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How did your kitty(s) get named?


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
May 14, 2010
I love to hear (and tell) little stories about my kids. So... how did you name your kitties?

When Pedda came home with me she didn't have a name. She still wasn't named several days later when my brother brought my little nieces over to meet her. They had just been to see the movie "Pinocchio." I asked the nieces what I should name her and they both said "Gepetto." I said no, that's a boy's name and she's a little girl. So they said "GepettA." Which got shortened to "Petta" within minutes. But the T sound was harsh and I'm a sloppy linguist so it got changed to Pedda.


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Dec 1, 2009
Previous to 5e, I had always met a kitten first, had some time to get to know the kitten, and pick out a name that 'fits' -- either to a physical of personality trait.

With 5e, i was buying from out of state, and he looked rather generic (other than being hairless).

This presented a conundrum for me. I had to come up with a name that I liked, a name that represented something about my pet to be, and finally was a 'pet' name. If one hears 'fluffy' one thinks of a pet, however 'Jennifer'-- doesn't really sound like a quadruped.

so I came up with '5e' pronounced fivey
sounds like a pet name, check.
I found him online -- something related to him, check.
his name is bad pun -- I definitely like that, check.

the breeder had named him something generic like 'silver 2' -- which as far as I'm concerned isn't a name at all.

--btw the pun: Cat. 5e is category 5e, an industry standard for a common type of cable -- Ethernet cable!


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Dec 2, 2009
hmmmm, are we limiting to sphynx? just in case here are my kitties:

Freya~ My first Sphynx, I wanted something befitting her regal nature, after many web searches we happened upon the Norse goddess Freya, who is known as a protector of cats, drives a chariot pulled by cats, hosts an afterlife utopia for cats, and....here is the clencher......often appears nude!

Gummi Bare~ the lair played a big part in naming her, a member here posted a pic of her cat Gummi and a lot of us liked the name, My Gummi was originally one of the berry kittens (Razzleberry) heer birth mom (jinxlover) renamed her Razzle Gummi Berry, When I adopted her, I wanted to keep a part of her berry status so I called her Gummi Bare!

Marmalade~ DSH orange tabby, my hubby and I adopted him from a rescue before we had our children and he came with the name Marmalade and it truly suited him, so we kept it

Cooback~ (DSH tortie)My son named her, "cooback" is how he asked us to "tickle his back" when he was 2. we wanted to immortalize one of those cute childhood phrases, and did it in a kitty name

Toonces~(ragdoll) named after Toonces the Driving cat from SNL

Fubby~(DSH Tabby) another child named kitty, Fubby was pulled out of the sewer as a teeny kitten, we were supposed to keep him for the weekend until the shelter opened. He was a tiny little puffball and our son called him "Fluffy" but he pronounced it "Fubby" Needless to say, by Monday Fubby was not going anywhere, lol The funny part is he is not fluffy at all!

Chuckie~ (DSH torbie) My daughter's cat, she named her after the rugrats character. She has had Chuckie for 7 years, chuckie only sleeps with my daughter, she is an extremely antisocial cat with everyone else. A one person kitty for sure!

Truth & Dare~ (part sphynx) adopted as sister's, my husband insisted on naming them "Captain Radiation and her sidekick Chemo" I thought this was bad karma, and knew that I better come up with something FAST or those monikers would stick! The tortie sister is bold and daring so Dare came to mind, Truth went hand in hand with that so they became Truth and Dare!

That's the pack...........for now, lol


Sep 24, 2009
At our house, I am in charge of naming. My Mom goes for names like "Boots" and "Skittles" but I like human names so I never let her name anybody!

When I picked out my little seal mink baby, my Mom kept saying the name "Sabrina". I put it on my list and then spent days searching some really far out names looking for the perfect one. I just kept coming back to Sabrina. So, Mom finally got to name one! Naturally, I've already shortened it to "Bri" or "Breaner" and sometimes just "Minksy Sphynxy" LOL. Poor Mom, she finally comes up with a good name and I trash it! :)

Tapanga is our other baby that comes home this week (squee!). She was easy, I saw the name online and loved saying it out loud plus it means "sweet and unpredictable" which is almost the definition of a Sphnx.


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
Ok...this is my second attempt at this...typed up the whole thing before, but it took me longer than the half hour we get before we're booted back to log on again....when I tried to post it, it went bye-bye with no way to retrieve it.

