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Intro to Hairy and I


Dec 26, 2023
Hi SL Community,
My husband Jay and I (Kate) got our first sphynx 2 months ago when he was 4 months old making him currently 6 months old! He is grey with amber/yellow eyes and his name is Hairy! We did a ton of research before buying him. As a matter of fact we almost got scammed buying one from a site! We reported the website to the BBB but it's still up and running so BEWARE! Anyway, we ended up getting him from a private breeder out of Brooklyn NY. We are from CT! It has sure been a learning experience owning Hairy! We are lucky that he doesn't have bad skin but he does have a sensitive stomach and oily ears! Our biggest problem is him getting into my other cats food and well EVERY KIND OF FOOD ANYWHERE! Which doesn't help the stomach issues. We are currently trying to ween him from Royal Canine kitten to Instincts Raw kibble for kittens. I am so happy to be part of this community! Honestly my hubby and I feel like most Sphynx are so much alike! Thanks for having me!


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Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Ktlat23 , Hi Kate and Jay! welcome to the lair family! happy adorable Hairy gotcha, so glad you joined us and sharing his adorable photo.!
reminds me of my TobyLove and Batman. I nearly got scammed too .. so glad things worked out for you and finding a reputable breeder.

sharing, my TobyLove's ears get oiler faster than the others. my vet got me hooked on Trizultra w/keto almost 20 yrs ago for my pups and kitties to wipe out ears. I like it doesnt have a heavy scent. it has been my go to for ear cleaning. I just wet a cotton swissper round and brand qtips and gently wipe out ears. in the beginning I used a little head lamp to see in those nooks and crannies while having him on my lap.
my TobyLove is a little food thief too, I can relate

the info center is a great resource we all refer too as well as the top right search box for specifics for previous threads.

never hesitate to ask questions, all paws are family!
look forward to pics and tales! what is Hairy's silliest habit , fav toy?