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How to raise money for a sphynx kitten?


Apr 21, 2017
  • Bottle drive
  • Tutor (you could help younger kids with multiplication tables. I tutored from grade seven to 12, I got 20$ an hour for it. I was generally three years older than the kid and worked one on one with a kid for an hour. I just did this at the library. You could teach reading too. I tutored weekly and just set myself up in the library)
  • Maybe a business can pay you to advertise? Like sign turn on the side of the road kinda thing. Like on the sidewalk obviously lol
  • Obviously make sure you go all your chores. Show responsibly. Maybe you could get an allowance increase if you took on more chores, but you need to show you can do what is expected first. You could ask for an increase that isn't paid out, just counts against the $700
  • Checkout 51 and craddle are coupon sites apps your mom could use. If she buys things that are on the app that week, you scan the recipt to get the money back. You can get a check once you reach 20$. They work in Canada. Better stuff on Checkout 51 I think. So if you buy the stuff all ready it's great!
  • Car wash
  • Run a scavenger hunt at a local park. Charge $2 a kid or something and pick up a little prize for the winner. Again get your mom to use Facebook to get the word out and limit it to a certain amount of kids.
  • Gold caddie maybe? Depends on if you have a golf course and age requirements
  • Cleaning
  • Teaching old people how to use a computer/tablet. Again can be done at the library
  • Don't do gofundme or stuff like that, they take part of the money. Better to earn it too ;) lol gifts are ok like Christmas and what not that's different
  • Clean the inside of cars
  • What if you took kids to the park for $10 for an hour, $2 for each extra kid. After you get your babysitting of course
  • Weeding lawns.
  • Langley has farm land around it doesn't it? Only been through it a few times. Maybe they need a farm hand. I don't think farms apply to the 12+ rule
  • Camper cleaner
  • Wash decks
  • Purge your toys/book/clothes. Ow don't go crazy, but if your parents are fine you could sell somethings you don't use anymore and aren't going to be handed down to siblinings/friends. Again your mom could post on Facebook sell groups or kijiji and that stuff. I'm part of a Facebook page and that's how I get Astrid's toy fund lol just getting rid of stuff I don't use anymore and cat find a home for.
  • Run a painting class in your back yard if you're artsy. Dollarama has great canvas and paint actually! Brushes, eh not so much. You could change 10-15 a person (make sure you make atleast 50%+ profit after you pay supplies) and run a class! Doesn't have to be a difficult pierce: just some for summer!
  • If you have a scanner you could use, you could scan people's photos for them and put them on a USB
  • Lol a "mom assistant" aka mom slave Like babysitting but while the mom is home kinda thing. Essentially you pick things you're ok with doing (cleaning, playing, whatever) and do it like babysitting. I've done the babysitting part while parents were home: usually they were working from home.
  • Langley might have a kid craft farmers market thing. I know comox did. It's an only kids craft fair to sell stuff maybe you guys have one!
Well there's some! Now you just need to get a big jar to lock the money in lol

Just remember with whatever you are doing, you really are showing your parents how responsible you are. The responsibility you are showing is proof you can take care of a kitty. So, be respectful and go above and beyond what you're asked to do at home :p offer to do things that normally aren't your chores, and not expect payment. Lol and of course have fun!!! You'll get that money! I'm sure of it.

Thanks for all of that advice you people ROCK


Apr 21, 2017
Welcome to sphynxlair!
You're already showing you'll be a great sphynxmommy by trying to do all you can to save enough money for a sphynx. Your parents must be proud of you!

Do the people in your street have cars? Maybe you can wash their cars? Or do others little things for them?

But don't forget to also have fun and play with other kids or do others things you like to do!

They do have cars I'll try this stuff


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Mar 10, 2014
I am in BC too. Vancouver.

Congratulations on working so hard towards saving up for a special Sphynx. I cannot believe all the fantastic ideas that people have listed for making additional money.

I'm not sure what the minimum age is for working as a blueberry or berry picker, but since you are out in Langley, you might be able to score a job with berry picking. My first job when I was about your age, and for two years running (because I was too young to work in a convenience store or similar), was working as a strawberry picker. Because I was young and small, I was able to crouch down, and pick very fast without upsetting my back (unlike adults who worked in the field). Mind you, I lied about my age and back then I was able to get a social insurance number which was all that was required to work.

Wishing you lots of luck. Always remember you have a sounding board here.


May 21, 2017
When I was eleven I bought my pet snake and all his supplies by selling sweets at school. I would buy loads of candy from wholesalers online. I'd then sell it on the play ground and made literally hundreds a week! I had saved enough to buy him in six weeks.

I was spending about £30 on produce every week and making about £110, which is £90 profit a week! Just don't let the teachers catch you on your hustler kid thing! LOL

Cleopatra Beers

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Dec 24, 2011
Hi @sphynkles! Queen Cleopatra and Mr. Marcus A. A. and I have been watching your this post and your effurts very closely. We do not have any other suggestions, but we just wanted to cheer you on! You are getting wonderful advice, and the experience of working and saving for a cherished pet will be a priceless one for you! I am a high school teacher here in Nevada, and I wish you all the best both with your fundraising and school. I wish I had more students with your drive and dedication! Queen Cleopatra gives you her blessings and reminds me to tell you to make sure you have plenty of Yeowww brand catnip toys for your new baby as he or she gets older. Mr. Marcus A. A. also told me that a bird feeder outside the window will keep your new baby entertained while you are at school.

Keep up the great work!!!! We are cheering for you!