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Jan 18, 2016
Our gotcha day isn't until the end of March, but I'm too excited not to be preparing the house already. And I just think you can never start too soon with these things. I guess my big picture question is: just how curious IS your Sphynx?

My boyfriend and I both work during the day. He usually leaves a little later and gets home much earlier than I do, so the kitten won't be alone for too long, but I am worried about what all she may get into while we're away. We have already lined up a cat tree with a little condo and plenty of toys for her to keep in our living room, and we will probably keep her food in that area also. So I'm hopeful that her attention will remain close by and she won't get into trouble somewhere else. My boyfriend is pretty adamant about setting up the litter box in our back guest room, so it's not too stinky in the main areas of the house. I'm fine with this, however, that room is the area I use to get ready in the morning. I keep all my clothes, jewelry, makeup, hair products and styling tools in there. My necklaces hang out in the open on a jewelry rack and there are wires around from my styling tools, but I try to keep things pretty organized (mostly everything has a drawer to go in) so my vanity isn't too cluttered. I would also make sure we close our bedroom and bathroom doors, but she'd still have total access to the living room, kitchen, and guest room. It just seems like an overwhelming amount of space for such a small kitty to explore. And I just keep thinking about what they say about cats and curiosity...:unsure:

Do you think she will be ok with so much free range in our home? Or should I convince my boyfriend to allow the litter box in the living room with her other things, so I can gate off that room until one of us gets home? What are good tips on keeping a kitten safe in your house while you're away?

Thanks in advance!


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
How exciting! These guys are known for getting into everything! It is often best (if possible) to limited a baby to a small room just for starters when you are not home. Jewelry, hairbands and all those personal type of items you mention would definitely need to be removed. Cords removed etc. Hopefully after a week or 2 you will get a good feel on how curious your baby is and can turn them loose full time when you are not home. In the beginning it is better to be safe than sorry. You might want to start with 2 litter boxes if your home is that big until the baby gets a good feel for the litter box in the spare room.

You might also find this list of dangerous household items that you need to be aware of.
Dangerous household items for your Sphynx Cat


Toa and Ross

Staff member
Jan 23, 2015
This such an exciting time for you. I still can remeber the first day I left my two babies home. They had access to the livingroom the hall and the stairs.

I made sure I stayed home for a few days so I could watch how curious they where. I was putting away things I never thought of before they found out it was a great thing to chew on:). I went to the house laying down like a snake to see what they could see and be interested in:).

So if it's possible I would watch them the first days so you can kittenproof the house while supervise them. @Catzzzmeow did give a good link.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Sarahstar66 , Very excited for you sphynx parents to be!
Great advice given - and we will all chip in with our tips n tricks :)
Adding to list - two kitties boxes is a good idea
There are awesome " litter box hacks" ideas online- for benches , tables , etc
(I made a litter box window bench with two end tables together over two boxes and covered with A room darkening Curtain to match th man cave colors and a cushion on top )

In his small spare bathroom , a small covered box with a decorative small rug over it - can add a kitty proof item on top - I get creative :)

***these kitties get into everthing - kitty proof as if you are bringing home a baby monkey ! :)

-Mine try to sit on the hot flat stove top (I have to put kitties away when cooking
-Washer/dryer (always check before turning on)
-trying to sniff candles amd knock over any fragile nic nac or mug just bcz it's fun
Blinds and blind cords- I put up a mug hook to get the cord ou of reach
-Curling /Flat irons I have to supervise to keep curious noses n paws away- don't laugh- I personally have to put it to cool in the oven bcz litter box is in the "makeup" bathroom
-dental floss has to be thrown out into the kitchen lidded trash or they will eat out of the small bathroom trash knocking it over to get to it and razor blade heads- they jump on shower ledge to steal razors too
-makeup- it's all steal chew items- I keep in decorative boxes or drawers
-jewlery - another fun steal chew
-decorative pillow buttons
Anything that resembles a string or ribbon - even the look cute cat tree danglers
-tennis shoe laces
-office supplies- rubber bands, tacs, paper clips - shredder kept unplugged
-safes- they run inside to hide n seek
-fireplace another hear source
-Floor heat vents- plastic deflectors from a home improvement store recommended-
-Window film to avoid sunburning
-No unsupervised kitty sweater clothes wearing here ( mine got even her trimmed nail stuck on it and almost fell from a high place) no collars here - I prefer microchip during spay/neuter
- stair rails and bannister kitty proof - members have had great ideas with this one
-always watch underfoot amd opening closing doors - they are stealth fast
-watch electronic and cable boxes - morecheatvseeking fun
- I also put away in a closet any pole toys like DaBird - string and small pieces very inticing
-toilet seats down ! ( had an expensive vet trip after a guest left it up)
- child proof latches for drawers - mine will open bathroom drawer for hair bands and razors
- tooth brush caps( they think it's theirs)

Basically anything a monkey would get into is a good start :)
I am sure others can add to the list of amazing Sphynx tails of kitty proofing
My mind is twirling when I think of all the things they get into!

