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Marcey, I miss you

miss lelli

Jan 5, 2015
Hi everyone. I don’t think anyone will remember me as I joined well over ten years ago now before I ever became a sphynx parent and only used the fb group as over the last 4/5 years. We said goodbye to our gorgeous girl Marcey at the start of this year, I’ve just been so lost.

She was the most loving little snuggle puss ever. Always next to you one of us and regardless of time of year, she’d need to be touching you. The true definition of a Velcro cat.

I know it’s hasn’t been that long but I’m still finding it incredibly hard to cope without her. Ugly crying and full on sobbing everyday to the point i actually can’t cry anymore. Eyes swollen and face all puffy and completely exhausted.

I know it takes time to get past the initial heartbreak. I just feel so hopeless and wish she was still here in my arms. She was still young and so tiny. I’m glad she was at home with us in her final hours and surrounded by our love.

I love you marcey moo and I’ll forever miss you.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is a tremendous hole left in your heart, but I hope in time you will know a piece of Marcey will always remain in your heart. We have added to our family after our losses. We know we could never “replace”them…but I will say when you are ready to possibly get another baby, the excitement that starts to build definitely helped to heal our hearts.

Fly high sweet baby you were loved beyond measure and that is everything.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@miss lelli , oh my heart, ((squeeze hugs)) and heartfelt condolences.
I do remember your posts here with your sphynxlair family. I am one of the old timers here.

I am so very sorry sweet Marcey got her angel wings. my heart hurts for you . your eternal love leaps off the page. I share in the immeasurable hurt. I was physically ill when my yodagirl got her angel wings. Sharing I joined FB group pet parent survivors. Log into Facebook
a wonderful caring support group like sphynxlair. Melody the admin , and members are so understanding and supportive.

Beautiful Marcey was surrounded by love. She only knew your love. remember the love, soo much love . here for you. PM me anytime for an extra hugs, ear to listen, extra support.

"Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am….forever and ever and ever."

Author Unknown

Lighting a candle for Marcey .
may love be what you remember most.jpeg


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Sep 14, 2014
Im so sorry to hear that your precious girl has passed . Many here on SL will be able to completely understand your feelings of emptiness , our babies are such a huge important part of our lives and bring so much joy.Your feelings reflect the love you feel for her . My boy Wilson "crossed the bridge" in 2023 and although the pain is not as raw I still sometimes find myself crying for him in quiet moments. I think that our grief simply becomes a part of us that we learn to accept. One day you will be able to remember her and smile about what she brought to your life. .Take things slowly, understand that what you are feeling is normal. Marcey will always be with you in your heart


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jul 10, 2015
My heartfelt condolences on her passing. Give yourself grace to process the loss and emptiness you feel without her. It takes time and sometimes comes when least expected. My Aggie passed in 2022 and it catches me sometimes.