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Hair disaster


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Sep 8, 2009
So I went to a new salon yesterday and since it was my first time they were offering a free deep conditioning treatment. It sounded like a good deal so I accepted. The stylist I had was extremely rude and was talking on the phone to her friends and eating a very garlicky sandwich the entire time! When she was applying the deep conditioning treatment, I noticed that it was a bright red color. She set me under the dryer for it to "soak in" and I kept noticing that it was smelling WAY TOO MUCH like hair dye! I all of a sudden thought... "OMG did she mix up the treatment with dye because she wasn't paying attention" After she rinsed my hair and was cutting it, I noticed how much brighter my red was and that all of my blond natural highlights were gone! My hair is naturally red and I have never dyed it, so I was freaking out. I asked her if she noticed the difference in color and she quickly changed the subject. Once the haircut was finished I did not tip her and left knowing I would never go back there again! I got home and rewashed my hair. The shower water had a reddish tint to it and when I was drying my hair with my white towel it left an orange/red tint on the towel. Could she really have stupidly mixed those two things up? Or put dye in my treatment?


May 4, 2009
Holy crap!! I would be calling to speak to the manager! Bring in the towel to show them if you have to...I'm no hairdresser, but it totally sounds like she put dye in your hair!! :Surprise:


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jul 25, 2009
That's awful! Very rude!

I finally found a great hairdresser and I will not let her go. I have followed her over the years to 3 different salons. Now she lives in FL but when she comes to MA every few months I make an appt!

I hope you find a good salon next time.


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
um, sorry i sat here for a minute trying to think of a suggestion, but sorry i cant help on this one.lol :Dizzy:


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
I to have my friends daughter that comes to my house and I love her!!!
As for your problem it sounds like the treatment you had, has color in it to bring out your natural color and to condition at the same time, she should have told you this and should have answered your question, so I would call the salon and tell the manager your concern.
The good thing is the color in that kind of thing is temporary color and will wash out in about 2 weeks or so, that is why you see red in the shower and on the towel.
You hair will be back to normal in about 2-3 weeks.
I went to school for this years ago but the decided it was not for me, my advise if it is free kindly say no thanks. And if you are looking for A extra conditioning for your hair go get A bottle of A good spray on leave in conditoner (matrix makes A good one). The bottle is about $20-$30 but will last long you only have to use it 1 time A week. And always buy it from A beauty suply store not A supermarket or pharmacy the suuff the sell there is not 100% real they leave out some of the ingredients and that is why it is A bit cheeper.
Good luck to you


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jul 18, 2009
Yeah i agree with everyone else!!! i would be going to the manager , and i would have that girls job....wow i would be so upset i feel so bad for you.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Mar 30, 2009
Not sure if this will help but if you wash your hair with Head and Shoulders, it will make the colour wash out quicker. Not sure if its just a British old wives tale, but it does work, wash it twice a day and it will soon strip the artificial colour out.


Sep 23, 2009
So I went to a new salon yesterday and since it was my first time they were offering a free deep conditioning treatment. It sounded like a good deal so I accepted. The stylist I had was extremely rude and was talking on the phone to her friends and eating a very garlicky sandwich the entire time! When she was applying the deep conditioning treatment, I noticed that it was a bright red color. She set me under the dryer for it to "soak in" and I kept noticing that it was smelling WAY TOO MUCH like hair dye! I all of a sudden thought... "OMG did she mix up the treatment with dye because she wasn't paying attention" After she rinsed my hair and was cutting it, I noticed how much brighter my red was and that all of my blond natural highlights were gone! My hair is naturally red and I have never dyed it, so I was freaking out. I asked her if she noticed the difference in color and she quickly changed the subject. Once the haircut was finished I did not tip her and left knowing I would never go back there again! I got home and rewashed my hair. The shower water had a reddish tint to it and when I was drying my hair with my white towel it left an orange/red tint on the towel. Could she really have stupidly mixed those two things up? Or put dye in my treatment?

