle.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Mar 30, 2014
Sounds like there needs to be some sort of peace treaty between your kitties. The shirts could be giving the cats a sense of relief. This is the same idea behind thunder shirts. I know they do make them for cats. I know that adding another cat can add another aspect and can help. However, I don't know if this is what your kitties need. It may add more tension. I would do some research on cat aggression. These things seem to stay the same for a long time then "all a sudden" one day things go off the charts. Someone could get hurt. I would still try to use the defusers. Also, I would contact your vet. Maybe it would help Simba to be on some sort of anxiety medication. Best of luck!

Aggression Between Cats in Your Household


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Mar 10, 2014
Sending hugs.

It could be that Simba just has a tonne of energy built up and needs to let it loose.

Max and Min are delightful together unless one or the other has a burst of energy that makes them fixate on the other. About once a week or every two weeks they seem to battle it out and I just let it happen. In the end, neither seem to win or lose -- it's a weird stalemate. Having said all that, your situation seems more intense.

Could Simba just need more interaction from humans? Sounds like Nala just can't give THAT much play play energy.


Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
Sending hugs. Lot of good suggestions already given. My boy Ross has a lot of energy. When he can get rid of his energy he goes pester and beat up Toa or Jade. It's not as worse as Simba does, there's never hissing. But that makes me think it can be an energy issue for Simba too.

Maybe try an automatic laser light? Or other toys to keep him busy?


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Nov 18, 2016
You said there were many cats and one bowl?Maybe Simba didn't get enough of it and now he thinks Nala is one of the cats he used to live with.He's fighting her to show her who's the dominant one around the house


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 3, 2013
I'm pretty confident it is a pecking order/dominance type behavior. I'm not sure if this is because I have a female and male. I keep going back and forth if it is more beneficial to get a 2nd male or 2nd female. I have a deposit on a kitten, but they are not born yet; therefore, I have not decided.