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Off to the vet with Sidney


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
I think our boxer Sidney has had a stroke this morning:Cry: We are going to see the vet at 1:30.
The past couple of days she has been loosing her balance alot but I was first thinking her hips where giving out she is 13 years old. Then her eyes started to look a bit strange. Today she fell on her back going up the 3 steps in the back I got her in it was time to eat and she got up quickly and look at me like what the heck. Took her in she ate all her food then collapsed on the floor with her head stuck to the side and her eyes where really bulging. Hubby had just left for work and I called him screaming she would not get up and was kind of twitching he calmed me down because me freaking was not going to help her. I was so scared she was going to die:Cry: I finally got her up and the twitching stopped but her head was still stuck to the side and she went to Delilah's crate and laid down. She has been up and went out to go potty but is walking very crooked and her head is still to the side but not as bad.
My poor girl I am not ready for this.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
Ok we are back:Sweat: The vet did some lab work and that was all clear. He said that it could have been a stroke but they are rare in dogs and he thinks it is either a brain tumor or something called vestibular (spelling) disease just something that happens in the brain when they get old and comes and goes without any warning. He put her on a antibiotic and some option sickness meds, and I have to call him daily to let him know how she is. She only fell a few times in the past 4 hours but is still walking in circles and her head is to one side. He said if it is the vestibular we will see improvement by Monday but if it keeps happening we will have to put her to sleep and if it is a brain tumor she will only get worse and she cannot live like that. Removing a brain tumor would not be an option for her because of her age. At this point we have to hope it is the vestibular and it will get better and stay that way for a while.


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jul 25, 2009
:Cry: Oh no. I thought at first it sounded like a seizure because my family dog acts kind of like that when she's having an episode.

I hope the meds help her feel better and that it doesn't happen again. It's so scary to see and so hard since they don't know what is going on.

Sending well wishes to Sidney.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
My friends boxer had a stroke and she did get better but her head was always tilted to the side. She lived many years after that happened. No brain tumor, was a stroke.

Melonie, do you know how old she was? Just trying to find some hope.
She does not seem to be in pain just very unstable and waling around like she is drunk:Cry:
My dear husband Admin as much as complains about the dogs wants to hear nothing about her getting put to sleep and wants to get her a big soft suit of some sort so that when she falls she will not get hurt.


Jan 16, 2010
Melonie, do you know how old she was? Just trying to find some hope.
She does not seem to be in pain just very unstable and waling around like she is drunk:Cry:
My dear husband Admin as much as complains about the dogs wants to hear nothing about her getting put to sleep and wants to get her a big soft suit of some sort so that when she falls she will not get hurt.

Any updates? Is she doing any better??


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Mar 30, 2009
If it wasn't for the seizure, I would have hoped it was a severe ear infection which can cause tilted head, loss of balance and walking unbalanced and in circles.

Hope Sydney gets better soon.

Nair Bare

Mar 13, 2010
My dear husband Admin as much as complains about the dogs wants to hear nothing about her getting put to sleep and wants to get her a big soft suit of some sort so that when she falls she will not get hurt.

But there is much hope for Sidney. It appears your vet is treating Sidney for Vestibular Syndrome with antibiotics / Prednisone? This is a good starting point for VS can be treated effectively and complete recovery is possible . VS is usually caused by inflammation of the inner ear and once that inflammation is controlled she may make a full recovery. Far too often dogs suffering from Vestibular Syndrome are declared as stroke victims and needlessly destroyed.

Now I have never experienced VS in my dogs but I contacted some breeder friends who have dealt with this condition. They suggest you watch Sydney's eyes during the next attack. If you see rapid eye movement either up and down or side to side this may point to VS. Also they say the dogs often vomit after an episode. The best thing you can do is keep her quiet until her head stops spinning. Imagine going around and around until you are so dizzy you can't stand up. This is what Sydney is feeling during these attacks. If you must pick her up, be sure to support her feet so she "feels" grounded and safe.

I have had Great Danes who suffered from Cerebro Vascular Accidents (CVAs) and TIAs Transient Ischemic Attacks (little doggy strokes) and lived well past their attacks. Doggy strokes are not like human strokes and are usually caused from another serious condition like kidney disease, diabetes or blood disorders. These are more serious and usually effect the very senior dogs.

Try not to worry, it may not be as bad as you think. It just looks scary and she may be fine. How old is Sydney and what breed is she?


Staff member
Feb 2, 2009
Sidney is a boxer and is 11 years old.
The weekend went ok not any better but not any worse. Her head is more tilted but bo big falls or anything. Seems like she has gotten used to her head being like that, she only falls her if she moves to fast.

Yes Nairbare her eyes did do that when she had the first big episode, and our vet is leaning to the VS also. All the blood work came back fine so nothing in the blood.
She is eating well and going out to go potty, and even spent some time with us on the deck this weekend. She does not want to miss anything by just laying around in side.


Gold Lairian
Notable Member
May 13, 2010
Eating, pooping, and going about her usual routine are great signs eventhough her head is still tilted. At 11 her recovery may be very slow. She may also live out her days with a lean. Tilt or no tilt I'm glad she is not in any pain and she is with her family that loves her.

Nair Bare

Mar 13, 2010
Glad to hear that Sidney is coping and on the road to recovery. It is never easy on us humans to watch our doggy family go thru a difficult time. Please keep us up-dated on her.