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brownish spots on skin?


Oct 8, 2009
hello everyone! i am a new member but have been reading all sorts of threads and been learning alot!
we have had our sphynx, penelope, for three and a half months now, and we loooove her to death!! she is absolutely the best.
from not too long after we got her and now more recently ive been noticing these brown sort of rash looking things on her skin. she doesnt lick them or scratch at them or anything, so there are no signs of them bothering her at all but they are just very strange and i hope that it isnt some sort of skin condition. she is a very dirty thing, i have to bathe her so often!! but i know that it isnt dirt.
i took a few pictures today and they are a bit blurry (she wouldnt stay still!) but i hope they will help if anyone recognizes what it is!
thank you so much! :BigSmile:


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May 4, 2009
hello everyone! i am a new member but have been reading all sorts of threads and been learning alot!
we have had our sphynx, penelope, for three and a half months now, and we loooove her to death!! she is absolutely the best.
from not too long after we got her and now more recently ive been noticing these brown sort of rash looking things on her skin. she doesnt lick them or scratch at them or anything, so there are no signs of them bothering her at all but they are just very strange and i hope that it isnt some sort of skin condition. she is a very dirty thing, i have to bathe her so often!! but i know that it isnt dirt.
i took a few pictures today and they are a bit blurry (she wouldnt stay still!) but i hope they will help if anyone recognizes what it is!
thank you so much! :BigSmile:

Welcome to the forum! I LOVE Penelope's tabby markings! Those spots on the photos appear to be part of her coloring. My girl Helen has spots on her back legs that look like splatters of mud, but are actually part of her pigment. Let me know if you're interested to see a photo and I'll try to pin her down! :LOL:


Jun 13, 2009
hello everyone! i am a new member but have been reading all sorts of threads and been learning alot!
we have had our sphynx, penelope, for three and a half months now, and we loooove her to death!! she is absolutely the best.
from not too long after we got her and now more recently ive been noticing these brown sort of rash looking things on her skin. she doesnt lick them or scratch at them or anything, so there are no signs of them bothering her at all but they are just very strange and i hope that it isnt some sort of skin condition. she is a very dirty thing, i have to bathe her so often!! but i know that it isnt dirt.
i took a few pictures today and they are a bit blurry (she wouldnt stay still!) but i hope they will help if anyone recognizes what it is!
thank you so much! :BigSmile:

does she seem to be getting more of them and are they getting bigger? When you bathe her do they seem to fade? From the pics it looks like dirt. My kitties are pink and they get that kinda buildup under their necks and their underbellies. And sometimes i can't get them clean. maybe you should try to rub some coconut oil on them and them wipe it off with a clean cloth to see if it's not just a stubborn dirt stain. either way it won't hurt. if that doesn't help maybe you should get it seen by the vet.
She's scrumptious by the way:Laugh:


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
Hi and welcome to Sphynxlair! it does appear to be some stubborn dirt. our female Athena gets this type of look after not having her bath for awhile.:BigSmile:


Mar 29, 2009
Its hard to tell by the pics but it almost looks like her markings.

I agree, from the pictures, it looks like it could just be her pigmentation. When you wash her, do they go away?

Also, do you let her sun herself a lot? I find letting them bask in the sun can cause them to get pigment spots just like people do. The torti and calico girls seem more prone to it than the solid colors.

Hope that helps!


Oct 8, 2009
hmmmmm...well i bathe her pretty often, shes a very oily girl so she is. and when i bathe her she gets clean (although about fifteen minutes later she is black again!) i do the coconut oil things to get the dirt from her nose and bum. i put some on where those spots are and rubbed with a damp cloth, to no avail! i really dont think they are her markings cause they arent the same color or shape as her markings she was born with, but when i touch the spots i dont really feel anything, like its not raised up you know? she is definitely getting more of them, just recently more showed up under her arm and on the side of her belly. you would think if it was some kind of reaction it would be red and irritable? splatters of mud is exactly what it looks like! if it is pigmentation why is it only showing up now? thank all you guys so much im sorry if im a pain i just want to understand my kitty!


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Mar 29, 2009
hmmmmm...well i bathe her pretty often, shes a very oily girl so she is. and when i bathe her she gets clean (although about fifteen minutes later she is black again!) i do the coconut oil things to get the dirt from her nose and bum. i put some on where those spots are and rubbed with a damp cloth, to no avail! i really dont think they are her markings cause they arent the same color or shape as her markings she was born with, but when i touch the spots i dont really feel anything, like its not raised up you know? she is definitely getting more of them, just recently more showed up under her arm and on the side of her belly. you would think if it was some kind of reaction it would be red and irritable? splatters of mud is exactly what it looks like! if it is pigmentation why is it only showing up now? thank all you guys so much im sorry if im a pain i just want to understand my kitty!

Hey There,

You're not a pain, just someone trying to get answers and that's a good thing!!

In the most recent picture you posted, it looks like pigment to me. She looks like she might be a torbie (tabby) and those colors tend to mutate that way.

This is not unusual in sphynx cats. My 3 year old black/white girl just started getting brown "freckles" on her back this summer. I also have a 6 year old blue/cream and white girl who has the same type of markings as your girl.

If it's not raised and it's not coming off, pigment change would be my guess. Just like people, as we age, we get pigment spots, the cats can do. These can also be brought on by sitting in the sun as well as hormone changes. The tabbies tend to get more "motled" looking than the solid or white colored cats.

As for her getting dirty after you bath her, you might try putting a light lotion or oil on her after her bath. This will help restore her skins PH balance and thus reduce her bodies tendancy to produce more oils after you've washed her and stripped them off.

