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Agressive behavior


Jul 30, 2021
Hey everyone.
I'm back once agai. W some trouble
Decided to make a mew post cuz the behavior has escalated.

Our 2yo girl Saoirse has began showing agression and we are clueless. It's been going of for a week or 2 and she's never done this before.
We read article after article, and they all say the same and don't fully apply to our little demon.

I play w her twice a day for 15 minutes. After her food at 16h and at 22h.
We play after her food since she doesn't want to play before cuz she just wants the food asap.

In the evening she does not calm down anymore after her playtime w me. She's super high energy and seems rly on edge. Tail swinging etc.
And she'll start to try get into stuff she shouldn't. We ignore all we can and eventually she'll come to us and maybe groom a bit and then stare at us, tail swinging and attack us.
She'll go for the face if she can. It's usually like a grab and smack and then fall off again. If we hold up our arm to protect our face she'll grab and bite the arm and it's getting harder and harder. She drew some blood yesterday...

One evening we tried to ignore all the attacks aswell, turning our backs to her etc, and after a while she calmed down and came over to sit under a blanket even.

But we don't always stay up that late so when we are moving our stuff to the bedroom, have the whole sleepy routine. She'll linger around, watch from inside her boxes.
And also come and attack our legs sometimes.

When she does she'll do a weird meow and swinging tail. Sometimes ears flat.

Just now im at my laptoo for work and she'll walk in front of me and sit on the laptop, so i gotta scoot her over or pick her up and put her on the ground, and then she'll start to stare at me from the tavle at eye height and attack.
I left the room.
Go back and sit down. She comes running, meowing. Jumps on the table, bites my hand, so i got away again, and then she meows a bit it the hall and waits.
Rinse and repeat.

I can't tell if this is frustration/redirected aggression or play aggression.

It feels like both a bit.
The example of the laptop is me having to correct her and she gets mad ab it?
But i can't just let her do whatever she wants, right???
The evening feels like she's full of energy and can't calm down?

Some sites say to redirect the behavior w a toy. But tossing a toy, wouldnt that be sort of "rewarding" the behavior? That's the least I'd want.

I can't decide if the playtime in the evening is good or not. Cuz on one hand i don't want it to be the cause of her being all rilled up. But on the other hand, i want her to get rhe energy out in a not naughty way.

I'm scared that the longer this drags on, the harder it'll be for her to stop this behavior.

Im so lost.
We tried so many things. Idk what else...
If only i knew what exactly caused this


Jul 30, 2021
Went back to the table again w the laptop and she instantly jumps up to sit on the laptop. pushing her off makes it worse but i cant let her keep doing that!
I thy to ignore it but then she comes to bite my fingers again
These bites aren't hard. But it's not ok!
If i were to just pull away my hand from the soft bite, i know she'd come back for a harder one...

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Rens , oh my heart. been there with my "toby love" brat teenager time. he would leap off the dresser at me huffing n puffing. for him neutering and age he out grew it. he was aggressive for a couple of weeks after his neuter. I read anesthesia can make them wonky for a little bit after.

I recall you said she was spayed?? if so , how long ago? I would personally reach out to the vet, wellness check. even show a video/take with cell phone and bring to vet.
behavior changes can be signs of medical like dental problem, thyroid? ( I know dogs can have behavioral / aggressive with thyroid issues.

here for you sweetie. please keep us updated often

Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
Is she spayed?
Did the vet check her health to see she has any pain issues?
Did you try felliway diffuser, the one that calms cats?


Jul 30, 2021
@Rens , oh my heart. been there with my "toby love" brat teenager time. he would leap off the dresser at me huffing n puffing. for him neutering and age he out grew it. he was aggressive for a couple of weeks after his neuter. I read anesthesia can make them wonky for a little bit after.

I recall you said she was spayed?? if so , how long ago? I would personally reach out to the vet, wellness check. even show a video/take with cell phone and bring to vet.
behavior changes can be signs of medical like dental problem, thyroid? ( I know dogs can have behavioral / aggressive with thyroid issues.

here for you sweetie. please keep us updated often
Hi again!
Thank you for your replies, it means a lot

She was spayed before we got her, at april 2021, so a bit before that.

She has some trouble w earmites and infections so she has been treated for that a few times. The vet suggested a food change for possible allergies, we're in the middle of the food transition.
But she loves everything so no trouble w food.

Last time we went to the vet for a checkup on her ears was a few weeks ago and they always say she seems healthy.
Ive read that we should try a blood test to make sure there's nothing else. But idk...

Last few days she often seems uneasy at certain times in the afternoon... meowing, never sitting in the same spot long. Not wanting to go back to her warm bed... when usually she could sleep trough the entire afternoon lol.
And if we are at the table she'll come bother us for attention and often bites will follow...

I'm going to call the vet again soon.
Other things i concidered was maybe those feliway things that are supposed to calm your cat but I'm waiting for a vet visit first. Tho i feel bad having to take her there again, she hates it

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Rens, any chance that certain time of day there is in outside cat she can see? sense? my Toby was all hissy fit, I could not figure out why.. turns out he sensed a feral kitten that got in my attic.. he kept twitching hissing and staring at the ceiling.. sure enough, went in attic, saw little foot prints, set a trap and caught a feral kitten! took to no kill shelter.
was just a crazy thing. just wonder if she sees senses a kitty outside?

as for ears, were earmites diagnosed with a slide test? I share bcz some vets not familiar with the breed and their ear gunk bcz they have no hair at ears and can just be normal ear gunk. My toby has grubbier ears so I wipe them out every other day with Trizultra with keto . I wet a cotton round and qtips and gently wipe. I do not actually flush ears. my vet got me hooked on Trizultra w/keto for ears 15+ years ago for my crew of pups and kitties. never a vet visit for ear issues again using the trizultra w/keto , I get online chewy, etc.

I did notice my crews ears used to gunk up faster, and skin oiler when I fed them Acana. switched food and ears and skin just fine now.

my Toby was a baby brat teenager till he was about 2 yrs old. He even hissed and growled at the Feliaway diffusers so I had to get rid of them. works for others but not with my Toby Love. He is a real sensitive kitty to his environment and any changes, rearranging furniture etc he gets cranky with changes.
anything new , different in the household? any cleaning products floor cleaner changes (. swiffer can be dangerous for pets I learned).

Toby was a brat teenager, I used to tell him ah ... "toby have love"... now his nickname "Toby Love" and has never been aggressive attacking again once he got a little older.

keep us updated often. hugs n head smooches to all paws