I guess we're sort of wide open for little jokes and comments, huh?
The girl I work with was telling one of the vets that we are both getting Sphynx kittens soon. The vet asked if we had other cats. We were like, "Uh...yeah...." thinking maybe she was going to tell us something bad. Instead she asked if they had fur. "Uh...yeaaaahhh..." Then she said, "Do you think your furred cats will discriminate against them for being naked?" Everybody is a jokester!
I laughed so hard on that first picture Meecho jumped up Today I was showing off Meecho's cat show pictures and she asked me if they make Rogain for cats.....actually made me chuckle a bit:Laugh:
I'm a member of another forum of about 12,000 people. A single person has been following my cats, apparently, more than anyone else. She saw a picture of a red sphynx and a black sphynx interacting and wondered if it had been LOL'd without my knowledge (presuming it was my Buck and Baldwin). Turns out, these two cats were intact--my boys are altered, so it wasn't mine. But I told her thank you profusely for thinking of them when she saw that. And the way to know that it wasn't my boys? I posted the Harbls picture.
Word has it she had to replace her keyboard because she shot water out of her nose. So, your reactions aren't any different, I'm sure!
The vampir-esque one with the cross appeals to my twisted sense of humor.
But the eBaby kitty? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too funny (and so glad it isn't my kitten). None of our would ever behave so badly, would they? <wink>
Oh I thought mine was good but the haballs was to funny and the rest just got funnier as I went. I love the fact that we all have such a great since of humor and mischief just like our cats.
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