Habibi--Arabic for sweetheart, she is my alpha queen and all she lives to do is kiss and purr and snuggle

Moody--short for Mahmoody Blue--wanted another Arabic name, so I chose Mahmoody, and since he is a Blue/white Van, and I liked the band the Moody Blues, it just morphed into Mahmoody Blue.

Othie Marie--born on my mon's birthday--mom's name was Othela, and we lovingly would refer to her as Othie. My sis and I called everybody male or female " ___Marie" --ie. Jane Marie, John Marie, Rover Marie....hence Othie Marie. Lost my mom years ago and rather like having an Othie Marie around the house again.

Dulcinea--chose it because Dulcinea is the girlfriend of Don Quixote and sounds regal. I shorten it to Dulce which is Spanish for sweet. Describes her to a tee.

Pruney--chose it because I thought it was insufferably cute--like he is. Also because Pruney was the name of one of the original hairless mutation kittens born.

Mabel--chos it because she reminded me of the old beer commercial I heard as a kid. She looked almost black and the commercial used to call out, "Mabel, Black Label!" Telling the waitress to bring that brand of beer--I also like old fashioned names--so Mabel was named after a commercial.

Boo--actually named Sir Booberry. I got Boo on Halloween, so the Boo part is for that. But I wanted a longer name and my beloved Dalmatian had come to me from the shelter with the name Buck, which I hated--so I called him my Buckleberry Hound--so I morphed Boo into Booberry, then for a touch of class added the Sir.

Lulu--chose the name because one of my favorite cartoons as a kid was Little Lulu. Lulu is a small statured little thing, and Lulu is another old fashioned name.

Beanie--my beagle--because when he came from the shelter he was "full of beans"--playful and fun. I gave him the name Beanie, but often call him Beans--my vet calls him Beaner.

That's my whole gang!


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
May 13, 2010
We named out first Sphynx My Precious Gollum because my husband and I are Lord of the Rings fans.

My Zulish Pleasure was already named. So when he came came to us for retirement we just called him Zulie.

Tanker Toy was already named by the breeder because he steam rolled over his litter mates like a tank when it came to feeding time. We were unable to meet him before he came to us and the name just stuck once he arrived.

Maree is a gray and cream DSH that we got from the shelter. My kids got the name from a Wiggles' song.

Smeagol is a black and white tux who also came from the shelter. He was named by the shelter. Gollum had already died by the time we adopted Smeagol, and since I am a sucker for Lord of the Rings we kept the name.

Honey is a small orange and white tabby. She was born under my cousin's porch and was given to my youngest as her 5th birthday present.

And Friendly Guy was a feral grey tabby we found licking the grease off the grass underneath our grill 2 years ago. I told my husband we wouldn't give Friendly a name him so he wouldn't worry about us taking him in. :Wink:


Jan 16, 2010
Snuffie is short for Snuffleupagus. She was named by my breeders grandson I do believe. She was 8 months old when I got her and I didn't have the heart to change her name,,it fits her really good anyhow. I imagine if she had long hair and long lashes she would look just like him! lol


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Feb 26, 2009
Previous to 5e, I had always met a kitten first, had some time to get to know the kitten, and pick out a name that 'fits' -- either to a physical of personality trait.

With 5e, i was buying from out of state, and he looked rather generic (other than being hairless).

This presented a conundrum for me. I had to come up with a name that I liked, a name that represented something about my pet to be, and finally was a 'pet' name. If one hears 'fluffy' one thinks of a pet, however 'Jennifer'-- doesn't really sound like a quadruped.

so I came up with '5e' pronounced fivey
sounds like a pet name, check.
I found him online -- something related to him, check.
his name is bad pun -- I definitely like that, check.

the breeder had named him something generic like 'silver 2' -- which as far as I'm concerned isn't a name at all.

--btw the pun: Cat. 5e is category 5e, an industry standard for a common type of cable -- Ethernet cable!

Ha, my brother has a dog named Jeff. Does Jeff sound like a quadruped? I always think its funny when people name their animals like that.

Anyhoo, Butterball is pretty self explanatory I think. When my search was on for a sphynx I met a kitty called Beetlejuice. I really liked that name. But, many others like it too so there are quite a few Beetlejuices out there. Then Butterball popped in my head. It fit so well, so I went with it.

