Iam new to sphynx breed. This is ,my new parrot Mystique. I used to raise Persians, so this is going to the other extreme. This kitten is loaded with personality.
I found your group when I was looking for info and you were very helpful. I am looking forward ro being a member.
Welcome to Sphynxlair…and congratulations your life has officially changed forever. This community is loaded with lots of info and friendly people. Here is an area of the community you might find helpful as well. Sphynx Cat Help Center BTW she is adorable!!!!
@mystiquesmom , melt my heart! happiest adorable Mystique gotcha! love her name.. such a sweeeet photo! I am so glad you joined this fun friendly bunch. I joined here over 12 yrs ago with my first. all paws are family! yes, that is quite the breed change! I swear sphynx are cat , dog , monkey baby all in one for life. kitty proof for life. watch opening doors as they are lightening fast curious. always triple check washer and dryers before turning on. they are heat seekers. I have to put mine in my bedroom if I cook on the stove top! or use a toaster type oven to avoid burns. the info center is a great resource. never hesitate to ask questions! look foward to pics and tales!! hugs n head smooches
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