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Ongoing Herpes-Requesting Input!!


Oct 17, 2009
Hi all- my 4 y/o altered boy has been battling optic issues since 2007. To summarize, he started with epiphoria and squinting with dark, crusty drainage, and was put on Terramycin w/o much success. He underwent a nasolacrimal duct flush, and then placed on dexamethasone/antibiotic ointment post procedure. The eventual diagnosis was herpes, with bacterial over-infections due to the virus compromising his immunse system. He was put on Nalbuphine, erythromycin ointment, vidarabine and doxycycline oral. I also started him on l lysine. In spite of aggrssive treatments, he has never really resoved to the point of no squinting, redness or drainage. He has experienced symptoms in both eyes over the years. His therapies have also included oral azithromycin (weeks at a time) and most recently oral Famcyclovir. He has been followed by an opthamologist, but she is perplexed as to why none of these therapies had really gotten a hold of the symptoms. We are a multi-cat household, but all others are healthy, and I feel I keep the stress level at a minimum for him. ANY suggestions or treatment ideas would be appreciated.


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V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Aug 4, 2009
That's really tough to hear and I am so sorry. Some of us on here have had battles with eye issues for a while. Many of us give Lysine to our companions, including myself. I am familiar with the Terramycin and Famcyclovir and have had success with both when it came to a few bad flare ups my little Stella was having with her FHV. I am not sure about what other treatments are out there, but there are many helpful members on this site that I am sure will come across this thread and will be able to assist you. I wish you lots of luck in your battle with these eye issues.

Sam lewis

V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Jun 8, 2009
Oh dear sorry he is having such a tough time with his eye. Hope you find something to help soon.


Dec 18, 2009
All I know in that big group of meds is erithromycin. Do any of the other ones contain amino acids? Have you tried an amino acid paste?


Staff member
Aug 23, 2009
All I can offer is a prayer for his recovery....and will gladly do so. Sending healing thoughts your way! Good luck in your quest for the treatment that does the trick!


May 4, 2009
Hi all- my 4 y/o altered boy has been battling optic issues since 2007. To summarize, he started with epiphoria and squinting with dark, crusty drainage, and was put on Terramycin w/o much success. He underwent a nasolacrimal duct flush, and then placed on dexamethasone/antibiotic ointment post procedure. The eventual diagnosis was herpes, with bacterial over-infections due to the virus compromising his immunse system. He was put on Nalbuphine, erythromycin ointment, vidarabine and doxycycline oral. I also started him on l lysine. In spite of aggrssive treatments, he has never really resoved to the point of no squinting, redness or drainage. He has experienced symptoms in both eyes over the years. His therapies have also included oral azithromycin (weeks at a time) and most recently oral Famcyclovir. He has been followed by an opthamologist, but she is perplexed as to why none of these therapies had really gotten a hold of the symptoms. We are a multi-cat household, but all others are healthy, and I feel I keep the stress level at a minimum for him. ANY suggestions or treatment ideas would be appreciated.

Hi samalan. Welcome to the forum! I feel your pain - I've been dealing with some ongoing eye issues with one of my cats. Just last week, he had a keratectomy for a corneal sequestrum. So, his situation is different than yours but both seem to be the result of that pesky herpes virus. Here's a list of the meds I've been using with Nelson, and perhaps you can run them by your vet or ophthalmologist to see if he/she thinks it might be a combination worth trying. For what it's worth, during the treatment on Nelson's right eye (where all the problems exist) he started to develop conjunctivitis and an ulcer in the left eye. So, I simply gave him this combination of meds in both eyes for a week and the left eye cleared up immediately.

Idoxuridine 0.1% Solution (this is an anti-viral that has to be compounded by a pharmacy, as it's not readily available on the market but I had no trouble finding it at all)
Tobramycin - antibiotic
Atropine - pain reliever (you probably don't need this, it's more for ulcers and to keep the eye dialated)
Interfuron - another one you probably wouldn't need, I think this was also to try to cure the sequestrum

Mostly, I just wanted to recommend the anti-viral drops. And, you mention you're giving your kitty Lysine but what quantity? I would be giving him 1000 mg per day until his eyes clear up and again when you see him having another herpes flare-up.

Best of luck to you. It is so frustrating!! Please keep us posted.


