Hi all- my 4 y/o altered boy has been battling optic issues since 2007. To summarize, he started with epiphoria and squinting with dark, crusty drainage, and was put on Terramycin w/o much success. He underwent a nasolacrimal duct flush, and then placed on dexamethasone/antibiotic ointment post procedure. The eventual diagnosis was herpes, with bacterial over-infections due to the virus compromising his immunse system. He was put on Nalbuphine, erythromycin ointment, vidarabine and doxycycline oral. I also started him on l lysine. In spite of aggrssive treatments, he has never really resoved to the point of no squinting, redness or drainage. He has experienced symptoms in both eyes over the years. His therapies have also included oral azithromycin (weeks at a time) and most recently oral Famcyclovir. He has been followed by an opthamologist, but she is perplexed as to why none of these therapies had really gotten a hold of the symptoms. We are a multi-cat household, but all others are healthy, and I feel I keep the stress level at a minimum for him. ANY suggestions or treatment ideas would be appreciated.