Here is a video of BeetleJuice. I added the lion sound effect.

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V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Mar 7, 2009
I'm enjoying this thread. I don't have any special stories. I'm a language geek and just played with sounds that I like to come up with Shey, Bayleigh Sage, & Kienna.

Blue came to me as Tasmanian which didn't suit him. His mom's name was Glacier Blue & he's a blue mackerel tabby, so Blue just seemed right.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 14, 2009

I will start with my non sphynx.
Coco my sister named.
She is black and white with siamese in her.
In the light she is reddish brown so the name fits her.
Meeko I wanted something asian sounding.
I thought of Neko but many cats are named that so I came up with Meeko.
Sasha looks like her Russian Blue mom so I wanted something Russian.
Her name was Shady before I had her.
Oreo is Black and White so I named her Oreo Cookie Monster.
Now my Sphynxs.
I had names picked for my first sphynx.
It was going to be Cleopatra for a girl and Ramses for a boy.
I used the Cleopatra part for Cleo but could not come up with a show
The Bengal breeder who is friends with Cleos breeder came up with the Egyptian Queen part so her name is Cleopatra Egyptian Queen.
Wrinkles I was thinking of naming Velvet Wrinkles but this Abby breeder suggested Wrinkled Velvet so that is her name.
Wrinkles comes from sphynx being wrinkles and the velvet part is because they feel like velvet.
Polar Bare I named.
My friend shows American Bob tails and a few are named Polar.
I like the name Polar so I used it.
Bare is because he is Bare.
Polar is because he is white.
His show name is Mystic Polar Bare.



Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
May 14, 2010
My son named Jack, because he jumps like a Jack Rabbit- he was 18 months old when he said that!

Ben- was already named and it fits him

Juno-has many names, lil bit, baby, my ex mother in law insists on calling her mavis, but I had to take her to the vet and put a name down and Juno just popped into my head. For a long time there she wa s"new kitten" I am horrid with names.

My new chocolate tabby I have been throwing around names but I am not sure, I try to make sure my son can say them. Latte, Mocha, Capacinno, Cocoa, I don't know so generic for a brown cat so she might have a human name I don't know until I meet her!
Apr 8, 2010
--btw the pun: Cat. 5e is category 5e, an industry standard for a common type of cable -- Ethernet cable!

You are simply brilliant! My boyfriend and I are still laughing at this. That's a fantastic story! We're techie nerds so this was right up our alley! lol

Here's my list!

**Neffie-- Sphynx. Neffie is short for Nefertari which is Egyptian for "the most beautiful", and since Neffie is a Berry kitten from Jinxlover, I wanted to honor her birth family. Neffie's full name is Nefertari Berry, or "The most beautiful Berry"

**Gambit Jareth-- Chinese Crested, hairless. My boyfriend and I really love the X-men comics, and our favorite character is Gambit. My boyfriend is from Louisiana, a smexy Cajun man himself, so it makes sense we'd choose Gambit for our stud dog. "Jareth" came about by accident. We added that to his name after he arrived at our house and we saw his incredible hair in person. It looks like Jareth's from the movie Labyrinth!

**Lilly-- Chinese Crested, hairless. Lilly is named after a character in one of my novels (I'm a writer.) She fits the character perfectly, spunky, energetic, and thinks she owns the world. She's a brat, but I love her. We also call her "Pinners" (baby talk for Princess) and Sausage (she looked like a fat black sausage when she was a puppy, lol.)

The others don't really have stories, but here they are because we love them just the same!

**Isis-- Chinese Crested, true hairless.

**Abbie-- Chinese Crested, puff. Abigail is a character from another of my novels. She also answers to "Babble" and 'Abbly-Babbly-Boo"

**Imogen-- Chinese Crested, hairless. I wanted to name my youngest child Imogen, but my jerk ex-husband hated the name. She answers to "Jenners", "Jen-Jen", "Stalker", and "Fatty-Fat-Fat", I'm sure you can guess why, lol.


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
May 13, 2010
so I came up with '5e' pronounced fivey
sounds like a pet name, check.
I found him online -- something related to him, check.
his name is bad pun -- I definitely like that, check.

the breeder had named him something generic like 'silver 2' -- which as far as I'm concerned isn't a name at all.

--btw the pun: Cat. 5e is category 5e, an industry standard for a common type of cable -- Ethernet cable!

