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Fun Friday Cat Fact of the Day 2-9-24…roomie zoomies


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011

Some refer to the sudden burst of energy of our kittens/cats have as “zoomies.” It can be fun and quite entertaining but it can also drive us nuts! The crazy running, jumping, pouncing and sometimes excessive meowing seems to come out of nowhere.

Here are a couple of the reasons they might get “roomie zoomies.”

1. Pent-up energy…They spend a lot of time napping—especially if they have plenty of alone time. This leads to built-up energy, which eventually comes out in a short, quick rush. You might try to have regular playtime sessions to avoid the cat zoomies right before bedtime or in the middle of the night. Being consistent with this is key…and they will look forward to the routine.

2. Poop/pee time…This time can make a cats a bit antsy/fidgety, both before they go, but especially after they poop. How many of you witness that crazy “run for the hills dash” after they leave the box?

3. Irritated or feeling aggressive…A quick change in behavior can sometimes indicate your cat might be stressed. Some might show body language as well, like lowering their tail, exposing their claws, or leaning their ears backward before/during zoomies.

4. Of course there are times they do it just because they want to…cats are known for being sassy/serious, but many have goofy and playful sides that can come out when you least expect it. This might actually be the most common reason why cats get the zoomies. For the most part, roomie zoomies are a normal expression of their quirky personalities.

Please share in the comments when your cat(s) have roomie zoomies.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
@Annejo12 our boys get the roomie zoomies after pooping. Martooni Tyme gets them all the time but that is her kitten energy for sure…and expected. But at night around 7:00 all 3 start playing really hard and it is crazy time at our home. it gets really rough, but it is great to see the boys having a blast with her.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Dec 11, 2023
@babymeow , does Nabi lick your hair ? Clairebare and TobyLove lick my hair at night, Batman gives me love nips on the arm
Sometimes she will lick/chew? strands of my hair if it is dangling in front of her face like when I bend my face towards her. Your cats are so affectionate and adorable! I love how Nabi loves to go inside the covers with me at bedtime and sometimes when she comes out in the middle of the night to do whatever she does and comes back to see there is no way back in because I have the covers wrapped tight around me she will meow to let her back inside next to me lol. How these cats do so many cute, endearing and funny things amaze me! I'm sooooo glad I got a Sphynx and found Nabi!

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@babymeow , oh my heart, Nabi sounds like my ClaireBare. I have the covers on tight. she has her spot right next to me on the right, runs to get tucked in like a burrito on my shoulder with her head on the pillow. she will dig at the quilt thats so tight next to me to say let me in let me in! she squeezes in and falls asleep purring. she gets up for a snack of food in the middle of night and comes right back digging to let her in with me. TobyLove and Batman sleep next to me on the left. every night I tap the blanket and say sleepytime. they come and meow , sit on the throwblanket and wait to get covered like a burrito purring away.

Nabi and you a purrfect duo!!! hugs n head smooches. look foward to more pics/videos
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