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How Common Are Serious Health Issues?

Have you ever had to treat your sphynx for a health problem?

  • Yes-$100-$500

    Votes: 56 31.6%
  • Yes-$500-$1000

    Votes: 20 11.3%
  • Yes-$1000 plus

    Votes: 39 22.0%
  • Yes-and it's an on going illness that requires continuous expenses

    Votes: 42 23.7%
  • Never

    Votes: 42 23.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 2, 2011
Hi. I am one of those people that lurks around on Sphynx Lair, but never posts. I enjoy the forum very much.

I am hoping that some of you who have kept sphynx's for awhile will be willing to say how long you have had your cat(s), and if you have had any serious health issues with them. It is kind of hard to define "serious", but I am thinking of the kind of thing that requires vet care. Money seems like an odd way to rank things, but I would think that something that cost over $500 at the vet could probably be considered serious.

I know that sphynx's are a healthy breed, and have read everything I can find about health issues they might encounter, including many of the threads on the health forum. It is hard to get a feeling for how "common" those issues are from reading about individual cases though. I highly value personal real-life experiences, and would love to hear from as many people as possible.

This question is partly due to my recent experience of losing my sphynx/elf to FIP. I am aware that FIP is extremely rare, and hopefully I will never ever experience that horrible condition again.

I can't imagine not having a sphynx now that I have had the opportunity to live with one, even though it was only for a few months. After the major expense for care and treatment of my guy, I thought it would be a good idea to get as much information as possible about how common major expenses are before I bring another sphynx home, just to be as prepared as possible. If anyone wants to take the time to share their personal experience, I would greatly appreciate it.


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Feb 24, 2011
First of all I'm very sorry for the loss of your boy...It's never easy even if he was only with you for a few months.
I've been owned by sphynx for a little over a year and have only been to the vet for issues with diarrhea and vomiting. Each case had a different cause (giardia, infection, eating toxic plant). The vet bills were pretty steep (though not $500) but I have pet insurance for both my boys.
With every animal you adopt there will be vet bills, be it from disease or accidents, and you need to make sure you are prepared for that (insurance is very helpful) and weigh it against the joy you get from their company.
The chances of you adopting another sick animal are unpredictable but it does help to go to a reputable breeder who tests for nasty diseases.

Perhaps the replies you'll get will help you to decide whether to take the plunge again, but ultimately it's up to you!
Good luck (I hope this helps a bit)!


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Dec 5, 2010
both my boys were adoptions from craigslist.

Dr Spencer Reid came to me from a girl i went to high school with, she slammed his tail in a door when he was a kitten so he has a half a tail. when i got him i noticed he ate funny, he shook his head funny when chewing and i pried open his mouth and realized like 4 or 5 of his teeth were rotten. he had to have them pulled but hasnt been to the vet since that was in march of last year.

Jedi has some nasty skin, flaky and oily at the same time I knew that could be fixed but a month after he was with us he started to act odd, not eating or drinking and lost like 6 pounds in a week and the vet said his kidneys were shutting down aparently whatever she was feeding him wasnt passing and had stuck with him. we got him a higher quality food (we used to feed chicken soup for the cats soul now we feed natural balance) and with meds and now a digestive powder to accompany his food he is much better and we arent scared we will loose him.

I think you take a chance no matter what you do.


Oct 2, 2011
Thank you for the replies. It would also be helpful to hear from people who have not had any serious health issues. I am just trying to get a feel for what percentage of sphynx owners have major health problems.


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
Thank you for the replies. It would also be helpful to hear from people who have not had any serious health issues. I am just trying to get a feel for what percentage of sphynx owners have major health problems.

W have 2 sphynx cats and have never had any out of the ordinary expenses other than normal vet visits. (knock on wood) I added a poll too to help gauge the results-hopefully all will participate. Good info for a new owner or someone thinking of getting a new sphynx.

Carrie Cooley

Aug 17, 2011
Hi from Alabama. I have had my Sphynx boy for 7 months and have only had 2 minor illnesses. The first was an upper respiratory infection a few days after I brought him home and the second was gastroenteritis that we knocked out in 10 days with an antibiotic.
However, to be honest, I don't think there is any way to fully answer your concern as illness is often unpredictable and there is no assurance that you won't get a cat that doesn't have a few issues every now and then (just like us humans!)
Good luck!


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
I have spent lots and lots of dollars--but I have multiple cats and when one gets something, they almost all get it. When Lulu came to me sick from her breeder, what she had spread through my cattery like wildfire and cost me thousands and thousands of dollars. But other than that, no horrible health issues--well, I take that back--Candy Cane had a real rough way to go of it--remember when she was only like 13 oz. when she was 3 months old? I had to tube feed her and take her to the vet every morning before I went to work at 7:00 AM so she could be fed and cared for while I was at work, then pick her up at 4:30 every night so I could care for her all night long---wow! What a job all that was! I cried more tears than you'll ever know--I fussed over her, prayed for her, asked other people to pray for her....we weren't sure she was going to make it. Here's a reminder of what she looked like then:

Do you remember how I rejoiced when she finally weighed a whole pound??? I am tearing up remembering all this....I loved her so much and tried so hard to save her. Everybody here --all my animals gathered around her to love her up, keep her warm, make her not get depressed...and it sure was worth it!

