@msmaria , welcome to the lair family. stay active and positive. several of us have adopted from members. I have all adoptees.
please be sure to read the fraud tip link if looking at ads outside sphynxlair.
What are some blatant and obvious signs of fraud or scams have you read about or stumble upon? Have any tips to avoid fishy transactions and deals. I would love to know some pointers, feel free to share.
@msmaria , you are most welcome. never hesitate to PM me any ads you are looking at outside sphynxlair for an extra peek for red flags. I have all adoptees and nearly got scammed out there in cyberworld, as have other members.
also, sharing, I adopted a wonderful retiree from a reputable breeder. you can ask for PM's of reputable breeders and ask about retiree wait list. My girl I adopted as a retiree at age 2. she came spayed, HCM scanned and lots of extras. acts like I had her since a kitten! she just turned 12 and has been a cuddly healthy happy love bug.
sharing, this thread helped me learn some questions to ask too when I was adopting
We get this question quite a bit here on Sphynxlair so I figured we would compile some useful information, a check list if you will for a first time sphynx buyer or even an existing sphynx parent looking to get another sphynx cat or kitten. All of these items listed below aren't necessarily deal...
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