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Oct 7, 2010
OK... So a girl I know thought it was unusual that I am such an animal lover, yet not a vegetarian... Was wondering how many of you out there are vegetarians, vegans, or pescatarians (no "meat", but eat fish).

Call me crazy... but I could never do it.... Love, love, love a good steak :ThumbsUp:


Jan 16, 2010
Im a veggie lover. Most of my meals are 100% veggies. Once a day I eat meat or a protein source and its usually white meat chicken only!! Only fish I eat is "white" fish and shrimp - cooked any style.

I only eat "red" meat about once a month and then its usually only a burger. Steak or a slab of meat (gags) I might eat once a year. I really have to be in the mood and it has to be cooked until its Super dead - like shoe leather! lol

p.s. I do eat chinese and their "mystery" meat on the rare occasion. lol


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Apr 26, 2010
i could never imagine being a vegitarian or any of the above! i also love meat! (not all, but some).... i pretty much eat chicken for most of my (dinner) meals. and honestly, i dont eat many vegitables. the crunch of raw veggies gag me... odd i know!


Aug 25, 2010
I could never be a full vegetarian-- gotta have protein, and I'm not a good cook to learn how to substitute...

I used to only eat white meats and fish, but have added occasional steak back in. I still prefer my turkey (or bison at Ted's Montana Grill) burgers over beef burgers.

Up until last year I hadn't eaten steak or a full serving of red meat in over 13 years. Well, I did once but got sick. Interesting how your body reacts.


Oct 7, 2010
Im a veggie lover. Most of my meals are 100% veggies. Once a day I eat meat or a protein source and its usually white meat chicken only!! Only fish I eat is "white" fish and shrimp - cooked any style.

I only eat "red" meat about once a month and then its usually only a burger. Steak or a slab of meat (gags) I might eat once a year. I really have to be in the mood and it has to be cooked until its Super dead - like shoe leather! lol

p.s. I do eat chinese and their "mystery" meat on the rare occasion. lol

LOLOLOLOL... You HATE my 2 favorite things!!! LOLOLOL

Steak with a warm red center... and Chinese!!! yummmmm :Impish:


Oct 7, 2010
I could never be a full vegetarian-- gotta have protein, and I'm not a good cook to learn how to substitute...

I used to only eat white meats and fish, but have added occasional steak back in. I still prefer my turkey (or bison at Ted's Montana Grill) burgers over beef burgers.

Up until last year I hadn't eaten steak or a full serving of red meat in over 13 years. Well, I did once but got sick. Interesting how your body reacts.

Bison... sounds yummy... "they are like kick a** cows!" LOLOLOLOL (2 1/2 Men)

My favs in Chicago are Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and a small place in the suburbs called Krapil's Steakhouse...

Don't get me wrong though, I eat mostly chicken, turkey, and fish.... but love the occasional steak!


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Oct 16, 2010
I only eat things that lived and had a name.

Nah, it's not that bad but I couldn't go vegetarian. Lived together with a gf who was though. Lots of work prepping food that often wasn't half as good but she didn't mind me eating meat so we often made double, hehe.

And it's nonsense that you can't be a friend of animals and still not be a vegetarian. I love animals but I also realise that we are an organism made for eating food from both growing things and living. Sure we could survive on vegetarian food with no problems but it's not something we are supposed to do. We can if we want to though so all respect to those who chose to.

I say the other way around actually. A vegetarian who is that because he/she wants no animals to be killed for food looks a bit strange choosing a meat eating pet. If you wanna save as many animals as possible from being processed then don't keep a meateater.
"But it has to eat meat!"
"Yes but if you didn't buy it and none like you, fewer would be bred and less cat food made from animals would have to be made by live stock having to go through the process you so much hate."

Everything can be debated from more than one point of view.

To each his own


Oct 18, 2010
I only eat things that lived and had a name.

Nah, it's not that bad but I couldn't go vegetarian. Lived together with a gf who was though. Lots of work prepping food that often wasn't half as good but she didn't mind me eating meat so we often made double, hehe.

And it's nonsense that you can't be a friend of animals and still not be a vegetarian. I love animals but I also realise that we are an organism made for eating food from both growing things and living. Sure we could survive on vegetarian food with no problems but it's not something we are supposed to do. We can if we want to though so all respect to those who chose to.

I say the other way around actually. A vegetarian who is that because he/she wants no animals to be killed for food looks a bit strange choosing a meat eating pet. If you wanna save as many animals as possible from being processed then don't keep a meateater.
"But it has to eat meat!"
"Yes but if you didn't buy it and none like you, fewer would be bred and less cat food made from animals would have to be made by live stock having to go through the process you so much hate."

Everything can be debated from more than one point of view.

To each his own

I did have vegan friends who had vegan dogs, personally I think its going way too far, I can choose and cope fine without eating meat, they can't...
Also, by the same token I should force my friends to be veggie too?
Yes, I am veggie but I am not a vigilante about it!


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
We eat pretty much anything but fish, if we where all veggie I think the kids would move out :Laugh: I can barley get them to eat something good for them once a day.
I do cook steak but mainly in the summer when I can use the grill or if my dad is here to cook it:Wink: That way it is not leather like:Wink: I do have a good filet mignon recipe that I stole from our favorite place, I probably do it a little different but boy is it good.
Filet french onion yummy!


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Oct 16, 2010
I did have vegan friends who had vegan dogs, personally I think its going way too far, I can choose and cope fine without eating meat, they can't...
Also, by the same token I should force my friends to be veggie too?
Yes, I am veggie but I am not a vigilante about it!

My personal view is that you can be vegetarian or not and have a pet who eats meat or not. I don't care either way because you can be a good pet owner no matter what.

I'm saying that just as you could debate that being a pet lover shouldn't have to also make you a vegetarian the other way around could also be said.
It just depends on how you look at it.

People can do what they please as long as they don't hurt anyone or anything. Some militant vegans do think you hurt animals by eating meat though. For a person like that I would argue that keeping a meat eating pet is a contradiction.


Oct 7, 2010
My personal view is that you can be vegetarian or not and have a pet who eats meat or not. I don't care either way because you can be a good pet owner no matter what.

I'm saying that just as you could debate that being a pet lover shouldn't have to also make you a vegetarian the other way around could also be said.
It just depends on how you look at it.

People can do what they please as long as they don't hurt anyone or anything. Some militant vegans do think you hurt animals by eating meat though. For a person like that I would argue that keeping a meat eating pet is a contradiction.

And no offense to vegans... but I do not get the whole not eating eggs or milk.... If there is a vegan out there or anyone knows one, ask them why they can't eat eggs or milk... No animals are killed for those... I'm confused...

And ilovemysphynx... PM me the recipe please!!!!

TotenEngle (Kat) - I love that you admit tou are not a vegetarian... I have met people that say they are vegetarians, but they eat fish. When I question them, they say "fish isn't meat"... Ummmmm... I beg to differ... Meat is flesh of an animal.... Fish may also beg to differ!! LOLOLOLOL


Oct 18, 2010
And no offense to vegans... but I do not get the whole not eating eggs or milk.... If there is a vegan out there or anyone knows one, ask them why they can't eat eggs or milk... No animals are killed for those... I'm confused...

And ilovemysphynx... PM me the recipe please!!!!

TotenEngle (Kat) - I love that you admit tou are not a vegetarian... I have met people that say they are vegetarians, but they eat fish. When I question them, they say "fish isn't meat"... Ummmmm... I beg to differ... Meat is flesh of an animal.... Fish may also beg to differ!! LOLOLOLOL

animals aren't killed in order to produce dairy products, but they are kept in horrific conditions (here, at least!)

I used to do a lot of travelling and I'm not a cheese fan, at which point my food options were painfully limited so I started eating fish, I only buy line caught fish rather than farmed fish as I feel at least they've had a natural life style. My issue is with how the animals are treated and personally I can't see that leads to a very good end product for me to then be eating!
Also, I find it so sad when supermarkets have (for example) whole chickens for £2, kinda turns my stomach to think that the price put on somethings life is so low. But, as I said I'm not on any sort of mission to change all my friends eating habits, its down to personal choice, but in the UK at least the meat choice is appalling!


Mar 25, 2010
I love food. Period. I'm shaped like a circle to prove it. :Wink:

The only foods I won't eat are most offal (organ meat, and the 'leftover' bits), beets and parsnips. Everything else is fair game. :Laugh:

I've enjoyed many 'vegetarian' meals. The only criteria is that it tastes good. But I definitely couldn't live without meat a few times a week!


Oct 7, 2010
animals aren't killed in order to produce dairy products, but they are kept in horrific conditions (here, at least!)

I used to do a lot of travelling and I'm not a cheese fan, at which point my food options were painfully limited so I started eating fish, I only buy line caught fish rather than farmed fish as I feel at least they've had a natural life style. My issue is with how the animals are treated and personally I can't see that leads to a very good end product for me to then be eating!
Also, I find it so sad when supermarkets have (for example) whole chickens for £2, kinda turns my stomach to think that the price put on somethings life is so low. But, as I said I'm not on any sort of mission to change all my friends eating habits, its down to personal choice, but in the UK at least the meat choice is appalling!

Things have gotten much better here if you are willing to spend the money. I only buy organic hormone free milk, organic cage free eggs, and meat from "reputable" butchers... Now I know there is not a guarantee with that... but it's better than buying the "bargain" stuff. I have not totally gone to organic fruits and veges cuz #1- how do you really know they are organic? Cuz the store says so? and #2- they are much more expensive than regular produce. I do go to a produce market that specializes in "local" produce... but who knows??


