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Grunting and Snorting


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jan 24, 2012
Hey all, as most of you know when I first got Luna she was diagnosed with a severe heart murmur, this seemed to improve over time and the vet about 2 months back said it wasnt a big deal and sounded like a leaky valve, but not to worry.
In the past few days Luna has began grunting when she breathes and makes a snorting noise when she sniffs, Im probably over thinking it but im worried the noises might have something to do with her heart, she has no signs of a chest infection though no sneezing/coughing/breathing problems (apart from the grunt) shes still super active and crazy as usual and eatting and drinking fine aswell as grooming often, im just wondering if its normal for sphynx to grunt or snort or if this might warrant a trip to the vet.

im just a bit worried about her heart, even if I am over thinking it I thought its worth asking atleast :)


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Jun 12, 2012
Graddy grunts and snorts when he plays. I don't know if it's the same. My husband thinks its weird but he only does it when he is 'hunting' our fish. A call to your vet won't hurt either. Saves you some time. In case it's not serious. I hope you get clarity soon and that Luna is okay


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 11, 2010
My sphynx sometimes pants when he is playing, and is excited, but I have not heard the noises you describe. If these sounds are unusual for Luna, I would take her to the vet for an assessment. Perhaps you could videotape her making those sounds, using your phone, to give the vet an idea of what you are observing. Given her history, it is probably best to take Luna to the vet.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jan 24, 2012
I tried to get a video recently but the sounds arnt loud enough for my phone (I live on a main highway) so the traffic noise over powers it, she's doing it alot less frequently at the moment so I'm guessing she might have had some fluff or something in her nose (she loves to sniff carpet lol) if it becomes more frequent or worsens I'll take her to the vet straight away, thanks guys


Sep 27, 2014
A few months ago the vets toldme my girl Gabbi had a heart murmur. Did the relevant scans and apparently one of her valve doors was letting blood pass through the wrong way. I was distraught. Gabbi grunts a lot, even when she's not sleeping, just sitting down. I've noticed though it's when she breaths out, so it's not like a snore, where you would only snore upon breathing in. In my mind, I believe she grunts because she wants to. She plays non stop and is a very happy cat. Unfortunately my vets do not see many Sphynx's, so as long as I can look at my girl and she looks comfortable, I wouldn't drag her to the vets, only to have 6 monthly checkups on her heart. :)


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
Hey all, as most of you know when I first got Luna she was diagnosed with a severe heart murmur, this seemed to improve over time and the vet about 2 months back said it wasnt a big deal and sounded like a leaky valve, but not to worry.
In the past few days Luna has began grunting when she breathes and makes a snorting noise when she sniffs, Im probably over thinking it but im worried the noises might have something to do with her heart, she has no signs of a chest infection though no sneezing/coughing/breathing problems (apart from the grunt) shes still super active and crazy as usual and eatting and drinking fine aswell as grooming often, im just wondering if its normal for sphynx to grunt or snort or if this might warrant a trip to the vet.

im just a bit worried about her heart, even if I am over thinking it I thought its worth asking atleast :)
I would just add that if it wasn't there before, its lasted more then a few days, I would go ahead and just have a quick vet visit. Hope its nothing. As far as the idea of getting video as someone mentioned, can you go to a far room or bathroom to get a clip? Or even take Luna to a neighbor or family members house that is more quit (in a pet carrier that is.) It would surely help for the visit. :)