Hi everyone. I’m at a loss- I got my baby, Frank, back in December. I kept thinking I would sign up for insurance but I kept putting it off, mostly because all the options were so overwhelming and I don’t have insurance for my other pets. Anyways, since I’ve had him, he’s been treated once for an URI. It didn’t seem to go away completely but I thought that sphynx cats just had runny noses from to time. Anyways, a couple of days ago I noticed that he seemed cool to the touch and lethargic but he was still eating and eating a lot. Then on Saturday and Sunday he didn’t finish his food, which never happens. I took him to my vet this morning, and wow everything just happened so fast. His temperature was very low and he was dehydrated. An x-ray revealed that he has pneumonia. And then they told me to get to an emergency/specialist vet clinic right away. He’s at the emergency clinic now awaiting an ultrasound- his blood work is abnormal- low cholesterol levels and abnormal kidney and liver values. He doesn’t weigh very much considering he’s 6 months old and a voracious eater. They couldn’t see any of his abdominal organs in the x-ray hence the ultrasound. The first estimate they gave me nearly had me falling out of my chair! I feel horrible that I had to pick and choose his treatments and I wish I had just chosen any pet insurance 2 months ago. I’m waiting to hear back about his ultrasound, please send good vibes.