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I’m off again mithering with my silly questions

Anita Eccleston

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 26, 2017
hello another one of my silly questions
Mr Bagins does act like he as been used to being handled , he doesn’t mind snuggling next to you and you stroking him , but doesn’t like you picking him up but once your hold of him he goes asleep while you stroke him
Do you think I’m being a bit too much in his face ? All I want to do is hold him and cuddle him and stroke him
Whilst he as been home Cleo was great yesterday , today she needed time out cause she got too rough !
This is new to me guys the whole sphynx experience and I know I am being over anxious .. but I want to be an attentive momma .. ok ok Rome wasn’t built in a day and we are not going to get everything right first off ... but with you guys behind me I know I will become a good sphynx momma

I do know the breeder wasn’t home during the day , so it was mum and kitties but I’m sure the kitties were played with in the evenings cause Mr Bagins plays really nice
I am going to show you a picture of Mr
Bagins so you can see the vertebrae of his spine is this normal ? I worked out he was 12 weeks the day after we got him , please tell me what you think ... I am being a proper mad stresshead at the minuet


Do you see what I mean is this normal for 12 weeks ? To see each and every little bone his little legs are the thickness of my index finger
I do wish I could bath him cause I know he is going to be awesome under is grim ah ha ha
Love him to bits


Hugs from us xxx❤️❤️❤️


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Sep 24, 2017
It's hard to tell from the photos but he looks alright to me. Has he had his wellness check yet? Cause they will weigh him there and let you know if he is underweight or anything.

And with the handling thing it will just take time. My boy is the opposite he instantly starts purring if you pick him up but unless he is sleepy he won't stay on your lap he has to go explore. Just keep handling him and he will get used to being picked up etc .

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Anita Eccleston , Agree with a vet wellness check for Mr Bagins
I would also bring a poo sample for parasite check
Did the breeder deworm kittens?

You can also ask your vet about kitten nutrical supplement if it would be beneficial and advice on getting weight on him- he does look a wee on the thin side IMHO

Btw I love his tail stripes!
Head smooches sent!

Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
You never ask silly questions! My boys didn't like to be picked up the first weeks too. Guess that was cause they weren't used to me yet.
I thought my boys were 13 weeks old when I got them but later it turned out they were 11 weeks old (I find out because the vet is the owner of the father of my boys and she accidently said the real birthday of my boys!).
I wouldn't stress to much about Bagins being only 12 weeks old. He'll be okay. Specially with Cleo showimg him how to be a cat;-).

On the pics he looks a bit skinny but then again if he is in a "growing fase" it can be normal. Is he active and playful?


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Jul 22, 2012
No matter how much they been socialised when get to new home they may be nervous or simply not like it. We all as humans like the same stuff no matter how social we are. Where his weight is concerned a vet visit is probably best bet to put you mind at ease

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Anita Eccleston

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 26, 2017
Hiya Tammy I actually know very little as my daughter was the one who contacted the breeder for him ,
He will go for his check at the vet today actually ,

I got Cleo from the breeder and she was 14 weeks and very Bonnie , this is what makes me think he is too small
The pictures don’t really show how skinny he actually is
His poop seems ok and his wee
I don’t think il settle @Yoda mom until he as actually seen our vet
He is way too small to be chipped but that can happen when he is neutered
I totally adore this little man and feel completely happy with my new addition all thoughts of s dark boy have gone ( ah ha if you believe that you would believe anything ah ha but in a year or two )
From us ❤️❤️❤️Xxx

Anita Eccleston

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 26, 2017
You never ask silly questions! My boys didn't like to be picked up the first weeks too. Guess that was cause they weren't used to me yet.
I thought my boys were 13 weeks old when I got them but later it turned out they were 11 weeks old (I find out because the vet is the owner of the father of my boys and she accidently said the real birthday of my boys!).
I wouldn't stress to much about Bagins being only 12 weeks old. He'll be okay. Specially with Cleo showimg him how to be a cat;-).

On the pics he looks a bit skinny but then again if he is in a "growing fase" it can be normal. Is he active and playful?
Hiya , I just love him so much and I think it’s quite normal to worry , if I didn’t worry I think I would be a poor momma , :wideyed:
I really do feel like a first time momma ah ha whereas in the sphynx world I actually am ah
Was a mother to my four younger brothers from being 10 yrs old our mum went blind after my youngest brother was born ,
Then had mine and mikes children and then bringing up two of our grandsons and Claire still lives at home with her family
You would think I would know more than I do lol :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I need get my stress head off
Thanks for your reply your babies are stunning
From us xxx❤️❤️❤️

Anita Eccleston

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 26, 2017
No matter how much they been socialised when get to new home they may be nervous or simply not like it. We all as humans like the same stuff no matter how social we are. Where his weight is concerned a vet visit is probably best bet to put you mind at ease

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@Lickleone thank you , your right there
Us xxx❤️❤️❤️


Apr 28, 2015
I’d get him checked for worms/parasites & be sure to get him on a good food, something with more protein than grains. If a grain is the first or second ingredient in the food, it’s not going to provide enough nutrients for a growing kitten! Also, remember, kittens will need twice as much food as an adult cat, because they’re growing so fast.... especially Sphynx. He looks thin to me. Best of luck with your new baby!

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Anita Eccleston

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 26, 2017
I’d get him checked for worms/parasites & be sure to get him on a good food, something with more protein than grains. If a grain is the first or second ingredient in the food, it’s not going to provide enough nutrients for a growing kitten! Also, remember, kittens will need twice as much food as an adult cat, because they’re growing so fast.... especially Sphynx. He looks thin to me. Best of luck with your new baby!

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Hi there , he has been wormed had both injections , I give little often , so like every time he opens his eyes he eats drinks then back to sleep , he does have a mad 5 minuets playing inbetween
We shall what our vet says and go from there he was the smallest in the litter so I think once he starts to come on he will be amazing
Anita Cleo & Bagins xxx❤️❤️❤️

Anita Eccleston

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 26, 2017
Hello all yes we went for our vet check , everything is as it should be so to speak but my vet does think that Bagins needs building up ! He said he prob got left out because of his size whereas he should have been put first at feeding times ?
I see a change already he is filling out a little we are going to worm him again my vet said he is an handsome little dude
( puffs chest up one proud momma )

@Yoda mom , @Catzzzmeow