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new baby coming home soon.... tips for transition??


Oct 7, 2018
Hello! My first ever sphynx is coming home Jan 4 and I am preparing my home. I've cat-proofed (thanks to all of your suggestions), but I was wondering if there were any other tips on how to make him comfortable, teach him where is litter will be, etc. Thanks in advance :)


Oct 21, 2018
Omg!! Congrats on your new baby!! Looks JUST like my Raisin! Thats so exciting that its your first. She is my first too and i’m still learning a lot.

The first night home, I placed her in the room with the litter box and excluded her from all the other kids. I placed her in the litter box and was persistent about her using it. Once she did, i gave her treats. The first few days, i kept taking her to the litter box after we woke up&few hours after she ate. I was surprised one morning when i heard a little meow&saw that she was waiting by the room door to be let out and once I did, she went immediately to the litter box. It was a major proud mommy moment.

Anywho, wishing you the best homecoming! I’m still reading a lot on the forum about my new baby. Have you decided on any names yet? I look forward to seeing a lot of pictures!

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Oct 7, 2018
Omg!! Congrats on your new baby!! Looks JUST like my Raisin! Thats so exciting that its your first. She is my first too and i’m still learning a lot.

The first night home, I placed her in the room with the litter box and excluded her from all the other kids. I placed her in the litter box and was persistent about her using it. Once she did, i gave her treats. The first few days, i kept taking her to the litter box after we woke up&few hours after she ate. I was surprised one morning when i heard a little meow&saw that she was waiting by the room door to be let out and once I did, she went immediately to the litter box. It was a major proud mommy moment.

Anywho, wishing you the best homecoming! I’m still reading a lot on the forum about my new baby. Have you decided on any names yet? I look forward to seeing a lot of pictures!

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Thank you SO much for the advice! I will definitely use this. His name is Wybie (from Coraline)! Here's some updated pics of him!


  • babybaby.jpg
    109.1 KB · Views: 25
  • baby.jpg
    141.3 KB · Views: 23


Oct 21, 2018
@beccerzz11 how do i like that post 5 more times? Hahah cause he is a MAJOR cutie!! Such a tall photogenic model. Also loving the xmas background.

Wishing you luck on your homecoming! Hope he doesnt drive you crazy but hes too cute to complain lol

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Staff member
Jan 16, 2011
How exciting! I can’t wait to see pics of your baby home. The last week of waiting to Gotcha Day is very long lol. We will be happy help you get through it.

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
@beccerzz11 tick tock Jan 4 is just around the corner :)
I know your heart is going litter patter ! So excited for you and Wybie!

Are you driving to pick him up?
I always recommend a crate amd cover 3 sides with a blanket to make a comfy cave especially if it is as long for drive.

Check your contract too.. Some have a clause for a wellness check so I make an appointment ahead of time . Make sure to have vet Mark chart "No ketamine" anesthesia for future reference amd always double check no ketamine for neuter surgery . If you decide to microchip amd neuter both good dome at the same time . Be s ire to actually call the microchip co,s y to pay for amd register amd double check info . It's often a separate registration fee .

Setting up a kitty room is great - I used a spare bathroom with a permanent litter box is kept .warm blanket fro, the dryer is great for bombing snuggling :)

Most of us hold off on spay day for a week or so during the adjustment .
Your breeder will have great suggestions for Sphynx life

You can keep same litter brand and food as the breeder in the beginning so it's familiar and no upset tummies . Many supplement with lysine powder treats or gel to help ward off stress related upper respiratory infections .

Great you kitty proofed ! It's a life long process ! They are like monkey cat dog parrot all in one!
Amd watch your feet - they are alway dashing about below! I have tripped a few times !
Watch dryers they hide in , heat sources like ovens stove tops) had to put my kitty in my room if I use the stove !)

watch opening and closing doors! They are curious and lightening fast like no other kitty I have known .

Lol for litter box training some use "cst attract "
I like to give verbal praise amd a treat placed roght outside the box as they exit for reinforcement .
Don't scoop litterbox immediately - kee a poo ball amd tired there to help train .
If using a covered box , I alway take off the door flap .

Lots of great info at the info center to help prep for gotcha day!
We are here for you !

Sphynx Cat Help Center

Look forward to your Wybie Journey wo us with lots of pics and tales !
Keep us updated !