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Elf?... just curious


May 26, 2010
I personally do not mind the look of the elf trait, but do prefer our true Sphynx. Aside from the fact our Sphynx appear hairless, their ears are their most striking attribute IMO. My issue with outcrossing to develope new phenotypical traits in Sphynx is due to the breeds relatively small gene pool. IMO anyone with an interest in Sphynx should have an interest in the breeds health and breeders as a collective should be trying to improve the Sphynx health, not create novelty traits.

HCM is the most prevalent heart disease in ALL cats, world wide. Every single breed of cat can develope HCM. American curls are in no way immune.

You mentioned zero had a tail kink, this is a serious genetic flaw and in itself would deam the cat not show quality.

( please excuse me for not quoting your paragraph as I am typing on my iPhone and it's just too complicated for my tired mind at the moment :) )
you mentioned the genetic mutation that creates the curled ear may impact HCM prevalence, I don't mean to sound rude but that is absurd. If you obtained this ridiculous notion from your breeder, I would seriously reconsider your opinion of her. That is not how genetics work. Throughout my seven years of breeding research, I took two separate genetics courses. I felt it was paramount having a basic understanding of genetics in order to breed. The Manx mutation, the Rex mutation, the curl mutation or the Hr mutation will not affect the possible hundreds of HCM genetic markers.

On a side note, the AC is not a robust breed, they are of medium build and more elegantly shaped then our cobbier Sphynx. So you will not get a sturdier body from breeding with the curl. Average weight of a male AC is about ten pounds, next to our 13 lbs Sphynx males, I'd say the Sphynx is lending to the sturdier build then the curl.

Is their a written standard to the elf trait? Any similarities in the show quality curl degree of the AC or is it sufficient to just have any type of curl?

All in all, I don't see the elf trait being detrimental to our Sphynx other then taking away from the gene pool. We already have our issues with that sneaky Devon Rex allele popping up when you least expect it! But next to the bambinos, I welcome the elf, I just wish we could hold off the breeds developement until the Sphynx themselves are in a good place genetically.

I like what you said there at the end. I think it should be a long while befor e they are a complete other breed f they ever are. MOst people are still snubbing the original sphynxes for g oodness sake.

I didnt mean to say the curled ears cured HCM lol. I said from what I read crossing the two might help strengthen against HCM along with the lovable ears just to be cute.

Also zero wasnt born with the kink in his tail. He actually broke it.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jan 14, 2010
Not to bring up a dead thread, but have been sick as heck and dealing with crazies the past two weeks....

Don't let his kinked tail keep you from showing him. While it MIGHT DQ you in the breed ring, you could register him as a Household Pet. It's OBVIOUS he's an Elf or Sphynx with elf traits or whatever the heck the official name is going to be. Just getting the breed out there and seen is what's important. The judges will understand why he's not in the breed ring- his kink- but they'll also appreciate seeing an Elf in person.


May 26, 2010
Not to bring up a dead thread, but have been sick as heck and dealing with crazies the past two weeks....

Don't let his kinked tail keep you from showing him. While it MIGHT DQ you in the breed ring, you could register him as a Household Pet. It's OBVIOUS he's an Elf or Sphynx with elf traits or whatever the heck the official name is going to be. Just getting the breed out there and seen is what's important. The judges will understand why he's not in the breed ring- his kink- but they'll also appreciate seeing an Elf in person.

Thanks so much! I would love to show him. Maybe I can the next show that comes here.:BigSmile:


Sep 19, 2023
I have a young Sphynx cat who is the offspring of two Elf cats, but she has Sphynx ears. Her owner called her an "Elf Straight". I call her a Sphynx because I can't see anything different in her than in the photos of the Sphynx cats I've seen; and I'm not going to show her. I hope she continues to be healthy. I prefer the Sphynx ears to the "Elf" ears; I just think they're more attractive, though this is obviously a subjective judgment.
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Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
Evening is stunning! I agree with you that she is a sphynx. An elf is called an elf cause of the curled ears. Some have very curled ears, others only a little. But with straight ears Evening is a very beautiful sphynx!


Jan 13, 2022
I have an elf eared sphynx. In fact I think Im the only one on this site who has one. Their ears are very easy to clean because the ears are much more open than the long and pointy ears. As far as I know there is not much of a difference between regular ears and curled except the fact that they are curled. Zero is super sweet natured and he constantly is riding around on my shoulder or snuggling up with me at bed time. He is about ten lbs now and is only 8 months. Also he is a stud :BigSmile:
Any questions about him I would be happy to answer. I also have pictures up.
I think the curled ears just make my sphynx look that much more unique. I love him just the way he is.
I also have an elf :) amongst my 4 cats, can agree that his ears are easier to clean and he’s the most docile cuddly and shy kitty.