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
Ilovemysphynx--I would like that recipe too! What restaurarant is it from? I have one of those restaurant recipe cookbooks--I love things from a bunch of different places, but don't ever seem to be able to reproduce them. I ADORE the Pina Colada Coconut Shrimp at Red Lobster.....mmmmmm! Love the spiced rum in the sauce! I also love the hash brown casserole at Country Kitchen and the pulled pork burrito at Qdoba....the blooming onion at OutBack....
Gosh, I LOVE food! I love the Asian Veggie burgers from Morningstar too though...LOL...I am an equal opportunity eater! But could never be a vegetarian..I like meat too much.

Gullivers Keeper

Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Sep 15, 2009
Its tough... The only reason I don't like eating meat is because of the way its treated so we try to buy free range grass fed etc, but its hard to know where it really comes from. You all should watch Food Inc. I do love my steak and burgers!


Apr 2, 2010
I could never do it!

I respect those who can, but I love my steak WAY too much. I do like veggies though, with some meat.....chicken or a nice steak, maybe some fish and rice. Now I'm hungry.......

Alice says "Fish? Yes please?"

I agree with Sianne_and Alice on this one! I respect those who can, and have had an interest in becoming a vegetarian in the past (and I actually have two friends who have been for several years.) But, I know me too well and I could never do it either. I love food! You name it; fruits, veggies, meat, etc....Fish isn't my favorite though. It's all too delicious, I'd have nearly an impossible time giving it up.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
Ilovemysphynx--I would like that recipe too! What restaurarant is it from? I have one of those restaurant recipe cookbooks--I love things from a bunch of different places, but don't ever seem to be able to reproduce them. I ADORE the Pina Colada Coconut Shrimp at Red Lobster.....mmmmmm! Love the spiced rum in the sauce! I also love the hash brown casserole at Country Kitchen and the pulled pork burrito at Qdoba....the blooming onion at OutBack....
Gosh, I LOVE food! I love the Asian Veggie burgers from Morningstar too though...LOL...I am an equal opportunity eater! But could never be a vegetarian..I like meat too much.

I'm with ya Susi! The Recipe is from a local family owed restaurant so it is not a chain so probably won't be in any cook book. It is also where Admin and I got married :Adore: Any way the recipe is
oven on broil and cook filet to your liking
in a pan on stove fry onions with lots and lots of butter, add salt and pepper and a bit of beef broth.
When steak is done smother in the onion mix and then cover with mozzarella cheese stick back in broiler to melt cheese and thats it.:Laugh: It is sooooo goood!


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Sep 30, 2010
I was a "vegetarian" then a "lacto-ovo pesc(y)atarian" for 9 months in 2008 after I read a book called "Skinny B**ch". I was so traumatized by what I read, I was gagging about the thought of meat or milk. It was too restrictive in the beginning so I would only eat certified organic milk/cheese/eggs and wild fish after a few weeks of the vegetarian thing. It was restrictive for me though even will still allowing the other items in, but we managed. After 9 months we went to a Tex Mex restaurant and I caved. Don't know what happened but those ribs smelled so good my mouth was watering. I ate 90% meat 10% other for a good week after that. We eat less meat though since that though. We like the veggie ground "meat" in our tacos for a change, tofu in our stir frys and we love vegetarian Indian food. I couldn't do without meat though. I tried that already. But, each to their own. :BigSmile:


Oct 7, 2010
I'm with ya Susi! The Recipe is from a local family owed restaurant so it is not a chain so probably won't be in any cook book. It is also where Admin and I got married :Adore: Any way the recipe is
oven on broil and cook filet to your liking
in a pan on stove fry onions with lots and lots of butter, add salt and pepper and a bit of beef broth.
When steak is done smother in the onion mix and then cover with mozzarella cheese stick back in broiler to melt cheese and thats it.:Laugh: It is sooooo goood!

Awwwwwww.... Where did you guys get married??


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jan 17, 2010
I was a "vegetarian" then a "lacto-ovo pesc(y)atarian" for 9 months in 2008 after I read a book called "Skinny B**ch". I was so traumatized by what I read, I was gagging about the thought of meat or milk. It was too restrictive in the beginning so I would only eat certified organic milk/cheese/eggs and wild fish after a few weeks of the vegetarian thing. It was restrictive for me though even will still allowing the other items in, but we managed. After 9 months we went to a Tex Mex restaurant and I caved. Don't know what happened but those ribs smelled so good my mouth was watering. I ate 90% meat 10% other for a good week after that. We eat less meat though since that though. We like the veggie ground "meat" in our tacos for a change, tofu in our stir frys and we love vegetarian Indian food. I couldn't do without meat though. I tried that already. But, each to their own. :BigSmile:

I have that book at my new thrift store!!! What is it about? I just glanced at the cover and am thinking now I may have put it in the wrong section!!!


Sep 27, 2010
I could never, ever give up meat! I love steak, ribs, and bacon WAY to much. But I usually buy local, grass fed beef and locally raised chickens. I get my eggs from my grandparents farm and buy most of my veggies from local farmers' markets. We also hunt a lot, so we eat a lot of feral hog, quail, and venison.

When we move, I plan on raising chickens, having our own milk cow, and raising meat rabbits again. Not to mention my garden. What can I say... I love fresh food!