Here she is now: My beautiful little Miss Candy Cane. She still gets sinus issues and sometimes has snarky breathing, but she is loving and playful and happy I think. The vet thought she would never grow much and was going to be like a midget, but she is nearly normal size!

The moral of the story is this: Miracles happen--when you think all is lost, don't give up hope.



Oct 2, 2011
Thanks for the additional replies, and thanks for the poll! I looked for that option but I guess only admins can make polls.

One of the reasons for me posting this question is moot now because I brought two beautiful sphynx's home this afternoon. They are from the same reputable breeder that my first came from. I am still very interested to hear more responses though, if for no other reason than to know as much as possible about these amazing creatures.

I apologize if it sounded like I was looking for a guarantee that my cats would never get sick. That wasn't my intent at all. I was just trying to get a feel for how likely major illness/expense is with sphynx's. I would never bring any animal into my home unless I was prepared to give it the care it needs even in the worst case scenario. Even as I type this, I am sitting here in awe of the new members of my family.
Last edited:


Dec 10, 2011
Thanks for the additional replies, and thanks for the poll! I looked for that option but I guess only admins can make polls.

One of the reasons for me posting this question is mute now because I brought two beautiful sphynx's home this afternoon. They are from the same reputable breeder that my first came from. I am still very interested to hear more responses though, if for no other reason than to know as much as possible about these amazing creatures.

I apologize if it sounded like I was looking for a guarantee that my cats would never get sick. That wasn't my intent at all. I was just trying to get a feel for how likely major illness/expense is with sphynx's. I would never bring any animal into my home unless I was prepared to give it the care it needs even in the worst case scenario. Even as I type this, I am sitting here in awe of the new members of my family.

Welcome to the Lair! Congrats on your new family members! Please post some pics when you can. Every Sphynx is so unique. I get to pick mine up on the 25th. Can't wait!


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 9, 2010
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My addiction to Sphynx cats started about 12 years ago. Most of my sweethearts have been very robust and healthy. I did have one girl that had lung cancer. My recent addition came to me with herpes, double ear infection and giardia. It never slowed him down though. It is always a gamble. The love the bring is priceless.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Dec 1, 2009
:knocks on wood:

My two boys are awesomely healthy -- they had(have) herpes, but I put a little lysine with food daily, and they don't have flair ups anymore.
the lysine is cheap enough that I can't consider it an ongoing expense.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jan 24, 2012
I have spent lots and lots of dollars--but I have multiple cats and when one gets something, they almost all get it. When Lulu came to me sick from her breeder, what she had spread through my cattery like wildfire and cost me thousands and thousands of dollars. But other than that, no horrible health issues--well, I take that back--Candy Cane had a real rough way to go of it--remember when she was only like 13 oz. when she was 3 months old? I had to tube feed her and take her to the vet every morning before I went to work at 7:00 AM so she could be fed and cared for while I was at work, then pick her up at 4:30 every night so I could care for her all night long---wow! What a job all that was! I cried more tears than you'll ever know--I fussed over her, prayed for her, asked other people to pray for her....we weren't sure she was going to make it. Here's a reminder of what she looked like then:

Do you remember how I rejoiced when she finally weighed a whole pound??? I am tearing up remembering all this....I loved her so much and tried so hard to save her. Everybody here --all my animals gathered around her to love her up, keep her warm, make her not get depressed...and it sure was worth it!

Here she is now: My beautiful little Miss Candy Cane. She still gets sinus issues and sometimes has snarky breathing, but she is loving and playful and happy I think. The vet thought she would never grow much and was going to be like a midget, but she is nearly normal size!

The moral of the story is this: Miracles happen--when you think all is lost, don't give up hope.


wow Susi I really admire you for the little life you saved there, great work :BigSmile:


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
wow Susi I really admire you for the little life you saved there, great work :BigSmile:

Thanks---but she deserves the credit-- she had such a will to live. She wanted to live her life with us and we all (my animals and I--you should've seen my animals--it was remarkable how they rallied around her so tenderly and did anything they could to make her feel loved--I could cry just thinking about it--if anyone ever says animals don't feel things deeply I will laugh at them). Anyway, I can't take the credit--I told her as long as she was fighting, I would be too. She never gave up on me, so I couldn't give up on her. I love her like crazy. I thought for sure I would lose her--you can plainly see by the picture how bad off she was.....I must've cried a million tears. Everyone here prayed for her and wished us well--lots of folks here know and love Miss Candy Cane. They know how badly she wanted to make it....we are so thankful for their love and prayers. She is a happy little girl now--not perfectly healthy, but I am bothered by her snarky breathing more than she is--she is not in any kind of distress, but I wish she were perfectly well. I just want her to have a good life filled with love and affection and I think she does.
Thanks so much for the praise though...