I always have a safe kitty room place with newbie kitty's when I am not home
Then progress to free roaming


Jan 18, 2016
Oh my goodness! This is great information. Thank you all so much. :LOL:

Sounds like I need to take a trip to the store and visit the actual baby section and get some childproofing things! Also time to turn on the charm about the litter box situation... Although, now that I think about it, our living room doesn't actually have a door, so does anyone know if they do ok with baby gates? I sort of feel like she'll squeeze right through all the ones I've seen, lol.

I suppose I could thoroughly kitten proof my room and keep her food, litter box, and some toys and blankets in there with her, and just have the cat tree in the living room for play time when there's supervision. Does that sound like the best option?

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Sarahstar66 ,Sounds like a good idea especially if you plan to be bed sharing with your baby!
You can put or keep a cat tree in the bedroom too when you are not home -
If you have a window, some folks those little stick on window bird feeders for visual fun too
Amd I leave on a radio and ceiling or bathroom fixture light as opposed to a table light that can be knock over amd be a hazard
most kitties will climb up n over baby gates-
I do have a baby gate I zip tied open in the long position amd hold up in door way when doing new kitty to other kitty introductions

Lol - i only have four legged kids amd went shopping in the baby section for the first time for baby face clothes
For "spa day"
A good site for all kitty, pet stuff is chewy.com
Free shipping over $49 that include litter and big items too
Buy 12/1 free on many brands of food amd tiki cat wet cases too
Just ask what brand u like
20% off first order amd auto ship is ez to change or cancel with a click of a button
Amazing customer svs -100% satisfaction guarantee and a friendly rep answers right away to help with anything

Keep us updated!


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Mar 10, 2014
I think this is one of the best threads I've seen on this subject. So much good advice and information.

But to reiterate... they get into EVERYTHING!!! They are also climbers, so just because it's up high doesn't mean they can't get into it. I was recently reading my Max Diary from the first few weeks and within the first week he learned to climb our coat tree!

Prior to Max's arrival Hubby and I spent an evening inspecting every nook and cranny of our house. I had a clipboard, paper, and pen to take notes of changes that would need to be made. We had a few items that we classified as "wait and see" because to alter the item/scenario would just seem too much and there was a good possibility that Max MIGHT not get into it (i.e. we have a couple of large Chinese floor vases with dried flowers in them -- miraculously, he only got into one and not the other). Curiously, Max does not play with my necklaces that I hang on a rack on my dresser -- but at a moment's notice I'll put them away. I never leave hair bands, elastics, or paper clips around.

Just really study everything.

Oh, and they will try and get onto anything warm such as monitors, TVs, cable boxes, blu ray players etc. These can be a source of paw or skin burning. I've made an obstacle course that even my parkour master can't negotiate on the way to the blu ray player.

You'll be a great Sphynx mom!!!!

Hairless Blessing

Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Nov 9, 2010
Seems like everyone has it covered for you.
I think it would be great to keep her in your bedroom along
with the food, water, and litter box. Just don't put the litter box
next to her food and water.
Strings, ribbons, yarn, artificial plants, cords, anything she can eat
Plus the poisonous plants as mentioned. The cords from blinds, put
up where she can't reach.
Let her out when you all get home and really love on her, play, cuddle.
Wear her down. You won't have to leave her in there long. They learn
fast. Plus, if you should use a collar, make sure it's a break away.

Then, even test it, to make sure. Don't leave clothes on them all the time.
She won't really need them at all.
But, if you want to dress her up. Do it for awhile in the evenings
when, your home, until, bedtime.
Then, if your off, through the day
and evening, until bedtime. Some sphynx will not wear clothes.
Mine won't. Don't ever leave her home alone with clothes on.
That's about all I can think of that might not have been mentioned.
Best wishes.