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Calicivirus, Chlamydia psittaci and Mycoplasma felis


Jun 13, 2009
Some of you may already know that i've been dealing with my Skinner's Giardia and some conjunctivitis. Well, the Giardia is all gone thank goodness and the conjunctivitis seemed to have subsided as well about 2 weeks ago. THEN, about a 5 days ago Skinner felt very warm so i checked his temperature and it was 40.1 degrees Celsius / 104 degrees Fahrenheit. i took him to the vet where they took swabs of his eyes, nose and throat. It turns out that he is positive for Calicivirus, Chlamydia psittaci and Mycoplasma felis. I was wondering if any of you had any experience with this.... i have him on L-Lysine and he's back on the tetracycline for his eyes. Also the vet called and said he's ordering some other drug which i can't remember the name right now.... Skinner's fever has cooled a bit and i'm keeping him separated (yet again) from Pbinky. Pbinky seems ok but his eyes are a bit watery and red. i started him on the tetracycline as well and he's always been on L -Lysine since i brought him home.
I'm so scared and worried for my little Skinner. He's just shy of 4 months and i love him so. He's eating and drinking lots so that is good. i was just wondering if anyone has had to deal with this at all.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
I am so sorry for your little guy:Cry: I have not ever had to deal with this but I do know by being aware and going to the vet your headed in the right direction:ThumbsUp: Warm wishes to him hope he is well soon


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 14, 2009
You want me to ask my Mentor?One of the cats she uses for her breeding program got the Calicivirus from a cat show last May and her poor cat was very sick.
She was put in isolation.
I hope your cat feels better.


Jun 13, 2009
You want me to ask my Mentor?One of the cats she uses for her breeding program got the Calicivirus from a cat show last May and her poor cat was very sick.
She was put in isolation.
I hope your cat feels better.

Yes please, do ask. Skinner isn't doing too badly right now. he's actually running around and his eyes look pretty good. I kept the boys separated for the past 2 days but now it's just impossible. The vet said that it's probably too late anyway as Pbinky has surely contracted the virus as well. My husband brought up the very good point that maybe Skinner caught the virus from Pbinky as it can lay dormant in cats without any outward signs...?? Skinner has had a tough start to life and my husband and i have been doing round the clock nursing care since we brought him home on August 1st. We are just exhausted.
I guess i just want to know if this will be an ongoing problem for us. Will the boys always be sick now? :Sweat:


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 14, 2009
Here is her reply.
She isa sphynx breeder also.

Tell her that we had calici here. The only thing that healed the cats was doxycycline. Keep the cat calm, fed and above all HYRATED. She should notice an improved difference in the cat in about four days. If not go back to the vet.

If she gets rid of the calici and gives her cats great food and wonderful care they should be fine. I wouldn't add more animals to the home though. Or take the cats out to a show.. Or to the vet any more than necessary. All that will add stress and stress makes any illness or compromised immune system worse.

And I agree, it wouldn't help to keep the cats separated. By the time one shows symptoms the other is already exposed.



Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Mar 8, 2009
Some of you may already know that i've been dealing with my Skinner's Giardia and some conjunctivitis. Well, the Giardia is all gone thank goodness and the conjunctivitis seemed to have subsided as well about 2 weeks ago. THEN, about a 5 days ago Skinner felt very warm so i checked his temperature and it was 40.1 degrees Celsius / 104 degrees Fahrenheit. i took him to the vet where they took swabs of his eyes, nose and throat. It turns out that he is positive for Calicivirus, Chlamydia psittaci and Mycoplasma felis. I was wondering if any of you had any experience with this.... i have him on L-Lysine and he's back on the tetracycline for his eyes. Also the vet called and said he's ordering some other drug which i can't remember the name right now.... Skinner's fever has cooled a bit and i'm keeping him separated (yet again) from Pbinky. Pbinky seems ok but his eyes are a bit watery and red. i started him on the tetracycline as well and he's always been on L -Lysine since i brought him home.
I'm so scared and worried for my little Skinner. He's just shy of 4 months and i love him so. He's eating and drinking lots so that is good. i was just wondering if anyone has had to deal with this at all.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

These are all part of the feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) complex which includes a group of viral and bacterial infections (eg feline rhinotracheitis, feline calicivirus) that affect the nose and eyes, manifesting similar symptoms.

