Hello!! My name is Macey and I’ve been looking for a sphynx kitty as an emotional support pet. My roommate is unfortunately allergic to cats so I’m hoping to find a cat that would be able to live with us! Thank you
@MaceyUCF , Hi Macey and roomamate, welcome fellow floridian! glad you joined us! members with various degrees of allergies to cats will chime in.
Please know sphynx are Not hypoallergenic as some may advertise. we do have members who manage their allergies with having sphynx, and others that have had to rehome because of severe allergies. Has your roommate ever had been around sphynx to see allergy reaction?
going to share the info center that is a great resource . several of us have adopted from members. we can PM reputable breeders too, we cannot mention cattery names on main page.
Are Sphynx Hypoallergenic? No, not really. Yes it's true, some animals seem to be more tolerable than others when it comes to an allergic reaction, and many allergic Sphynx owners have claimed they are less hypoallergenic, the truth is - there are no cats including the sphynx that do not...
Yeah, I'm allergic to cats and I am allergic to my Sphynx I have to take allergy pills every day to keep her. Most people are allergic to a protein in cat saliva. They still have this and they still lick themselves. I love mine too much to let her go. I already had to take allergy meds every few days to manage a different condition I have but now I just take them every day.
Sphynx is more high maintenance than a normal cat in some ways and less in others. Like I bathe mine every other week, wash her clothing, clean her ears, and have to wipe her butt regularly. On the other hand, she doesn't shed so that's a nice trade-off in my eyes. That and she's the most affectionate and possibly clingy cat ever. She will cry if I leave her side, she wants to be against me at all times. My friends call her Misses Bigglesworth.
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