Cleopatra Beers

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Dec 24, 2011
My beloved Cleo ate 30 inches of yarn about 6 weeks ago. She was 11months old and we had been debating getting her insured. Unfortunately we hadn't gotten the insurance yet. Between the emergency vet, surgery, post-surgical care at her regular vet and all the other things needed for cleo's care, we spent about $4000.00. Cleopatra is now a year old, healthy and insured as much as we could afford. Both my long-suffering husband and I are extremely glad we still have her!


Apr 5, 2012
Oh wow Susi. What a emanciated kitty she was! I would have cried my eyes out as well seeing my baby so sick. It can go so fast when they have diarrhoea or stop eating. I am so happy to see the after pictures. What a difference! And i am really glad she survived and is doing great now.


Jan 10, 2011
Mine is 2 years old, super healthy , had only problems with her ears, minor infection, easily treatable, did not come back. She gets diareah if she eats wet food to often, 2 -3 times a week is the max. That's it!!


May 8, 2012
We have purchased two sphinx kittens, different breeders, both of which matured and lived approximately 5-7 years and then died of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). We spent several thousand dollars at vet to maintain quality of life until the end. I work at a facility which is a shelter and would normally just adopt one of our cats, but kids and grandkids are very allergic to cats with hair and the sphinx were not only wonderful for our health, but mentally provided companionship like on other cat. We do not currently have the resources to invest in another kitten and start out and endure the medical expenses of the last two years. Is this a good site to find someone who may have a kitten which is not breeding quality or a more mature cat who would love to become part of our loving family? If not, is there a site to which you can refer me that would perhaps meet those requirements?

Thank you,
Karen Zeff


Feb 13, 2012
I have had my sphynx just close to three months and he came home from the breeder with a respiratory infection but that cleared after a week of meds.
I have heard stories from many owners of dogs and cats a like that really end up in the owner spending so much money on vets bills when something terrible happened to their animal that I decided to insure Hipo and I think that piece of mind knowing that if something happens I can afford to do just about anything that is required really makes all the difference.
Good luck!


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Jan 24, 2012
I've had Luna since may 5th this year and she had back to back chest infections, a severe heart murmur and conjunctivitis up until 2 weeks ago, her murmurs improved drastically and the vet doesn't think it'll need any more monitoring, I was spending $100-$300+ a week at the vet for about 3 months, it's alot of money but I wouldn't change a thing I've now got a happy healthy girl :)
Pet insurance is a great idea you never know as with any pet what they might pickup


Jul 11, 2012
My girl came to me with a cold...i think it was from stress of her flying to me. but other then that she has been healthy she still sneezes a little. but nothing serious. I am getting a new boy soon!!! and i guess my advice would be to do research on the breeder you are planning on getting a new kitten. Talk to people and see were they got there kittens and such. i am going through a different breeder this time because i found out some people have gotten sick kittens from the breeder i got my girl from. I found a breeder that her kittens are healthy and amazing...also talking to people who have gotten kittens from her made me feel good they were very happy with her kittens. Just make sure you play the field before you tie yourself down to a kitten


Aug 19, 2010
Thank you for the replies. It would also be helpful to hear from people who have not had any serious health issues. I am just trying to get a feel for what percentage of sphynx owners have major health problems.

:Wink2:I rescued my girl a couple of years ago and other than basic care (spay, vaccines, etc.) I have not had any incredible fees. She was ill when I took her in and under weight but I never encountered outrageous bills, that was all with my lhasa apso puppy lol. Basically, she costs me much less than my dogs at the vet and she hasnt had any weird issues except she will need a dental soon. She was fed ol roy dog food and lived in a small bird cage for the first year and a half of her life with 30+ cats (before she adopted me) and the lack of tourine caused her teeth to turn black. After a few months (and many kitty greenies and ultra premium food) later, her teeth lightened to how they are now- a light tannish brown. Other than basic kitty fees, she has no issues. She is also my only cat (for now) and doesnt go outside without her leash on either. She has chronic eye drainage, but i think it bothers me more than her and the vet gave me ointment for it but that just stresses her out so we just monitor it.

:Sad:I am so sorry to read about you losing your little one. That must have been so hard. I hope that you decide to get another one, because once you've felt the love (and warmth!) of a sphynx nothing else can quite measure up :)


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Apr 2, 2011
Over $3000 since mid-december, not incuding medications, on my sphynx with CHF

I wound up spending close to another $3000 trying to save him in his last two and a half weeks of life.

I've got a 9 year old Sphynx and a 6 month old Elf who recently got a URI...about $370


May 22, 2012
W have 2 sphynx cats and have never had any out of the ordinary expenses other than normal vet visits. (knock on wood) I added a poll too to help gauge the results-hopefully all will participate. Good info for a new owner or someone thinking of getting a new sphynx.

How long have you had the sphynx for? Just curious how long they've gone without any major issues?

This is an interesting topic, as I'm deciding whether to get pet insurance for Dexter. Btw any good pet insurance recommendations?