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Nail care


Feb 8, 2023
I had a question about grooming, in particular keeping the nails clean. I weekly do a "spa day" that also involves using cat shampoo, warm water, and a soft brush to scrub his nails clean. My little baby has gotten better in cleaning them himself over the months (he's just over 7 months old now), but by spa day they're always dirty again. (He actually enjoys the trimming/cleaning regimen, though! :)) Is there any better way to go about cleaning them? Will he improve even more once he is grown? He definitely pays more attention to them now but not as much as I'd like. What even makes them dirty, litter and such? (I keep a super clean home, and he isn't allowed anywhere near the outdoors).

Would love to hear your nail cleaning routines and products and schedule! It's an effort to make them perfectly clear and white.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
You might try stretching shampoos to 2 weeks and then even longer. I used to do it every week for years and then started stretching them out and their skin was less greasy over time. Shampooing strips their skin of their natural oils so their body signals this and starts producing more to compensate if that makes sense. Our one boy starts to get red bumps on his legs and I know it is time to shampoo so I do both of them. The nails are grubby from the oils and yes the litter box. I use baby wipes to clean ours.


Feb 8, 2023
You might try stretching shampoos to 2 weeks and then even longer. I used to do it every week for years and then started stretching them out and their skin was less greasy over time. Shampooing strips their skin of their natural oils so their body signals this and starts producing more to compensate if that makes sense. Our one boy starts to get red bumps on his legs and I know it is time to shampoo so I do both of them. The nails are grubby from the oils and yes the litter box. I use baby wipes to clean ours.
Oh yeah he definitely does NOT get weekly baths! Sorry for the confusion. He gets a bath like every month if that, just when he needs it. I literally mean nails only. I squirt the shampoo in a cup of warm water, froth it around, then dip his gentle brush to scrub each nail individually. He loves the process, but it sure takes a while! I was just curious what others do. I don't think baby wipes would cut it for my boy!


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
Mar 29, 2013
I had a question about grooming, in particular keeping the nails clean. I weekly do a "spa day" that also involves using cat shampoo, warm water, and a soft brush to scrub his nails clean. My little baby has gotten better in cleaning them himself over the months (he's just over 7 months old now), but by spa day they're always dirty again. (He actually enjoys the trimming/cleaning regimen, though! :)) Is there any better way to go about cleaning them? Will he improve even more once he is grown? He definitely pays more attention to them now but not as much as I'd like. What even makes them dirty, litter and such? (I keep a super clean home, and he isn't allowed anywhere near the outdoors).

Would love to hear your nail cleaning routines and products and schedule! It's an effort to make them perfectly clear and white.
My boy is lazy with his nails too and he's an oily boy so they gunk up quickly. I have tried water baby wipes and the fabric swabs from the vet to remove the gunk but not that effective. The best thing I've found so far is swisspers cotton pads with some warm water.