Mycoplasmas are different from other bacteria because they do not have a cell wall surrounding and protecting their microscopic bodies. Basically once the cat becomes infected the Mycoplasma attach to the red blood cells, once the immune system detects the foreign proteins on the blood cells it will start to attack them with antibodies, those cells are then destroyed by the immune system & and removed by the spleen. This is why this disease causes anemia, if many red cells are affected & destroyed the cat will then become anemic.
Generally the Mycoplasma is treated with tetracycline, oxytetracycline, or doxycycline are given for three weeks. It can be transmitted through fleas or ticks, cat bites from an infected cat or from the mother. As it sounds contradictory sometimes they are also given prednisolone to stop the destruction of red blood cells as well.

Calicivirus is basically the "cat flu". They become infected usually by inhaling or swallowing the virus; symptoms usually occur within 2-10 days from exposure. Cats infected with this can be a "carrier" of this disease & show no symptoms for years. This is treated with antibiotics as well along with making sure the cat is eating, nasal passages are clear, cleaning eyes as needed &obviously keeping the cat quiet &warm.

Chlamydia is also known as feline pneumonitis. The major symptom is conjunctivitis which is an abnormal eye discharge due to inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane lining the inside of the eyelid. The infection can also cause nasal discharge, sneezing, and pneumonia. If infected cats are left untreated, the infection tends to become chronic, lasting weeks or months. It is transmitted cat to cat. Zithromax is a newer antibiotic that that is highly effective against this and is given once a day for 4 weeks.

Just keep up what you are doing & the antibiotics.


Jun 13, 2009
Here is her reply.
She isa sphynx breeder also.

Tell her that we had calici here. The only thing that healed the cats was doxycycline. Keep the cat calm, fed and above all HYRATED. She should notice an improved difference in the cat in about four days. If not go back to the vet.

If she gets rid of the calici and gives her cats great food and wonderful care they should be fine. I wouldn't add more animals to the home though. Or take the cats out to a show.. Or to the vet any more than necessary. All that will add stress and stress makes any illness or compromised immune system worse.

And I agree, it wouldn't help to keep the cats separated. By the time one shows symptoms the other is already exposed.

Thanks so much for that information. I feel less "alone" knowing that a breeder has dealt with this successfully and that she recommends all that i'm doing for the boys. We don't plan to show our boys in a show (even so they're gorgeous!). We also don't intend to bring in any other animals. If we decide to have children some day...yikes. that might be an issue. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
And i can't keep them separated anymore. I think it's stressing them more to not be aloud in certain parts of the house as well, Pbinky is now showing signs of being unwell. I spoke to my vet and he will be ordering the doxycycline for Pbinky as well. I'm also going to start Pbinky on the Amoxil that was prescribed for Skinner as they precautionary antibiotic to ward off any other bacteria that may attack while he's immune system is down. I will get more from the vet tomorrow so that there is enough for both of them.
Thanks so much for the help. I'm feeling less panicky now. I've also stopped my crying too. Sounds silly but before we brought Skinner home, Pbinky was healthy and robust. Because of my greediness of wanting another kitty my Pbinky is sick now. First with the Giardia that Skinner brought home with him and now this.... i feel so guilty for exposing Pbinky to all this. I just hope he'll be healthy again soon. I feel terrible. Both the boys are getting an abundance of love... i've even taken almost a whole month off work to take care of them, first the giardia and now this. I love them so much.


Jun 13, 2009
These are all part of the feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) complex which includes a group of viral and bacterial infections (eg feline rhinotracheitis, feline calicivirus) that affect the nose and eyes, manifesting similar symptoms.

Mycoplasmas are different from other bacteria because they do not have a cell wall surrounding and protecting their microscopic bodies. Basically once the cat becomes infected the Mycoplasma attach to the red blood cells, once the immune system detects the foreign proteins on the blood cells it will start to attack them with antibodies, those cells are then destroyed by the immune system & and removed by the spleen. This is why this disease causes anemia, if many red cells are affected & destroyed the cat will then become anemic.
Generally the Mycoplasma is treated with tetracycline, oxytetracycline, or doxycycline are given for three weeks. It can be transmitted through fleas or ticks, cat bites from an infected cat or from the mother. As it sounds contradictory sometimes they are also given prednisolone to stop the destruction of red blood cells as well.