I doubt she mixed them up because they usually have the deep conditioners by the sinks and they go to the back to mix up they dye. However, she may have given you a tinting conditioner and if she wouls have done that to me, I would have killer her! I spend a lot on my hair and sometimes (because I've become buddy-buddy with my stylist) since my hair is so long and I get it highlighted and cut all at the same time (the longer your hair, the more it costs to do anything to it, so getting all that done costs a lot of money!), my stylist will give me a free deep conditioning treatment, but she always tells me what it is and asks me if I want it. If she ever tinted my hair red, the towels wouldn't be stained in red dye, but blood! My hair holds on to red like it would die without it! I'd def talk to the manager and see what she can do to help. Sometimes, they'll have someone else strip your hair for free (just don't let that B**** near your hair again!).

Here's a fun salon trip when I still lived in my hometown:
I was getting my hair cut before going to a nursing home to sing for the residents. My stylist did nothing but complain how no one was tipping her today and telling me all about how she thought her IUD slipped because she was getting shooting pain down her leg (I was not a nurse at that time, otherwise, it would have been slightly less inappapropriate!). Sooooo, not only did she cut me too short, she charged me for a blowdry (fine) and didn't even dry out my hair all the way! I have really frizzy hair and my hair will turn into a white girl afro if it isn't completely dry. I was so mad that I didn't tip (a first and only for me) and was on the verge of tears because I didn't have time to dry my hair before I went to the nursing home. I just had to put my hair up as best as I could because it was too danged short! They must have thought some crazy person was there to entertain them!


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jul 8, 2009
I know the feeling about the Crazy white girl hair. Mine is naturally curly and very tight curls at that. so if its too short I look like little orphan annie


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Aug 4, 2009
Sometimes, I wish we were our cats. they never have to worry about a bad hair day!

AGREE. I came home a couple of months ago with hair that was a little shorter than I normally cared for so of course I got a little upset (I ended up liking it later). My boyfriend just looked at Stella and said "Aren't you lucky? You don't have to worry about your hair." Hair is kind of a girl's security blanket. I could only consider "going Sphynx" if I knew I would look as adorable and cute as them, lol.


May 28, 2009
I could totally go without hair.

My career is so "wash and wear" that people who have known me, and worked with me, for over 5 years have never seen me without my hair in a pony tail (with a headband on, too, to keep whisps out of my face).

That being said, my fiance cuts my hair off at chin length with a pair of kitchen sheers every 8 weeks.

I hate hair. To the fullest extent of the word.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Sep 8, 2009
Called the manager. They gave me a full refund, and even offered to re-do my hair. I accepted the refund, but told them no thank you on the hair part. The stylist put tinting conditioner in my hair. My head is all broken out and so are my ears. Went to my usual place and she fixed it for free!


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Apr 7, 2009
Called the manager. They gave me a full refund, and even offered to re-do my hair. I accepted the refund, but told them no thank you on the hair part. The stylist put tinting conditioner in my hair. My head is all broken out and so are my ears. Went to my usual place and she fixed it for free!

I'm glad there was a bit of a happy ending. My mom went to get her hair done and it turned out terrible too. Unfortunately my mom has an accent as she's from Korea so some people are just ignorant and act like they don't understand her. On this trip they permed her hair and then sent her home without a trim or anything and even had the nerve to book her another appt in two weeks for a color. Now if they did a good job no problem but they didn't. Have any of you seen that red bozo clown on the life size bop its? That is what she looked like. When I walked through the door I laughed so hard I peed my pants. After calming down and changing then the anger came in that they actually sent her out of the store looking like that! I took her back there and gave them a piece of my mind, got her money back, made them fix it as much as possible and swore we would never return. One lady had the nerve to say it was a nice perm and when I swung on her and said ... oh yeah would you get this perm today? she blushed and looked down. Guess I had my answer :Angry:


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jul 25, 2009
Called the manager. They gave me a full refund, and even offered to re-do my hair. I accepted the refund, but told them no thank you on the hair part. The stylist put tinting conditioner in my hair. My head is all broken out and so are my ears. Went to my usual place and she fixed it for free!

Glad to hear the fiasco is over and you are almost back to normal. I still can't get over what a jerk that stylist was.