I applaud your cleverness. My IT hubby loved the pun. He told me that if you ever get a faster cat you will have to name it Gigi for gigabyte.


Apr 2, 2010
Well, I'm not the best at coming up with original or unique names! I have a Bella, which means beautiful in Italian, so the name fit her. I have a Coco, because she was brown and white. I have a Tiger---and her name came off from a certain Barney Episode. Then I have a Browser, because he's "Brown" and he's a "Sir." Hence, Browser.


Mar 6, 2010
We only have Hibou (for now) but I like different names too.
Last summer Greg and I were driving to see my family up north (8 hour drive) and were talking about this that and the other. I am French and all of a sudden he asked me how to say Owl in french, well needless to say I do not use my french that often and I just could not remember the word for Owl, so Greg decided it could be Poulet De Nuit which translates to Night Chicken or Chicken of the Night, I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants, and it became the running joke for the weekend (you really had to be there). When we got to my mom's I asked her and it is Hibou (pronounced ee-boo...the H is silent in french). So when it came time to give our new kitten a name that is what came to mind and it stuck!


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
I read on something of yours the poulet de nuit...and thought to myself "chicken of the night"? So is Hibou , Hibou or Hibou Poulet De Nuit? Owl chicken of the night? How funny! Good name by the way.


Mar 19, 2010
my first Sphynx was a pet quality black. He was such an odd ugly little thing. I was trying to come up with a name for him by searching Free Translator for English to French words. Singe meant monkey ( he used his paws like a little monkey to pick up things) Plus, he looked like something left too long on a barbeque grill ( being Texas we grill a lot) So Singe he became. It was perfect for him.
My second Sphynx was a show quality who did not like showing. Du came from the same breeder as Singe so they reacted like long lost brothers when they saw each other again.
Du was named after my dear friend Drew.
Tosca came with her opera name.
Cadeau is french for Gift.
Ciel means heaven or sky in french. ( they are both from Skyhasphynx)
Chimère ( french spelling) chimera a thing that is hoped or wished for but in fact is illusory or impossible to achieve ( who's sire is ironically from Skyhasphynx as well )


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Apr 26, 2010
Bronx-e: Fiancee bought him for me as a valentines/birthday gift. i was stunned on a name, but knew i wanted something to represent John and my relationship. he HATES cats, so for him to buy me one, he knew just how special it was for me.
John and I in person for the first time at a bar called The Bronx. Ok, perfect, Bronx. but that sounded so harsh. so as my nickname for him i called him Bronxy. but that didnt' fit right w/ Fiancee. so after chatting we came up with the "-e" because we met online via Ethernet/E-mail, etc... so it became Bronx-e (but bronxy really lol)

Bea: we adopted/rescued her off craigslist. her family before us named her Beatrix, but we weren't huge fans. so we sorta just shortened it to Bea (Be-ah). sometimes we call her Beatrix, but mostly it's Bea.

i'm gonna add my dog too :)
Valerie: her breeder originally named her Kenacy Grand Valedictorian. they shortened her to Valerie. We kept her name because i bought her as a valentine's gift for my finacee, and Val is fitting for valentines day :)

Sam lewis

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 8, 2009
I wanted to pick an Egyptian theamed name for Mo as his Mummy is called 'Firefantasy Cleopatra' I liked that, I thought it would be a nice tribute to her. I considered Tut. I decided on Ramses in the end, which is the name on his certificate.

But when I went to pick him up I collected him in a little Moses basket which him and all his brothers got straight into! They all loved the basket and wanted to come together, and we decided that Moses was so cute as a name, and I liked the short version of Mo!


Jan 16, 2010
I love this thread. I'm tossing names for our new kitten (which I have yet to get a pictures of the litter yet,,im dying here) . lol She is busy tho so I understand. Its only been 3/4 days!! lol I want a really cool name for newbie kitty.


Apr 9, 2010
My little boy Loki was named after the norse god of mischief, It seems to fit a sphynx so well, as he's always causing trouble!


Mar 6, 2010
I read on something of yours the poulet de nuit...and thought to myself "chicken of the night"? So is Hibou , Hibou or Hibou Poulet De Nuit? Owl chicken of the night? How funny! Good name by the way.

I guess the translation of her registered name is

Chicken of the Night Owl

(Poulet De Nuit Hibou)...but we just call her Hibou