Hope that helps!


May 4, 2009
hmmmmm...well i bathe her pretty often, shes a very oily girl so she is. and when i bathe her she gets clean (although about fifteen minutes later she is black again!) i do the coconut oil things to get the dirt from her nose and bum. i put some on where those spots are and rubbed with a damp cloth, to no avail! i really dont think they are her markings cause they arent the same color or shape as her markings she was born with, but when i touch the spots i dont really feel anything, like its not raised up you know? she is definitely getting more of them, just recently more showed up under her arm and on the side of her belly. you would think if it was some kind of reaction it would be red and irritable? splatters of mud is exactly what it looks like! if it is pigmentation why is it only showing up now? thank all you guys so much im sorry if im a pain i just want to understand my kitty!

Your photo looks exactly like the coloring my girl Helen has on some parts of her skin, and it is definitely part of her Helen's pigmentation. These spots are mostly around her legs and belly. She's registered as a blue tortie and white on her papers (but I think she's actually calico, she's got red spots, too). Like Cyndee said, I've noticed my cat's markings change with age. Walter has recently developed a lot of freckles on his back...

Don't ever feel like a pain here, we love answering sphynx questions!!

By the way, I just bathed one of my boys this morning and he's already filthy again. Some of my guys can go for weeks without a bath but Nelson is a total pig-pen!


Oct 8, 2009
If it's not raised and it's not coming off, pigment change would be my guess. Just like people, as we age, we get pigment spots, the cats can do. These can also be brought on by sitting in the sun as well as hormone changes. The tabbies tend to get more "motled" looking than the solid or white colored cats.

hormone changes...hmm. she was just spayed last week and they've only just this week started popping up all over. maybe thats it? thank you guys. im very excited to learn from all yous!


Mar 29, 2009
hormone changes...hmm. she was just spayed last week and they've only just this week started popping up all over. maybe thats it? thank you guys. im very excited to learn from all yous!

Then I would hazard a guess it's hormone changes if you just had her spayed :) Don't be surprised if she develops more as she ages. My one girl Diggy has them all on the underside of her belly and while it does look like dirt, no amount of scrubbing will take it off! LOL...



Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Sep 8, 2009
George developed dark brown spots on his leg one day. I found out from the vet that they were bruises from him being such a klutz.


Jan 28, 2012
hello everyone! i am a new member but have been reading all sorts of threads and been learning alot!
we have had our sphynx, penelope, for three and a half months now, and we loooove her to death!! she is absolutely the best.
from not too long after we got her and now more recently ive been noticing these brown sort of rash looking things on her skin. she doesnt lick them or scratch at them or anything, so there are no signs of them bothering her at all but they are just very strange and i hope that it isnt some sort of skin condition. she is a very dirty thing, i have to bathe her so often!! but i know that it isnt dirt.
i took a few pictures today and they are a bit blurry (she wouldnt stay still!) but i hope they will help if anyone recognizes what it is!
thank you so much! :BigSmile:
I agree with the hormone theory. My female has had her third litter and after the litter had developed spots all over her belly and legs. This happened both first and second to a lesser degree but they faded away in time.When she was younger she was completely spotless. They seem to come and go in severity but after this litter they seem to be staying. End of her Show Career... but love her just the same! My male also developed some as he grew older,(he is a darker solid black) and one of my kittens, a DARKER one, so melanin must be a factor, has some freckles while my lighter kittens have none at all. Bottom line I say it's all genetics. Not anything to worry about. ,,,^..^,,, ~


Aug 20, 2016
Penelopesaurus did you ever find out what these splotches were? My cat has them too. And it is not markings. It is a skin problem, rash, fungus, something...


Nov 23, 2021
hello everyone! i am a new member but have been reading all sorts of threads and been learning alot!
we have had our sphynx, penelope, for three and a half months now, and we loooove her to death!! she is absolutely the best.
from not too long after we got her and now more recently ive been noticing these brown sort of rash looking things on her skin. she doesnt lick them or scratch at them or anything, so there are no signs of them bothering her at all but they are just very strange and i hope that it isnt some sort of skin condition. she is a very dirty thing, i have to bathe her so often!! but i know that it isnt dirt.
i took a few pictures today and they are a bit blurry (she wouldnt stay still!) but i hope they will help if anyone recognizes what it is!
thank you so much! :BigSmile:
Hi, my sphynx also gets red rash under armpits. I bath him 1x a week and after a day his skin gets brown. I use baby was w oatmael. What to do?

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Mrbiggles123 , hello, welcome. note, this is an older thread. may not get reply from original poster. please do not hesitate to start your own post with any questions.

sharing, for years (works great on armpits) I do inbetween spa day wipe downs a couple of times a week, wetting large swissper cotton pads with trizultra with keto. really gets the brown off. they stay clean for a long time.
used on my crew 4 nearly a decade . I get online allivet, etc.
I also use it to wipe out ears , wetting qtips and small round swissper rounds. (I actually don't flush ears with it, just gently wipe)

I can go a long time between full spa day baths. many of us use exfoliating gloves and Hylyt shampoo ( hypoallergenic, soap free, easy rinse). many shampoos I used before had to be extremely rinsed repeatedly or they would get brown quickly again. switched to hylyt by members recommendations years ago.

look forward to an intro and pics of your baby. can you share a pic in a new thread of your own of his skin rash? some can be sensitive to certain litters , like corn, wheat, or scented litters.

jump in and enjoy this fun friendly bunch. the info center is a great resource as well as the search box top right for specifics.

hugs n head smooches.


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