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Asthma? Worried about Theo


Dec 17, 2013
My kitty Theo has always had respiratory issues (sneezing, green mucus etc) and vets always seem to blow it off after they run some tests and see his blood work is ok. He's been tested for feline leukemia and FIV. But he's never had a chest X-Ray, which I just called and made an appointment for Monday... after watching videos online and reading a few threads on Sphynx Lair I'm pretty sure he has asthma. He wheezes and coughs while I stand by helpless and try to comfort him and it happens about 3-6 times throughout the week. It sounds like a high-pitched hacking but nothing comes out.

I'm a little extra worried about him today, however. He's acting strange. Does anyone have a kitty with asthma? Do they ever have off days where they don't really want to be touched and seemed like they have difficulty breathing? This is the second time I've seen this with Theo but he's keeping his eyes mostly closed and keeping his head high in the air while he's sleeping, almost like his mouth is a little open. He's not really responsive when I'm around him or very active. He isn't panting or anything too terrifying but breathing does seem to be his issue right now since respiratory issues are usually his main problem.

I'm hoping I can nip this in the bud on Monday, or any of you have any advice at all on this topic.

P.S. - I've been giving Theo Viralys (L-Lysine) almost daily for a little over a year. It does seem to help some, but these things keep happening!

Thanks all


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
When you say nip it Monday, do you mean a vet check? Video tape any actions you can to share with vet so they can see why you see. Your gut is seldom wrong.



Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
My kitty Theo has always had respiratory issues (sneezing, green mucus etc) and vets always seem to blow it off after they run some tests and see his blood work is ok. He's been tested for feline leukemia and FIV. But he's never had a chest X-Ray, which I just called and made an appointment for Monday... after watching videos online and reading a few threads on Sphynx Lair I'm pretty sure he has asthma. He wheezes and coughs while I stand by helpless and try to comfort him and it happens about 3-6 times throughout the week. It sounds like a high-pitched hacking but nothing comes out.

I'm a little extra worried about him today, however. He's acting strange. Does anyone have a kitty with asthma? Do they ever have off days where they don't really want to be touched and seemed like they have difficulty breathing? This is the second time I've seen this with Theo but he's keeping his eyes mostly closed and keeping his head high in the air while he's sleeping, almost like his mouth is a little open. He's not really responsive when I'm around him or very active. He isn't panting or anything too terrifying but breathing does seem to be his issue right now since respiratory issues are usually his main problem.

I'm hoping I can nip this in the bud on Monday, or any of you have any advice at all on this topic.

P.S. - I've been giving Theo Viralys (L-Lysine) almost daily for a little over a year. It does seem to help some, but these things keep happening!

Thanks all
Here is a thread and some video that have cats having asthma attacks. See if its similar. The thing that concerns me is the green mucus, thats a sign of infection and antibiotics are needed sooner then later, I'm wondering if there are two illness going on here or just one. Can you share a video of an episode with us? You can just upload it to Youtube, Vine or even Instagram and just paste the URL in the thread here on the Lair. Keep us posted on what the vet says, If this vet doesn't give answers your ok with, move onto another vet you feel more confident with. :)