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Are spagetti o's really worth it?


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jul 18, 2009
I came home last night from staying with my mom, she had her surgery to remove the cancer and i stayed to help her empty her drain and change her dressings, so anyways when i got home all the cats came running to see me except for Tuttles so i hung up my coat and put my things away and i heard Jeff yelling for me and he said he thought Tuttles was dead so i about broke my neck running down the stairs to see what happened and tuttles had his head stuck in a spagetti o's can and then had the can wedged straight up and down under neath my cabinets and i could not get the can out and i could see that he had cut his neck i was sobbing and trying to lift the whole cupboards up so i could get the can out but of course i wasn't strong enough to lift it, it tooks up about 30min to get the can unstuck in a way that wouldn't break his neck and he thank god is very much alive he did have small cuts around his neck and i yelled at my hubby for not making sure the garbage was tied tight enough, that was the scariest thing since Sanura fell inside my oven while it was on, these sphynx cats will be the death of me i know i!


May 4, 2009
I came home last night from staying with my mom, she had her surgery to remove the cancer and i stayed to help her empty her drain and change her dressings, so anyways when i got home all the cats came running to see me except for Tuttles so i hung up my coat and put my things away and i heard Jeff yelling for me and he said he thought Tuttles was dead so i about broke my neck running down the stairs to see what happened and tuttles had his head stuck in a spagetti o's can and then had the can wedged straight up and down under neath my cabinets and i could not get the can out and i could see that he had cut his neck i was sobbing and trying to lift the whole cupboards up so i could get the can out but of course i wasn't strong enough to lift it, it tooks up about 30min to get the can unstuck in a way that wouldn't break his neck and he thank god is very much alive he did have small cuts around his neck and i yelled at my hubby for not making sure the garbage was tied tight enough, that was the scariest thing since Sanura fell inside my oven while it was on, these sphynx cats will be the death of me i know i!

OMG!! OMG!! That must've been so scary! I'm glad he's okay.

That reminds me of a story...my dog, Virgil, used to get into the garbage a lot. Anyway, I got home from work one day, set my stuff down, looked over and the couch was COVERED in blood. Virgil was nowhere in sight. Then I ran into my bedroom to look for him and my bed was also covered in blood. And, there was Virgil just sitting in the corner, looking like he was in trouble and I couldn't figure out what happened. ...until I found the empty tuna can under my bed. He had gotten into the garbage, pulled out the tuna can and cut open his tongue licking it, and then proceeded to lick my couch and lick my bed until the bleeding stopped! It looked like there had been a murder in my house.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Feb 8, 2009
Geez, lovinsphynx, I would have been crying, too, if that had been one of my cats! :Cry: Talk about giving you a scare! I'm SO glad to hear that Tuttles is okay, though.

Fortunately for me, Piglet doesn't care much for people food (except for milk), so she's not one to snatch food off the counters or rummage through the garbage for scraps. And my Siamese cats are far too dignified to be snooping for snacks in the trash...LOL! I guess I'm lucky in that regards, but I still worry when I hear about it happening to someone else. :Sweat:

Sam lewis

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 8, 2009
My God that is awful, does he have a small head? Spagetti tins are quite small arn't they? He must of really wedged it in that tin! Poor little love, glad he's ok. Mo got in my oven the other day and bought a sausage out. Luckly the oven was not on and was only warm.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jul 25, 2009
That is awful. My heard started racing as I was reading it. Thank goodness he is ok. I'm sure that's the last thing you needed to come home to after caring for your mom. I hope she is doing ok and takes well to the treatment.


May 28, 2009
I came home last night from staying with my mom, she had her surgery to remove the cancer and i stayed to help her empty her drain and change her dressings, so anyways when i got home all the cats came running to see me except for Tuttles so i hung up my coat and put my things away and i heard Jeff yelling for me and he said he thought Tuttles was dead so i about broke my neck running down the stairs to see what happened and tuttles had his head stuck in a spagetti o's can and then had the can wedged straight up and down under neath my cabinets and i could not get the can out and i could see that he had cut his neck i was sobbing and trying to lift the whole cupboards up so i could get the can out but of course i wasn't strong enough to lift it, it tooks up about 30min to get the can unstuck in a way that wouldn't break his neck and he thank god is very much alive he did have small cuts around his neck and i yelled at my hubby for not making sure the garbage was tied tight enough, that was the scariest thing since Sanura fell inside my oven while it was on, these sphynx cats will be the death of me i know i!

This is the precise reason that we keep two bricks in the bottom of our trash can and a heavy pot on top of it.

I figure if the falling of the trash can or being smashed over the head with a pan doesn't knock them unconscious or scare the living crap out of them---they deserve whatever they're after in the trash. lol.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jul 18, 2009
By the way, how is your Mom??

My mom is doing very well, she is having a hard time getting around since the surgery but the doctor seems to think that he got all of the cancer and the lymph nodes it was lying on top of she needs to have radiation therapy but he thinks she will be just fine!!! i sure hope so.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
Wow so glad you got his head out! What A ding dong. And leave it to A husband to just continue what they are doing and leave the poor cat stuck.

Glad everything went well with your mom. You just keep your chin up, I know taking care of that drain can be A bit overwhelming I did it with hubby's grandmother, and when the doctor first showed me what to do I was like :Surprise: . But all went well after the first time I was just a little shaky.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
May 22, 2009
OMG my heart sank reading this....I’m glad everything is ok. Scrotie is getting more curious by the day. He is the only cat that figured out how to open the cupboard where the food is and it is baby locked :Dizzy:(his genius worries me)


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Mar 8, 2009
Kramer will do anything for those things! AS soon as the can gets opened he starts screaming!


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
I came home last night from staying with my mom, she had her surgery to remove the cancer and i stayed to help her empty her drain and change her dressings, so anyways when i got home all the cats came running to see me except for Tuttles so i hung up my coat and put my things away and i heard Jeff yelling for me and he said he thought Tuttles was dead so i about broke my neck running down the stairs to see what happened and tuttles had his head stuck in a spagetti o's can and then had the can wedged straight up and down under neath my cabinets and i could not get the can out and i could see that he had cut his neck i was sobbing and trying to lift the whole cupboards up so i could get the can out but of course i wasn't strong enough to lift it, it tooks up about 30min to get the can unstuck in a way that wouldn't break his neck and he thank god is very much alive he did have small cuts around his neck and i yelled at my hubby for not making sure the garbage was tied tight enough, that was the scariest thing since Sanura fell inside my oven while it was on, these sphynx cats will be the death of me i know i!

OMG! How terrifying...I feel so bad for you--when it rains, it pours, doesn't it? I would've had a heart attack-- after I saved him. I'm good at the time, but then totally fall apart after. You poor thing! Praying that life gets back to normal soon.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 7, 2009
I am so glad your mom is doing good and that the babies are ok. I swear between the oven and now the can they must have some major angels watching over them:Smile: