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Poop issues - help!


May 13, 2015
I've definitely posted about this before but here I am once again with the same problem. My bambino Luna will only poop outside of the litter box. This has been ongoing for almost 2 years - we have had to put down plastic on the floor that we can easily clean because she won't poop in the box.

Before we moved to our new house, she never did this! I have tried new litter, new litter boxes, extra litter boxes, and moved them to a new location. Nothing works. She does pee in the box but she does not poop.

I have speculated that because of her bambino size (she's a dwarf so her legs are very short) maybe she got uncomfortable pooping in the box for some reason - she is also a bit overweight so that could be a factor. But i asked my veterinarian and he said she is perfectly healthy. I thought maybe it has something to do with her butt getting dirty, which brings me to my next point...

Her butt is ALWAYS dirty. I have to clean it with baby wipes every single day. And I know many sphynx have this problem but hers is caked on there. My other boy Bane (who is a normal sphynx) does not have this problem. I switched their food to see if that would help and it didn't.

Any advice, suggestions, or simply owners with similar problems who can empathize is greatly appreciated!

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
my first sphynx had two litter boxes. a covered box ( with door flap removed with unscented clumping litter) and a low profile litter box with yesterday news unscented pellets. weirdo would pee in the clumping litter and get out and go poop in the low profile non hooded box with the pellets

Yoda mom

Staff member
Apr 23, 2012
hopeful members with bambino experience can chime in... hugs n head smooches

are you still in contact with Luna's breeder to ask for some advice/tips?


V.I.P Lairian
V.I.P Lairian
Aug 8, 2017
I have two litter boxes and my kitty will pee in one and poop in the other. Don’t know if it makes a difference but the one she pees in has high walls and the one she poops in does not have high walls.

My kitty pooped on my towels once ( her litter boxes are in my laundry room). It only happened once and it happened, I think, because I hadn’t cleaned her boxes in a few days. Now I make sure to clean it every day or every other day. She hasn’t pooped on my towels since!


May 13, 2015
my first sphynx had two litter boxes. a covered box ( with door flap removed with unscented clumping litter) and a low profile litter box with yesterday news unscented pellets. weirdo would pee in the clumping litter and get out and go poop in the low profile non hooded box with the pellets
That's a good idea. I have tried multiple litters at the same time before but I might give yesterday news a try - I'm all about recycled litter and have never heard of this one!

Spoiled Spnynx

Oct 28, 2016
I know I am a lil late to the poop party, well ok a lot late. Have you resolved your issue? I use Worlds Best Cat Litter, expensive you say, yes and no I use it because it is just corn so natural biodegradable, flushable, one of the best things abut this litter is that since you scoop it out and flush it, you can put more in if it gets to low, but you can actually go a month without changing the entire box. So on my days off I will go and scoop her box 2-3 times a day, work days it is probably 1-2 times, the urine forms a ball in the litter so it is no problem I scoop it put it in a little trash can and then go flush it. So essentially her box is always clean. So I have watched her pee and she puts her front paws on the side of the box and back feet are in the box and just pees in the litter and when she poops it is in the other side of the box and she occasionally will cover her stool, but not all the time. This is not a problem because it does not really have a bad odor. So maybe your lil baby stands on the side like my Krissy does, but does not want to get in all the way to poop. But I just went back up and read your post again. And your baby did not do this before you moved? Then she is trying to tell you something. Have you changed her box or anything after you moved in? And just to make it easier on her I would look for a plastic container will low sides and turn it into a litter box, so she does not have to work at getting in her box. And if all else fails I would talk to a cat behaviorist. I don't know where you live, I but in Boise Idaho where I live we have a 24hour emergency vet hospital and they have a cat behaviorist. It is called West Vet actually it is in Garden City Idaho. Boise is like a whole bunch of lil towns that run into one another. Their phone # is (208) 375-1600 and the email is westvet.net they may be able to help you unless you have already resolved your issue. In which case maybe it can help another. Best luck and best wishes to you and your naked family.