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deep ear cleaning


Sep 23, 2009
I clean Chad's ears only where I can see, but I know he has some deeper down his ears. He digs it out with his claws, so I know it bugs him and I don't want him to hurt himself. I don't want to go in where I can't see because I don't want to hurt him, either. I've sent my vet an e-mail, but I was wondering if any of you Sphynx experts had any ideas???


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
How are you cleaning them? There is that god awful video my husband took of me cleaning Leos ears, have you watched that?
I use the epi-otic on A cotton ball and put the cotton in the ear and squeeze the ear so all the solution get in the ear then I wipe with another cotton ball, it seems to work very well. I have this thing with dirty ears it is one of those thing I can not stand and I am always picking crap out of them:Laugh: Poor cat will curl up on my lap for some love and I start picking, maybe thats why they lay with Admin unless I am asleep:Laugh:


Aug 18, 2009


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
I get it from my vet but I only pay $5 for the large bottle. I buy so much and am always there so I think he gives me A good deal.
It works great for getting all the gunk out.


May 4, 2009
How are you cleaning them? There is that god awful video my husband took of me cleaning Leos ears, have you watched that?
I use the epi-otic on A cotton ball and put the cotton in the ear and squeeze the ear so all the solution get in the ear then I wipe with another cotton ball, it seems to work very well. I have this thing with dirty ears it is one of those thing I can not stand and I am always picking crap out of them:Laugh: Poor cat will curl up on my lap for some love and I start picking, maybe thats why they lay with Admin unless I am asleep:Laugh:

I clean my kids ears the same way - saturate a cotton ball, stick it in the ear and then squeeze and massage the base of the ear with the cotton ball in there. You'll hear all kinds of squishing sounds, and the ear solution is designed to get down in there and break up the dirt and wax. Then take out the cotton ball, turn your head, close your mouth and squint your eyes and let Chad shake his head! After that, use another cotton ball to clean the inside of the ear. Here's where I also use Q-tips but only on the part of the ears I can see, to get the gunk out of the folds that I can't get to with a cotton ball.


May 28, 2009
I clean my kids ears the same way - saturate a cotton ball, stick it in the ear and then squeeze and massage the base of the ear with the cotton ball in there. You'll hear all kinds of squishing sounds, and the ear solution is designed to get down in there and break up the dirt and wax. Then take out the cotton ball, turn your head, close your mouth and squint your eyes and let Chad shake his head! After that, use another cotton ball to clean the inside of the ear. Here's where I also use Q-tips but only on the part of the ears I can see, to get the gunk out of the folds that I can't get to with a cotton ball.

Brooke mentioned something here that is essential to DEEP cleaning within an ear and that is to massage the base once you have the liquid in. It helps to pull the ear away from the head so that you can feel where the cartilage actually ends. Massaging there will help to break up dirt that is deep down (where you cannot see), where just letting ear cleaner rinse over it won't actually break it up. Q-tips CAN be used as long as you can see where you're sticking them, just don't put them into the ear past where you can see.

Also, since you're mentioning your cat digging at his ears, it's wise to have an ear swab evaluation and otoscopic exam performed to ensure you're not battling mites, bacteria, yeast or a foreign body within the ear (which is very common in not only cats but with all companion animals). The aforementioned problems will NOT be resolved by just flushing with Epi-otic, or any other ear cleaner for that matter. Many contain yeast and bacteria killing agents, but it does not work as well as medication that is rx'd for direct use within the ear for either problems. Also, mites require certain medications for treatment and flushing will do little without a miticidal medication. And if your pet has something stuck in his ear...well, consider it like trying to wash a splinter from your finger, the chances are slim (especially once its causing pain).
Nov 26, 2009
I do deep-ear cleaning probably twice a month, generally when B is in the bathtub. I mix up a warm chlorhexidine solution and using a 10cc syringe, plus a cut-off(about 1.5" long) butterfly catheter(the soft tubing that is attached to the syringe, not the needle part) and flush his ears out with that. The chlorhexidine really breaks up anything in there and it comes right out. That plus some QTips and everything is squeaky clean :)

If someone wants a picture of what I'm talking about, I can get one.


Sep 23, 2009
I do deep-ear cleaning probably twice a month, generally when B is in the bathtub. I mix up a warm chlorhexidine solution and using a 10cc syringe, plus a cut-off(about 1.5" long) butterfly catheter(the soft tubing that is attached to the syringe, not the needle part) and flush his ears out with that. The chlorhexidine really breaks up anything in there and it comes right out. That plus some QTips and everything is squeaky clean :)

If someone wants a picture of what I'm talking about, I can get one.

I can get that stuff at work! I'll try it!


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
I do deep-ear cleaning probably twice a month, generally when B is in the bathtub. I mix up a warm chlorhexidine solution and using a 10cc syringe, plus a cut-off(about 1.5" long) butterfly catheter(the soft tubing that is attached to the syringe, not the needle part) and flush his ears out with that. The chlorhexidine really breaks up anything in there and it comes right out. That plus some QTips and everything is squeaky clean :)

If someone wants a picture of what I'm talking about, I can get one.

I know what the syringe and the butterfly tubing are, but what is the chlorhexidine and where would I get it?


May 28, 2009
I know what the syringe and the butterfly tubing are, but what is the chlorhexidine and where would I get it?

It's an antimicrobial cleaner. It comes in scrub and also in a solution. The solution is preferred for ear cleaning.

It's pretty easy to find on the internet and its reasonably priced: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0..._m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0VAX5MJWSKDJYS9B2Z30

It's important to note that some other cleaners that do a better job at fighting yeast than chlorhexadine. In addition, it's on the warning list for Ototoxicity (which essentially means one is at risk of damaging the internal workings of the ear. http://www.vin.com/proceedings/Proceedings.plx?CID=WSAVA2003&PID=6566&O=Generic). That being said, many ear cleaner bases on the market are also on this list. It's important to be aware of the risks, of course, which are likely less than the risk of not cleaning the ears at all.


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
It's an antimicrobial cleaner. It comes in scrub and also in a solution. The solution is preferred for ear cleaning.

It's pretty easy to find on the internet and its reasonably priced: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0..._m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0VAX5MJWSKDJYS9B2Z30

It's important to note that some other cleaners that do a better job at fighting yeast than chlorhexadine. In addition, it's on the warning list for Ototoxicity (which essentially means one is at risk of damaging the internal workings of the ear. http://www.vin.com/proceedings/Proceedings.plx?CID=WSAVA2003&PID=6566&O=Generic). That being said, many ear cleaner bases on the market are also on this list. It's important to be aware of the risks, of course, which are likely less than the risk of not cleaning the ears at all.

I won't get it then....I normally use EpiOtic--what was it that you recommended? Will look back for it...


May 28, 2009
You didn't recommend anything--what do you use, PitRottMommy?

I like Epi-otic, but I don't use it on my own pets because the fragrance bothers me (I guess if you use it enough at work, you're bound to dislike some products). If you like Epi-otic, keep using it. It's a wonderful product. Not that I'm downing chlorhexidine, it's a useful product too.

I, personally, use Triz-EDTA because I like its broad spectrum use for gram postive and, more importantly, gram negative bacterias. Another neat thing about Triz-EDTA is that it can actually reverse the resistance of gram positive antibiotic-resistant bacteria...thus making it susceptible to antibiotics (previously resistant to) and can shorten the length of treatment. Of course, its more purposeful if an oral antibiotic is being given--but you can see why I like staying ahead of the game ;) It also helps to keep the pH of the ear in correct balance.