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eating "world's best litter"?


Nov 21, 2009
Hi! Just wanted to say thanks to all who hang out here, it's a great resource for all those scary and ponder-some events in a little sphynx's life!

Our little walter is doing well in general, we've had him for about 6 weeks now, and mostly he's been normal.

But a few days ago, I noticed he started to make those horrid kitty throw up noises, (like my old furry cat used to make when she had a horrid big hairball!) I checked on him right away, and noticed he was throwing up a bright yellow paste... He had eaten a bunch of his World's Best Cat litter! He threw up about 2 table spoons full of the stuff, and every 3 hours or so that night, he would heave and throw up some yellow frothy liquid.

That was 2 days ago, he's been drinking regular and eating a little, about 1/4 of his normal amount of food, but he's still having these throw up moments..... He was lethargic since this first happened, and only just today seems to be interested in playing like he used to. The litter bad says it's non toxic, so I hope it wont harm him having eaten it!

I don't think he's eaten anymore litter though. His breeder used pine pellets in their litter, but when we brought him home he seemed to hurt his feet or find it difficult/uncomfortable to use, so we switched to WBCL. He was fine for weeks with that until the other day he decided to eat a bunch of it! I've since put some pine pellets mixed into the littler, hopefully the smell/texture will remind him it's not food!

I'm starting him on some lysine to help his immune system, but was wondering if anyone else has had issues with their cat eating the litter and getting sick?


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Sep 8, 2009
I will say that World's Best, Schweat Scoop, and Feline Pine Clumpable are very natural, but boy are they viscous! They really do clump! I scoop out George's box daily and clean the entire thing weekly, and it's hard to get those clumps that are stuck in the sifting litter box. If they clump that much in a litter box, imagine it in your cat's digestive system!


May 28, 2009
That was 2 days ago, he's been drinking regular and eating a little, about 1/4 of his normal amount of food, but he's still having these throw up moments

2 days without eating normally can throw a cat into liver failure.
The fact that he's "been eating a little, about 1/4 of his normal amount" is a sign that something is wrong. It's time to see a vet.

While this particular litter is considered safe (non-toxic because it's corn), it's also a clumping litter. Which does the same thing in the intestines that it does in the litter box, when it becomes wet. I would heavily advise you to have him seen by a veterinarian. If this is a blockage, even partial, his intestines could be compromised. The fact that he's still vomiting is what makes me concerned of a blockage. What might be a cheap visit to the vet today could be $5000 worth of surgery tomorrow.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Sep 8, 2009

2 days without eating normally can throw a cat into liver failure.
The fact that he's "been eating a little, about 1/4 of his normal amount" is a sign that something is wrong. It's time to see a vet.

While this particular litter is considered safe (non-toxic because it's corn), it's also a clumping litter. Which does the same thing in the intestines that it does in the litter box, when it becomes wet. I would heavily advise you to have him seen by a veterinarian. If this is a blockage, even partial, his intestines could be compromised. The fact that he's still vomiting is what makes me concerned of a blockage. What might be a cheap visit to the vet today could be $5000 worth of surgery tomorrow.

I agree 100% Take your kitty to the vet.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Mar 30, 2009

2 days without eating normally can throw a cat into liver failure.
The fact that he's "been eating a little, about 1/4 of his normal amount" is a sign that something is wrong. It's time to see a vet.

While this particular litter is considered safe (non-toxic because it's corn), it's also a clumping litter. Which does the same thing in the intestines that it does in the litter box, when it becomes wet. I would heavily advise you to have him seen by a veterinarian. If this is a blockage, even partial, his intestines could be compromised. The fact that he's still vomiting is what makes me concerned of a blockage. What might be a cheap visit to the vet today could be $5000 worth of surgery tomorrow.

I agree 100% Take your kitty to the vet.

I agree.

If your vet isn't open today then take him to an emergency vet.

You see what clumping litter does in a litter box, imagine it doing the same thing in his intestines. Take him to the vet asap, especially as he's not eating, is lethargic and vomiting still.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
Yes eating clumpimg litter can cause alot of problems! I would see the vet to be safe.
You also have to look at what cause your kitty to eat the litter? Is the litter box too close to food and Walter has the 2 confused. Also how offten is he fed and do you always have some dry food out for him so when he is hungry there is food for him so he will not look else where.
Best of luck hope he is feeling better, keep us posted.


Nov 21, 2009
Hey guys, thanks for all your comments! Sorry its been so long. Yes, I did take Walter to the vet, but turns out he was just a little bit constipated from eating the litter. The Vet suggested waiting a day or so more to see if he would recover naturally, which has happened. He's back to normal now :D

I don't think Walter will be eating that stuff again!

His food bowl is in a different room (kitchen) and his litter is in the bathroom, He always has kibble out, and we feed him wet food once a day (royal canin kibble, and medi-cal canned food, we get it from the vet)

Anyway, no idea why he would eat his litter, I guess it's just cats and their curiosity!

Sam lewis

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 8, 2009
I did have a problem when I first swapped my cats onto worlds best, they kept trying to eat it, but after a week or so of having it they stopped. Very strange!

zoes mom

Sep 27, 2009
I'm glad to hear that you're kitty is fine:ThumbsUp: I was going to say I keep that malt hair ball paste on hand...especially if you have a cat with "pica" (cat's that like to eat non food items) it comes in a tube with different names like laxatone i think. Just to help pass things along. Im no vet but i think in certain circumstances it's a good thing:Badly::ThumbsUp: