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Help for my boy


Jun 17, 2015
I have some concerns for my dear cat. He is not a Sphynx, I've seen a few people ask questions for their furry family members, so I hope it is ok to do something non Sphynx related. My cats name is Gadzooks, or Gadz for short. He is 6 years old, turning 7 this December, and is a domestic long haired. I got him roughly a year after my first cat had died, both look nearly identical, from a nearby shelter on my 17th birthday. I was angered at the conditions he lived in, a tape collar around his neck, matting his fur horribly. He had shown symptoms of pneumonia the day after I brought him home. Sadly, I had Gadz only about a year and a half before I moved out of my mom's house to live with my dad. He had a cat, so I couldn't bring Gadz with me, and trusted my mother would care for him. Around 2013 I noticed Gadz had lost an insane amount of weight, his bones poking out angerly, but my mom assured me he was eating still. I got him treated for worms, and he had started to gain a little weight, but nothing major. My dad agreed to bring Gadz into the home, see if his cat and mine would get along well. Sadly they didnt, but Gadz had packed on the weight and became fat and happy. He went back to live with my mom for a year, she had previously moved out of town and moved back, and I thought things would go better. I realized my mom's roommate had abused Gadz, though she'll never admit to it or she'd have to admit the fact she was doing drugs at the time. The roommate left, and things were better for a few months. Gadz developed the habbit of sleep on my xbox, and overheating it. He has joint pain, and often fell hard trying to get out of windows. I had gotten him medication for his joints, and it helped him out, he no longer fell or looked for my Xbox to heat his joints. Sadly, I had come to find out from someone close to me, my cat was not given his medication while I was gone, nor was he fed, watered, or his litter box cleaned. I had then been told of why Gadz was in so much pain, he was being beaten while I was gone. I heard stories of him being kicked, punched, and thrown down staires, yelled at and things thrown at him. Everything clicked, why his weight was horrible, and why ever time I came by he clung to me. I took him from my mom's home, back to my dads, and groomed over my cat. Gadz hates his hips touched, has a small dent in the top of his head, and a missing tooth. December 1st of 2015 I moved into my own home, and Gadz has been doing great. He acts out, seeking attention because it was the only way he could get it before, but I'm trying to work with him on that. But early this year Gadz had a seizure, the vet couldn't tell me why, and brushed off my mentioning the abuse he's gone through. I've watched him closely since, and sadly I think lastnight he had another. I was sleeping, so it's hard to be sure. He was yowling in his sleep, twitching. I slid my hand under his chin, Gadz wouldn't react, no twitch of his chin at the touch, nor a twitch of his shoulder. I began to pull him away from the edge of the bed towards me when he finally twitched and wrapped his arms around my arm. I layer there petting him and his heart beat slowed and he fell back to sleep...I suppose what I'm wanting to know is if I'm being paranoid. Could it have been a seizure, or just a dream? I'm low on money till the 1st, and the last vet visit was almost $100 to be seen. I'm also worried I'll be blown off about what's happened to him, and I don't trust many other vets. Any advice would be amazing. And sorry about the long posT I made, I figured I'd be good to tell you about Gadz a bit. I'm on my phone so I sadly don't know how to upload a picture of Gadz, I went ahead and uploaded some pictures though onto my profile.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Lizzy , ((((((hugs)))))) and head smooches to handsome Gadz
I am glad you reached out - it does sound like a possible seizure you described ..
Hopefully it won't happen again , but if it does , we always suggest video taping if possible
So you can she to your vet .

Several members can provide their experiences with their kitties seizures -

If you have a vet appointment , ask if they have a sliding scale or other resources too-
I know my vet had a slush fund for special needs pets, deferred payment , or care credit

(* care credit is tricky and very high outrageous interest of you don't stay on top of it -
Basically minimum payments over 6 mos plus for charges over $200 but it must be paid in full by the payoff date or it will consume with compounding interest - if you are savy financially - icarr credit option I always use-
Many vets have brochures I'm the counter or you can call direct for infor,action to see if it is right for you -
It can be used at your dentist too which I do - but absolutely have to pay it in full by payoff date or else )

How is Gadz today? How often has he had these twitch incidents ?
Any other symptom?

My heart goes out to you and Gadz, lair prayers sent you get some answers for Gadz
(((Head smooches))) to a most incredible boy

He is absolutely gorgeous and has come a long way

Please keep us updated often


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Feb 11, 2013
@Lizzy I'm so sorry to hear what has happened to Gadz. I'm not here to judge, but your mom should never been left to "care" for your cat. But that's history and all you can do now is continue to properly take care of him. If you can't borrow money from your dad, etc., then it's possible your vet will be understanding and work with you on the bill.

It most definitely sounds like he had another seizure while in bed with you, but I wasn't there to witness it. In the meantime, please search the internet for different kinds of anti-seizure medications for cats. This way you will be wiser when you have a discussion with your vet as to which one would be better for him and why.

Wishing you and Gadz the best and please come back and update us.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
May 7, 2013
Poor little Gadz! Breaks my heart. I would talk to your vet, he may work out a payment schedule for you. I would try to talk to the vet and not the receptionist, about it. It's worth a shot. I would try to get a video , so the vet can see first hand what's going on. My heart goes out to you and Gadz. Sending thoughts and prayers.

Hairless Blessing

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2010
Bless his heart. I plead the 5th on what, I would have to say
about, him, being abused.
I'm greatful, he and you have a home of your own.
I would call your local shelter, they, should be able to tell you
about agencies, that, will help out, on Animal care bills.
I think, a lot of states have them now. Great advice about the
video. If your Vet doesn't take you serious, I would find another
Vet. But, whom ever mistreated him, will have to answer for it.
Please, keep us updated about him.

Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
We love all animals so of course you can post about Gadz. I am so sorry about what happened to Gadz when he wasn't living with you. My heart breaks for Gadz and for you. If she didn't take care of Gadz I can only imagine how she did take care of you when you were young. Lots of hugs for you.

I don't know much about seizures so can't say what's best to do. Only chimed in to sent healing vibes to Gadz.