Staff member
Jan 13, 2009
Hi Samalan,
Sorry to hear about your Sphynx baby. Using Lysine was a good start. There is a product called Interferon which last I heard has not been scientifically tested but has been used for many years to treat feline herpes and other viruses. There has been few if any records of poor side effects, so I would imagine it would be worth a try. See your vet for availability. Have you had a PCR test to confirm its herpes?


May 28, 2009
Hi samalan. Welcome to the forum! I feel your pain - I've been dealing with some ongoing eye issues with one of my cats. Just last week, he had a keratectomy for a corneal sequestrum. So, his situation is different than yours but both seem to be the result of that pesky herpes virus. Here's a list of the meds I've been using with Nelson, and perhaps you can run them by your vet or ophthalmologist to see if he/she thinks it might be a combination worth trying. For what it's worth, during the treatment on Nelson's right eye (where all the problems exist) he started to develop conjunctivitis and an ulcer in the left eye. So, I simply gave him this combination of meds in both eyes for a week and the left eye cleared up immediately.

Idoxuridine 0.1% Solution (this is an anti-viral that has to be compounded by a pharmacy, as it's not readily available on the market but I had no trouble finding it at all)
Tobramycin - antibiotic
Atropine - pain reliever (you probably don't need this, it's more for ulcers and to keep the eye dialated)
Interfuron - another one you probably wouldn't need, I think this was also to try to cure the sequestrum

Mostly, I just wanted to recommend the anti-viral drops. And, you mention you're giving your kitty Lysine but what quantity? I would be giving him 1000 mg per day until his eyes clear up and again when you see him having another herpes flare-up.

Best of luck to you. It is so frustrating!! Please keep us posted.

I agree with Brooke 110%.

Our clinic also has had good success with using a 1:10 dilution of betadine solution to theratears.

I cannot speak highly enough of upping the dose of lysine, it cannot hurt in Enzo's case.


Oct 17, 2009
Thanks all for your interest and wishes! We are at our wits-end, but I will take your suggestions to my vet. His current l lysine dose is 375mg (125mg treats x 3)plus the chicken flavored sprinkled on his dry food. but I can certainly give him more. 1 gram dosing-any negatives to this large dose? In the meantime, I wil lincrease the dose.

He has not had a confirmative test. Perhaps I should have it done as he has not responded to the typical antiviral therapies. Best in the New Year.


May 4, 2009
Thanks all for your interest and wishes! We are at our wits-end, but I will take your suggestions to my vet. His current l lysine dose is 375mg (125mg treats x 3)plus the chicken flavored sprinkled on his dry food. but I can certainly give him more. 1 gram dosing-any negatives to this large dose? In the meantime, I wil lincrease the dose.

He has not had a confirmative test. Perhaps I should have it done as he has not responded to the typical antiviral therapies. Best in the New Year.

No, I've not personally had any negatives to giving my cats the large dose of Lysine, nor have I been able to find any information anywhere to indicate any problem with a dose that high. My ophthalmologist and my vet both recommended 1000mg during the herpes flares, and 250mg daily maintenance for life when there are no symptoms present.

It might benefit you to have the PCR test done. Most issues like these can be attributed to herpes, but since you aren't seeing any results... I know someone who had a similar problem, had the PCR done, and the test showed the eye problems were caused by Chlamydia, not herpes. Obviously, the treatment was different and they were finally able to clear it up. Best of luck!


Senior Lairian
Senior Lairian
Mar 8, 2009
That's really tough to hear and I am so sorry. Some of us on here have had battles with eye issues for a while. Many of us give Lysine to our companions, including myself. I am familiar with the Terramycin and Famcyclovir and have had success with both when it came to a few bad flare ups my little Stella was having with her FHV. I am not sure about what other treatments are out there, but there are many helpful members on this site that I am sure will come across this thread and will be able to assist you. I wish you lots of luck in your battle with these eye issues.

We were having similar issues with Kramer, we thought it was herpes but it would never really go away just get a little better then come back & finally took him to an Veterinary Ophthalmologist & they said it was either herpes or chlamydia infection.... so we put him on 4 weeks (for a chlamydia infection) of erythromycin & haven't had any issues besides a little eye infection just recently but nothing like what it was.