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Looking to adopt a Sphynx to give the most incredible life to.


Jan 29, 2024
I have been in search of my new best friend. I am an experienced Sphynx owner and recently lost my best friend. I would provide the best life one of these babies could possibly have.
I currently live in Florida and also have a home in NC. I am not limited to finding one in these areas. I am willing to go as far as needed to bring one of these bundles of joy to their forever home.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@Andreah1681 , welcome to the lair family fellow Floridian. are you on east or west coast of FL?

(((squeeze hugs))) I am so sorry your sweet bestie got angel wings. Remember the love, soo much love. may our babies be running free together.

I adopted in my Yoda girl's honor. I have all adoptees. I adopted a bonded pair from a member.

I wanted to share I adopted a wonderful healthy HCM scanned 2 yr old retiree from a FL reputable breeder. We stay in touch for over a decade. My Clairebare is 12 yrs old now , never a health issue and is soo cuddly .
I can PM you the breeder's info if you are interested in contacting her for upcoming retirees? and or networking in NC she may know?

stay active with us. I do see several that come avail in FL. I will of course tag you. I always try to help hearts align.

be sure to read the fraud tips link.

it was very helpful when I was looking at ads outside sphynxlair especially when my heart was vulnerable from my recent loss when I was looking to adopt after my Yoda girl got her angel wings.
Do not hesitate to PM any ads you are looking at outside sphynxlair for an extra peek for red flags.



Sep 2, 2023
@Andreah1681 , welcome to the lair family fellow Floridian. are you on east or west coast of FL?

(((squeeze hugs))) I am so sorry your sweet bestie got angel wings. Remember the love, soo much love. may our babies be running free together.

I adopted in my Yoda girl's honor. I have all adoptees. I adopted a bonded pair from a member.

I wanted to share I adopted a wonderful healthy HCM scanned 2 yr old retiree from a FL reputable breeder. We stay in touch for over a decade. My Clairebare is 12 yrs old now , never a health issue and is soo cuddly .
I can PM you the breeder's info if you are interested in contacting her for upcoming retirees? and or networking in NC she may know?

stay active with us. I do see several that come avail in FL. I will of course tag you. I always try to help hearts align.

be sure to read the fraud tips link.

it was very helpful when I was looking at ads outside sphynxlair especially when my heart was vulnerable from my recent loss when I was looking to adopt after my Yoda girl got her angel wings.
Do not hesitate to PM any ads you are looking at outside sphynxlair for an extra peek for red flags.

Hi @Yoda mom! Could you also PM me the FL breeder details? I adopted from someone in GA, and while I love my Binky to death, he had all types of parasites, a bone deformity (not disclosed until we picked him up), and was given the wrong antibiotics by the breeder. We are looking for a second kitten or friendly adult to keep him company and I have sworn not to go to the same breeder after the horrible experiences I had.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@PurranhasDen , (((hugs))) if you may be considering rehoming (will breeder take back? they usually request first rights of return ).
keep in mind, if you decide to rehome, you will need to start your own rehoming post in the adoption section. keep in mind the maximum rehoming fee on sphynxlair is $250 per rules . some list no rehoming fee. either way to approved home. hugs n head smooches



Jan 29, 2024
@Andreah1681 , welcome to the lair family fellow Floridian. are you on east or west coast of FL?

(((squeeze hugs))) I am so sorry your sweet bestie got angel wings. Remember the love, soo much love. may our babies be running free together.

I adopted in my Yoda girl's honor. I have all adoptees. I adopted a bonded pair from a member.

I wanted to share I adopted a wonderful healthy HCM scanned 2 yr old retiree from a FL reputable breeder. We stay in touch for over a decade. My Clairebare is 12 yrs old now , never a health issue and is soo cuddly .
I can PM you the breeder's info if you are interested in contacting her for upcoming retirees? and or networking in NC she may know?

stay active with us. I do see several that come avail in FL. I will of course tag you. I always try to help hearts align.

be sure to read the fraud tips link.

it was very helpful when I was looking at ads outside sphynxlair especially when my heart was vulnerable from my recent loss when I was looking to adopt after my Yoda girl got her angel wings.
Do not hesitate to PM any ads you are looking at outside sphynxlair for an extra peek for red flags.

@Yoda mom Thank you so much for your sweet reply. I am in South Florida. Palm Beach to be exact. I’m so sorry to hear about your baby as well. It beyond explanation how hard it is to lose one. They hold such a huge part of our hearts.