Calicivirus is basically the "cat flu". They become infected usually by inhaling or swallowing the virus; symptoms usually occur within 2-10 days from exposure. Cats infected with this can be a "carrier" of this disease & show no symptoms for years. This is treated with antibiotics as well along with making sure the cat is eating, nasal passages are clear, cleaning eyes as needed &obviously keeping the cat quiet &warm.

Chlamydia is also known as feline pneumonitis. The major symptom is conjunctivitis which is an abnormal eye discharge due to inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane lining the inside of the eyelid. The infection can also cause nasal discharge, sneezing, and pneumonia. If infected cats are left untreated, the infection tends to become chronic, lasting weeks or months. It is transmitted cat to cat. Zithromax is a newer antibiotic that that is highly effective against this and is given once a day for 4 weeks.

Just keep up what you are doing & the antibiotics.

Thanks so much for this information. I've been reading stuff on the net but some of it is so round about and a bit complicated. You've really given me a better understanding of all this. Thank you! Also, i must add that Skinner had blood work done before the DNA test for URI viruses and the red blood cell count was slightly low.... that explains a lot.
Thanks you so much, we are starting the boys on doxycycline as soon as the vet gets it in his office. should be in a day or two.

Thanks so much, i don't know what i would do without all this wonderful support!:Smile:


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 14, 2009
It is not your fault.
You were not greedy wanted another cat.
Things happen when you get a new cat.
It happened to my cats before.
My Mentors cat got sick from a cat show.
I hope your cats will be well soon.
My mentor was very upset when her girl got sick.'She thought she was going to lose her but it turned out ok.


May 4, 2009
Aw, Mews2Much is right, please don't beat yourself up over this! You shouldn't feel guilty and you were definitely NOT being greedy for getting another cat. Remind yourself that sphynxes love companionship, and that getting a second kitty for Pbinky to play with was a good thing! You could never have planned for this to happen, and you're doing everything you can to make it right.

Keep your chin up! We're all pulling for you and Pbinky and Skinner. Trust me, I know how hard it is to have a sick pet, and feeling like there's nothing you can do, and feeling like you are at the end of your rope. Hang in there.

I'll be keeping Pbinky and Skinner in my thoughts and prayers!!


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
Yes everything will pan out just fine! I know it. Dont blame yourself, it will be fine just takes time, give them love and care and they will come through!:ThumbsUp::Laugh::BigSmile:


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
pbinky I feel so bad for you and your little sphynx family but it sure sounds like you and your husband are doing all the right things!:Wink: Don't beat you self up like Brooke said they love companionship and another sphynx is the perfect thing, you had no idea this would happen! Things will get better just keep up on the meds and you guys make sure you get some rest! Kepp us updated on there conditon I send kisses:Kiss:


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Mar 8, 2009
Pbinky - Everything happens for a reason, you got Skinner because you wanted a another companion ... Not because you are greedy. If he was to go to home to someone else he probably wouldn't be getting the care you & your hubby are giving him. Keep us posted on his progress.


Jun 13, 2009
Thanks so much for all your kind words :Smile:
My husband and i are doing all we can for the boys, and we're already at $2000 worth of vet bills since August 1st. We are really giving the boys all the medical attention they need. Skinner has already been to the emergency room 3 times... so even if it's in the middle of the night, Skinner has gotten the care he needed. Pbinky so far is one tough boy. He's showing signs of being sick but only with a bit of a runny nose and somewhat watery eyes. I think i should treat him with the cycle of meds as well. even if he's not as sick as Skinner was. Skinner's fever is gone for the most part. And he runs around the house like a mad man. I do keep them separated for the most part of the day and at night so that they can get rest. Otherwise they would play all day and night and not get the rest they need.
I know that Pbinky needed a companion and i realize that my husband and i are going above and beyond what any other new owner would have done for Skinner.... so i guess Skinner came to us for that reason. Because we will spend the money and give him all the love and care he needs.
Thanks again for all the advice and support. My boys and i are very greatful! I will keep you posted on their condition.